August 17, 2014

Texe Marrs Podcast 8/8/2014 - jew Secrets

Texe Marrs uncovers news and secrets the jew controlled mass jew media dare not report.

*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post


  1. I've never heard Texe so distraught before. He really is angry and pained over the havoc being wrought by the Zio-Talmudist powers. At one point in the podcast -- around the 10 minute mark) -- he addresses those Christians who ignorantly align themselves with the Zionist wars against the Iraqis, and berates them, telling them to 'shut up!'.

    He calls for and insists on the criminal arrest of their Goyisher cohorts, Bush and Blair and all the current leaders in the West who have been bought and sold.

  2. Do you realize that you are believing in the Jew holy book, the Bible, all written by Jews, then turn around and speak about the horrors of these lying, thieving, criminal bastards throughout history.
    The entire god nonsense of the psychopathic god of the O.T. is a fairy tale. Yet, you bible believers are following and believing the very same insanity of the psychopathic jews. Jew Jesus, promoted poverty, passive living to do what the government tells you, and praying to the psycho god. Geez, stop it people and THINK...try it sometimes.

  3. Do you, phyllis66, realise you are believing in the Babylonian-Jew holy book, the Talmud, all written by Pharasaic Jews, then turn around and speak about the horrors of these lying, thieving, criminal Luciferians throughout history.
    The entire atheism nonsense of the psychopathic self-worshipers of the Talmudic-Zoharist-Kabbalah is a fairy tale. Yet, you subscribers to the Talmudic paradigm are following and believing the very same insanity of the psychopathic Synagogue of Satan. The false messiah, -- corporeal Judaica -- promotes poverty, passive living to do what the government tells you, and serving to the psycho god, The State. Geez, stop it sheeple and THINK...try it sometimes.

  4. The problem with the above post is the same problem you see in nearly all "replies" from christians - the assumption that if you "attack" christianity then you must be an "atheist". Of the MANY different alternative viewpoints to christianity (or other Judaic/Abrahamic religion), atheism is probably the stupidest but also the most diametrically opposed so it is convenient to use at every opportunity as a divide-and-conquer label. This technique of Red Team vs Blue Team could not more clearly be exemplified than in the two above posts being seen together like that. Those who don't play team sports glance occasionally from the vast wonderland outside the fences and ponder how sad it is that so many herd animals are so easily crammed into one tiny pen or the other to live out their controlled existences...


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