August 05, 2014

The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.08.05

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Dennis Cimino, a writer for Veterans Today who has also appeared on Dr. Jim Fetzer's radio program The Real Deal a number of times. Dennis and I will be discussing 9/11 and related subjects.

Below are relevant links for this program:
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)
A View From The Bog



  1. 27 minutes in, Dennis Cimino rightly called out Michael Rivero's highly suspicious behaviour, in not only saying that Flight 77 did hit the Pentagon, but attacking those who say it didn't. Cimino even went as far as calling Rivero a shill.

    I've frankly had enough of Rivero with his behaviour in certain cases, and while there can be a difference of opinion with certain things, to go and attack people for their views, as he recently did on his site in 2013 subsequent to his October appearance on the Jewish Zionist chauvinist show, Coast to Coast AM, when he re-posted the article about the "pod people," betrays a very likely ulterior motive on his part.

    Charles Giuliani even called Rivero out when he was on his previous network. And now that Rivero is back on GCN, he deserves being aggressively cited and questioned any chance there is when the topic of 9/11 comes up on any big show, including his own.

  2. The Holocaust is fraudulent; but everything this Cimino guy says about the Holocaust is incorrect. I deem this Cimino to be a BS peddler. He made it sound like he had some sort of detailed knowledge, but none of it holds up to any scrutiny.

  3. 55 minutes in, Cimino cited John Lear's piloting expertise and conclusions about the plane movements in the videos of the South Tower hit not being aerodynamically possible.

    He is right to value Lear's expert assessment as a pilot, but Lear has injected poison into it, with a big recent example being his 2012 April Fool's Coast to Coast AM appearance, where he claimed that 2 billion entities were living on the Moon, and that Bigfoot is from Mars. And no, it wasn't an April Fool's joke, since he has asserted both of these in the past, and in a 2003 interview with Art Bell, where he talked about the impossibility of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, he also claimed that Venus has a breathable atmosphere.

    Even if any of those things were actually true, it immediately discredits his legitimate 9/11 claims in the minds of most of the public who hear it.

  4. I find many of your truth movement personality profiles lacking, FC (and usually you don't care to answer my reasonable criticisms), but I agree that Lear, plainly, is unsuitable for the role of expert witness.

  5. Nick,

    I've done a first response to every criticism you've had. I have many interests, and I don't intend to continually respond to everything anyone poses to me.

  6. I wish that you feel a moral responsibility to back up accusations of complicity in mass murder or cover-up when challenged, Jason.

  7. Actually, and as you should know from being a careful reader of my comments on here, and a listener to my radio show, I am of the view, based on my research, that most or all of the purported victims on 9/11 are fake.

    But beyond that, and more importantly, I have only publicly implicated a very limited number of individuals as being disinfo agents, in my view, and they are Ace Baker, the Webfairy and John Lear.

    And I did so for the very specific reason that some people may otherwise think that the above-mentioned people are just plain crazy, as opposed to very deliberate disinfo agents. For example, Ace Baker's faked suicide, the Webfairy looking all shifty on her Harold Channer interviews, and John Lear's claims about the Moon, Venus and Bigfoot.

    As for others such as Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and those put out as 9/11 Truthers, such as Richard Gage, David Ray Griffin, I have pointed out concerns I have about their actions and behaviour, and you can just as easily search through Griffin's book on Cass Sunstein's memo as easily as I can and get the answer to your belated questions after asking me a question about some clear allegations I made that anyone can verify.

    I am suspicious of Gage particularly, and I would say Griffin's two omissions about Israel are cause for concern, but they know what they are doing for reasons best known to themselves and lacking the kind of evidence I have to draw similar conclusions about them as I did with the Webfairy, Baker and Lear, I am leaving my statements on them as is.


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