September 11, 2014

No Cigar

Maybe it started with The Wizard of Oz, but it’s gotten completely out of hand. First there was al-Qaeda (“The Base“), apparently a name invented by the U.S. Justice Department to link a series of attacks to Osama bin Laden. But this newest ISIS franchise, conveniently billed as “too violent for al-Qaeda,” has taken off and its popularity makes “Breaking Bad” look like a Jr. High School class play. In rural Wyoming. But the script needs some patching.
It looks like Uncle Sam’s scripting team is recycling those “scary Muslim” memes left over from 9/11. The problem is, that all goes against the basic teachings of Islam and most other religions. Maybe they’re hopeing critical thinking in the target audience will be Missing In Action. Or, perhaps, AWOL, since they’ve been scripting as if it’s been gone for a long time.
***Read full article here***


  1. So you are saying, Nick Dean, that all Muslims are terrorists? I think perhaps you might reconsider your wording to be a tad less inclusive?

    Fanatics are fanatics, extremists you might say. Mercenaries are mercenaries ~ until they are twisted with fanaticism ~ then they become uber terrorists like we see happening here, and have since the inception of al Qaeda.

    I can guarantee you that my Syrian Muslim auto mechanic who fled here decades ago but has lost so much family back in the home country and is a leading light in our community might disagree with you somewhat.

    As much as it seems the implementation of Shariah law bothers you, have you not considered that (I am presuming you are in the US) you already live under the Noahides?

    Part of the cynical cruelty behind the creation of ISIL is to continue with the East vs West Clash of Civilization. You bought the bait.

  2. Christian Zionists have the correct interpretation of the bible so do the ISIS bastards correctly interpret the Qur'an.The people who don't act like those two piece of shit groups aren't actually following the poisonous religions

  3. Christian Zionist hold to the very twisted, and non-biblical eschatalogical theology of dispensational premillennialism that is constantly being promoted by jewish controlled publishing houses and media.

  4. Even if you just read and only follow what the bible says correctly, you hold a Zionist point of view

  5. No. You would have an anti-zionist, anti-modern state of Israel, anti-jewist supremacist, and anti-talmudic point of view.


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