October 23, 2014

James Corbett Breaks The Set on The Federal Reserve



  1. James Corbett is such a fraud! It has been poined out to him - countless times that the fed was created by congress - and it's charter has been changed over 87 times since 1913! Corbett keeps talking about Ron Paul's Edit the. Fed Bill - both james and Dr. Paul know that the FED IS Audited every year by law it's called A CAFR and is available on the Fed Web Site Every Year.. The Audit is complete to every pencil and eraser! This is a Patriot Myth to waste so much time and effort! Sighh

  2. truth and reality,more good work by JC,,,,,,

  3. the Fed is an evil tool was used to hijack america. I agree don't audit it, abolsih the fucker

  4. James Corbett in the New World Next Week.. made mocking fun of those who claimed the Fed is Audited. See Episode Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iwh5IFAp6k&list=PL76811BED737C18BC&index=6 See 9 Minute 45 Second Mark. Clearly James does not Understand the Audit.. He is misleading viewers, and listeners: The US Code He lists applies to the Comptroller General's Report.. not the CAFR! >>here:


    In it are listed what is excluded from the Comptrollers separate audit, according to U.S. Code Title 31 Section 714, in Corbett's video. So again, let's show here that the CAFR is the full audit, whereas the Comptrollers personal audit is for show to fool the idiocracy, and Ron Paul still won't talk about or reference the CAFR despite the fact that this info is in it.

    Look in the table of contents, and you'll see: Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings..... 123

    Meeting Held on January 24–25, 2012
    ..................................................................................... 124
    Meeting Held on March 13, 2012
    ..................................................................................... 156
    Meeting Held on April 24–25, 2012
    ..................................................................................... 166
    Meeting Held on June 19–20, 2012
    ..................................................................................... 191
    Meeting Held on July 31–August 1, 2012
    ..................................................................................... 216
    Meeting Held on September 12–13, 2012
    ..................................................................................... 227
    Meeting Held on October 23–24, 2012
    ..................................................................................... 251
    Meeting Held on December 11–12, 2012
    ..................................................................................... 261

    Oh, but wait a minute, that's not supposed to be in the audit, according to title 31!!! Lol! It's not just listed, it's the actual minutes from their meetings!!! That's because section 714 has nothing to do with the CAFR, exactly as I said, and neither does fraud Ron Paul's bill. In other words, Congress wrote that section to specifically keep that information out of its purview. They don't want it to be talked about in congress! And they want the Fed to deny this info in public forums!!! >>In the INDEX at the end of the report, we find other things that are restricted from the Comptrollers audit but are listed of course in the full and comprehensive annual report (full audit):

    Foreign currency operations:
    Authorization, 128 –130
    Denominated assets, 355–356, 372–374
    Directives, 130
    Liquidity swaps, 357, 374
    Procedural instructions, 130–138
    Foreign economies, 133–134, 158, 169, 195–196

    Securities credit, 74

    Open Market Desk, 16–17, 41 ,46
    Open market operations. See also Federal Open Market Committee
    Volume of transactions, 289–290

    Depository institutions
    Deposits, 19–20, 359
    Discount rates, 121–122
    Loans to, 363–364
    Reserve requirements, 292
    Reserves of, 294–295, 298–301

    etc etc etc The Fed Needs to be Replaced.. but there needs to be a Specific Plan..not just another Audit.. with no plan to replace it. The Powers that Be already are phasing the FED Out.. to be replaced by a World Currency! Dr. Paul Knows this and so does Mr. Corbett.. it's just another telling of the Patriot Myth to keep those Donations coming in!


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