October 26, 2014

No Agenda Episode 664 - "Boss Ass Look" - 2014.10.26

TODAY; Seattle School Shooting; Ebola; EuroLand; F-Russia; Syria; Caliphate!; Chip & Pin; Armageddon; NA-Tech; Bank$ters; SnowJobs; SDR; Chiner$; Fast n Furious; Vaccine$; Agenda 21; War on tweeters, and all your usual listening whilst floating in a Sensory-Deprivation-Tank favourites...hang on? Isn't "Hearing" a sense?

Possibly the gayest No Agenda Artwork Ever! The Sunday Show.



  1. POSSIBLY THE GAYEST ART.is the key word http://noagendaartgenerator.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/overlay_two128/artsubs/1633/27-02-2014/gay%20dog%20republican2.jpg

  2. Adam is aware of Jewish question but won't address it directly. He chews around the issue dropping hints here and there about Jewish power but not enough to offend the show's financial contributors. John on the other hand is a Zionist.

    1. I agree... Adam is bi...
      This reminds me of a protest outside the White House when I visited DC... Two guys were holding a anti Assad protest sign... I started talking to one about how we are fooled into every war and that every war gets aproved by the fed owners 1st before the propaganda sells it to the people... One of the guys was agreeing with me 100% but the other guy told him to shut up and do his job... He was being payed to hold the sign... The guy was gay obviously and had little to no courage to stand up to the other guy telling him to shut up... Gay guys and bi's are no match to the Jewish Powers... But so are 98% percent of men... Adam is John's Bitch...
      I still like the Show but show 666 will be the last show I'm going to listen too... The donation and no Jew Agenda is getting old to listen too...

  3. To be fair, that's artwork created by their listeners Craw. Not by themselves.
    & Maasa? I know Dvorak is both a columnist, and an ordained Minister in the "Universal Life Church".
    Where does he come across as a rabid Zionist though?

  4. Do these guys go along with the offical 9/11 story ? if they cant even get the simplest of things they are twats. I tryed to listen once and they started going on about stupid 9/11 truthers that was enough for me.

  5. @foon1e - He's praised Israel in past episodes and said he loves visiting there. I don't remember which episode it was but around March or April 2014 and John was almost hysterical in defense of Israel. He must have got a note about it from listeners as I haven't heard him praise Israel since then.

    @nineone onetimefortruth
    They don't promote the official story and Adam has even suggested the possibility of Mossad being behind the attacks, or at least suggested that it was a viable 9/11 theory.

  6. Guess that's why his nickname is "The Buzzkill".
    I'll continue to post the show for those who just want 3 hrs of "Edutainment" then,instead of whatever dogma is the "Conspiracy Du Jour".

  7. @foon1e - thanks, I enjoy the show. I agree with a lot of their views and can look past the fact that they are no Jew agenda lol

  8. Indeed they are not! ...Hmmm...what's that Whine?? Anyone else hear that sound? Mental Midgets are banned from this blog...so buzz away Gay-Boy...and we'll just keep swatting you .


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