October 23, 2014

Swiss Company Feels Real Bad for Putting Hitler on Its Coffee Creamers

How do you like your coffee? WHITE!!
Migros, Switzerland’s largest grocery and cafe retail chain, is apologizing after consumers discovered images of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini on their coffee creamer packages. The story broke when a reader sent the German-language newspaper 20 Minuten a picture of the Hitler creamer.


  1. Maybe it's not such a bad idea...putting their faces on coffee creamer....so we do not forget and repeat.
    Some day, we could have pictures of notorious individuals like Obama, Bush, Cheney, Kissinger, Stalin, Che, Mao, Sharon, Netanyahu...various war criminals, Marxists, Trotskyites, Zionists, Neocons, Limousine Liberals, and the media whores that bring these scum to power - on the back of milk cartons with the caption,
    "Have You Seen Me Lately? No? Consider Yourself Lucky."

  2. @ coincidenceskeptic

    In the case of all the others you named I agree with the sentiment that we "do not forget and repeat". However you seem to be very confused or maybe just (conveniently) ignorant of the truth of history regarding Adolf Hitler. It is most likely the return of a true people's leader like him (unlike the "rulers" you named) or at the very least an awakening to the truth of what was really at stake that will ultimately bring the downfall of the disgusting, deceitful self-appointed elites that currently pull the wool over everyone's eyes.

    Remember Adolf Hitler's prophecy and look around at the growing evidence that it might indeed be gaining more widespread traction...

    "My spirit will rise from the grave. One day the world will see that I was right."

    PS. coincidenceskeptic, I suggest you back to "Truth School" LOL!

  3. What we need is the true education of knowledge regarding the Jews and Hitler. Until the USA gets to read the facts see the truth, they will continue in their ignorance regarding this man and his nation.
    Deliberate knowledge hidden from the population for half a century or longer by the controllers of information, has resulted in an entire Country that is most ignorant on the real truth.


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