November 18, 2014

An exhaustive examination of the claims made by the author of the Skeptic's Annotated Bible (SAB).

Do the alleged absurdities and contradictions stack up?

***Find out here***

The Great Debate: Does God Exist? Dr. Greg Bahnsen versus Dr. Gordon Stein


  1. Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution, 7 short videos:

  2. That's a link worth checking out, as I have read through the Skeptic's Annotated Bible, and have found it to be somewhat useful and very entertaining.

    While it is good to put out different information for the purpose of individual truth seeking, I join with those who say it's not good to have an ongoing theological or atheological war against Christianity and Christians when we are in our current plight, as Christianity is inextricably linked with Western civilization for almost 2000 years -- like it or not -- and some of the greatest defenders of morality in the early-mid 1900s were Roman Catholics, as I mentioned on my appearance with Kyle Hunt.

    Most people didn't come to religion through an analytical appraisal of the evidence, so I find it unlikely that they will similarly leave or change their religion that way, either, and they certainly won't do it when they feel they and their personal beliefs are being attacked.

    That's why these discussions make for great play on shows like Charles Giuliani's, where you know what you're getting, and if you don't, you will soon find out!

  3. once again whooli i am not denying there is a god, I don't know if one exists. I don't fall for evolution or big bang which is just as retarded as Christianity. The only problem with mainstream atheism is that it teaches Marxism, moral relativism, and a trust in the mainstream scientific communities, and pro faggot themes.

  4. I would just like to add, Charles Giuliani has never touched on the topic of why the gnostic sects equated YAHWEH\YHWH (god of the old testament and the hebrew torah, or foonle1 for that matter, with Satan himself? And why did the Nazarene sect reject the books of Moses? Clearly this shows that the old testament was written by Jews (Saul of Tarsus\Paul the Apostle) to connect it with Jesus of Nazareth. The entire bible is nonsense. This does not however disprove the teachings of Jesus or his life. In fact, the gnostic texts are very different than the scriptures found in the bible.

    So, if Jesus was of the Nazarene sect, he obviously knew that the Jewish god Yahweh was Satan!

    "...A common characteristic of some of these groups was the teaching that the realisation of Gnosis (esoteric or intuitive knowledge) is the way to salvation of the soul from the material world. They saw the material world as created through an intermediary being (the demiurge) rather than directly by God. In most of the systems, this demiurge was seen as imperfect, in others even as evil. Different gnostic schools sometimes identified the demiurge as Ahriman, El, Saklas, Samael, Satan, Yaldabaoth, or Yahweh."

  5. Hey do you have any links to these Gnostic texts. You should bring it up on his show when he returns

  6. 'alcoholics, drug-addicts, literally mentally-ill and mentally-disabled, and other such miscreants'
    for not following the man who says to leave your family and love the enemy, to never defy the secular leadership of the community you live in and never try to escape your slaver no matter how cruel


    Start here

  8. On the one hand we have the fact that the Catholic Church built Western Civilization. On the other hand, we have zero civilization built on atheism. In fact, the greatest mass murdering governments of all time, USSR and Red China, were atheistic.

    CB shares this nugget: "The only problem with mainstream atheism is that it teaches Marxism, moral relativism, and a trust in the mainstream scientific communities, and pro faggot themes."

    Maybe you are beginning to catch on that the reason why mass-murdering, degeneracy promoting societies are atheistic is because it is a false belief. And the reason why the Church spawned Western science and universities, architecture, law and art is because it is a true belief.

  9. @Christopher Marlowe

    i fully agree!

  10. @Marlowe
    No the USSR and China were Jewish states, communism is a Jewish invention. When atheists spoke out against these governments they faced the same treatment as the Christians

    I should re phrase what I said, the only problem with mainstream atheism is that it promotes and associates itself with Marxism, moral relativism, and a trust in the mainstream scientific communities, and pro faggot themes, which it does not need to do.
    The reason why western civilization flourished is because it was built by white men. The origins of western society were built by Romans and Greeks. Other European societies built on top of what Rome and Greece had created.They were able to build many great things is because they were smart, not because they were catholic. This is evident when you look at Latin America and African societies who are among the staunchest Catholics, but have no society great civilization to show for.

    The reason why the church buildings were the nicest is the same reason why the king of an empire has the biggest and nicest castle, is because they held large amounts of power and financial wealth at the time.
    Look at NS Germany, a nation built on Aryan principles not Christianity. That was one of the wealthiest in the world and tolerated Christianity. He was able to more effectively combat the power of the Jews in two years, than the catholic church was able to do for centuries.

    What about the Ottoman empire,are you going to say that Islam built it or was it the inelegance of the Turks. what about the advanced Asian societies of China and Japan that weren't built by Christianity.

    The virtues of the white man and other races are ingrained into our being from birth, we don't need this ridiculous religion to prosper and survive.

    The Catholic church also made all the nations read the bible and performed mass in Latin for centuries. They also never forbade Jews from charging Usury onto the Christians.

    The catholic church doesn't even follow the bible. Yes I am aware of the passage which says build a church on the rock, but where in the bible does it say to worship a cross, the communion, drinking the blood and eating the flesh, the confessional,and setting up a state or country, and the creation of a priest class.

  11. Mike Wells chews psychopathic jew god lover Berend de Boer on this long thread. It's embarrassing really:

  12. Another shameful Berend de Boer debate

  13. @Christian Branquhino: I take it you don't even really understand the meaning of what it means to be Aryan, you still believe the Jewish lie that Aryanism is ethnicity based?

    Secondly, I take it you have studied much in regards to NS Germany, Hitler, or Christianity?

    Do you not realize that the NSDAP completely threw out the old testament from conical scripture, and supplemented the gnostic texts of the Cathars and the Holy Twelve instead?

    Your arguments are based on Judeo-Christianity, which Catholicism is based upon.

    I take it you really have no idea what you are talking about, like so many that hang around this blog...

    Jesus of Nazareth was an Aryan! But, since you don't know what an Aryan truly is, you probably are incapable of seeing that. Did you know that Hitler himself recognized the Sioux Indians as Aryans in 1935'ish? You still think Aryanism has to do with skin color, or ethnicity? If so, then you have swollowed the biggest of the Jewish lies hook line and sinker...

    “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them … How terrific was his fight for the world against the Jewish poison!” – Adolf Hitler

  14. Why are you all so keen about Western Civilization? You all really believe that it is that great? Adolf Hitler did not agree, so why do you invoke his name when speaking about Western Civilization?

    “I feel much more sympathetically inclined to the lowliest Hindu than to any of these arrogant islanders [British]. Later on, the Germans will be pleased that they did not make any contribution to the survival of an out-dated state of affairs for which the world of the future would have found it hard to forgive them.” - Adolf Hitler

  15. What is Arianism based off then?

    Just because he spoke out against England, didn't mean he was against western civilization

  16. Aryan's are neither Herders or Hunter gatherers for one! Nor do they have herder or hunter blood flowing through their veins!

    “Our ancestors were all peasants. There were no hunters amongst them — hunters are only degenerate peasants.” – Adolf Hitler

    Clue Two: “In the Aryan mind no religion can ever be imagined unless it embodies the conviction that life in some form or other will continue after death. As a matter of fact, the Talmud is not a book that lays down principles according to which the individual should prepare for the life to come. It only furnishes rules for a practical and convenient life in this world.” – Adolf Hitler

    “If one wished to describe the history of the Aryans, he would have to admit that today the Aryan has vanished except for a few very small traces.” – Alfred Rosenberg

    This is why Hitler would consider Jesus of Nazareth aka Eashoa Msheekhah an Aryan.

    “The society which was created after the NSDAP achieved power was in many ways a compromise. Hitler himself admitted (to Leon Degrelle among others) that it would be the next generation – the Hitler Youth generation – which would create a genuine National-Socialist society. Organizations such as the SS and the Hitler Youth were steps toward the creation of such a National-Socialist society, and it was these organizations which implemented the ideal of personal honour, and respect for others, of whatever race and culture. As Hitler and his true followers, such as Rudolf Hess, matured in understanding, so too did National-Socialism. National-Socialism was not born, fully-developed and fully-understood, in the early years of the NSDAP – it developed slowly, over several decades. Thus, as Hitler admitted, Mein Kampf was never intended to be some kind of bible of National-Socialism: it was the product of its time.” – David Myatt

  17. @CB: If you wish to know what Aryanism truly is, here is the best place to start your research:

  18. The reason why the church buildings were the nicest is the same reason why the king of an empire has the biggest and nicest castle, is because they held large amounts of power and financial wealth at the time.

    Jews have all the money and power now. They build like they look

  19. Thanks for all your great posts, Whooli. Keep up the good fight.

  20. Christopher Marlowe said...

    (1) On the one hand we have the fact that the Catholic Church built Western Civilization. (2) On the other hand, we have zero civilization built on atheism. (3) In fact, the greatest mass murdering governments of all time, USSR and Red China, were atheistic.

    (1) So the pre-christian civilizations weren't actually "civilizations"?

    (2) Back to the usual, very predictable & very simplistic (childish) "all non-christians are athiests" retardation (sigh).

    (3) I wonder how the stats would look if we actually added up all the mass murders committed by christians during all the crusades and all the wars fought for gawd against "heathens" in the last 2000+ years? Methinks it certainly at least would be no better, so yet again just another very biased but ultimately mute argument as always...

  21. Itzda Joos, man I really appreciate what you're trying to do but one thing i can tell you about christians is they always have an answer even if it's complete horse shit. That's all that Berend de Boer does-just giving answers, these long winded rationalizations and CM does the same. They could never admit that their jew god is a psychopathic, evil piece of shit. Trust me though they will always have a shit answer but to them an answer.


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