November 11, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.11.11

Dr. David Duke has a great show today which includes a discussion of one of the greatest and most popular writers of all time and the publishing of the 100th anniversary edition of one of London's last novels which is a metaphor of the Jewish extremist takeover of European nations. The book is called The Mutiny of the Elsinore and it is about a European man who stymies a Jewish led mutiny on a Western Clipper ship and in doing so rediscovers his own manhood and the roots of his heroic heritage. An inspiring book that is now being published by David Duke and it includes a lengthy introduction of Jack London, with pictures which will inspire every reader. In the last part of the show Dr. Duke is joined by Dr. Slattery and they discuss London and they discuss the shifting of American public opinion away from Israel! An inspiring show and one to savor and share!

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  1. Slattery came on and was attempting to give agreeable voice to Buchanan's claim that England would have been better off not making war with Germany, in spite of Hitler's "overstepping" (so-claimed) after the Munich agreement.

    To his credit, Duke tries to correct Slattery about Hitler's alleged overstepping and, claiming to have thoroughly studied this historical episode, offered a correct and instructive revelation (to Slattery) that Hitler did NOT commit any "overstepping" after the Munich agreement (in which the Western diplomats and press all made much ballyhoo over Hitler signing the Munich agreement in which he allegedly claimed he had "no additional demands", territorially, after getting England to agree with the reuniting of the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia back into the Reich).

    This was pure balderdash, from the moment Chamberland got off his returning plane in England, where he was filmed waiving that piece of paper with his hand high in the air. Duke points out that what Hitler actually said was the he had no NEW demands (over the demands that he had already made, often, and for years, which INCLUDED, in particular, those German lands in West Prussia that were stolen after WWI and placed under harsh Polish occupation).

    But Chamberland, along with the rest of the western war-mongers, mistranslated Hitler's admission as not seeking any relief for the besieged Germans under Polish occupation. So, naturally, when Hitler (and the bulk of the German volk) decided to finally invaded Poland to save the plight of mistreated Germans, Chamberland et al could make the false claim that Hitler wanted to conquer the whole world because he had gone back on his word in Munich.

    That bunk, from 1939, has been so thoroughly exposed as puredee western disinfo (to convince the west to make war with Germany), that it leaves us bewildered why modern "historians" (so called) continue to promote this phoney baloney depiction of Hitler (going back on his word). Even after Duke gave Slattery the benefit of Duke's explanation about Hitler's guiltless actions in the matter, Slattery STILL HELD FIRM, and relaxed his description of Hitler "overstepping" to "whatever overstepping Hitler MAY have done", thereby allowing him to promote Buchanan's thesis in his book about England being better of NOT to make war with Germany.

    That makes my blood boil. Slattery was so intent on making his point about Buchanan's book, that he still could not simply accept the correct revelation Duke was providing (about Hitler's TRUE WORDS at MUNICH), and he could only retreat back to a position where "MAYBE" Hitler overstepped. What a numbskull. If Slattery would have simply accepted the complete lack of any guilt on Hitler's part, then his comment about Buchanan's book would have been moot, and, I guess Slattery just had to have his word there, being stubborn and refusing to finally accept that Hitler did NOT EVER OVERSTEP anything he agreed to at Munich.

    History is important, and, learning about the false propaganda used by the west to trump up a case against Germany is very important, and, I really get peeved when someone who COULD be useful in trumpeting the whole truth just can't bring himself around to it, and has to go on lending credence to the phoney tales against Hitler and the 3rd reich.

    Duke was polite about it, and didn't press Slattery on this matter because Duke and Slattery are pals and Duke has Slattery on his show often. But I am no pal of anyone who still persists bellowing out those tired old lies used to make war with Germany, so, in the future, anytime I hear that Slattery will be speaking, I'll just TUNE OUT.

  2. lol duke finally got ignored by the engineer
    his special priviledge has been revoked
    no more "skip this break engineer" for dukey baby

  3. hi Jlynn Littleberry

    you're passioante about ww2 and hitler
    you might be interested in a podcast i recently listened to
    - deanna spingola interviewing hans krampe

    @1.12 a caller (mike from maryland) asked about putin
    then he said all world leaders in the last 100 years are controlled by the nwo
    including old adolf - referring to him as a mere puppet
    and @1.19 he calls hitler a tyrant and a monster

    the host and guest failed to convince him otherwise
    can you do better?
    how would you put mike on the right track?

  4. Air-ono, no one can change the mind unless there is an honest quest for truth, and a genuine willingness to question long held and fundamental assumptions. I listened to that broadcast at the time, and I just dismissed that caller as an opinionated Hitler-basher, as are many of those in my own circle of friends and relatives. I don't even try to change anyone's mind.

    What turned me around, to where I was at least willing to explore the possibility we were told lies about WW2, was reading the book, "Which Way Western Man", by Gaylord Simpson. I read it twice before I was able to break free from my own upbringing as a liberal, FDR loving, die-hard unionist and multicultural adherent. Once a person feels the earth shaking tremors from the first doubts about his philosophical underpinnings, then he is finally ready to undergo a proper study for truth, absent all the prior prejudices he was brought up with.

    As to the character of Hitler, there is an online book, "The Making of a Fuhrer", by Walter Smoter Frank here:

    It is very instructional reading, and I recommend it for anyone who wants the benefit of an american who had the time to go to Germany and investigate, without fanfare and any prejudiced agenda, the upbringing and early character of Adolph Hitler. But I was unable to stop reading this online book, once I started, so be prepared to find yourself engulfed in it for the couple of days it takes to finish it.

    The rise in popularity of Hitler, and the party he led, not only amongst Germans but other Europeans as well, is something that defies any anti-Hitler bashers, unless one swallows that ridiculous claim of mass hypnosis of the population (which I myself accepted like a dumb sheep before stopping to question it with a clear head). Even a territory populated by half French and half Germans (the Saarland) voted to be part of the Reich (in 1936) by a 70% margin, which meant that close to half of the French residents chose Hitler over their own French government.

    I had to ask myself why was I so arrogant as to not accept this (and other) well-document vote counts to mean that the people right there at that time, with the benefit of knowing the pertinent facts at that time, would make such a choice. They must have known something that we, decades later here, are just not aware of.

    Once you realize that lies were told to us about Hitler, by our own leaders who we trust to tell us THE TRUTH, then you are compelled to dig deeper, wondering how many other lies have you been told.
    I came to the point that our leaders have zero credibility with me - they all jumped on the disinformation bandwagon and are still riding that stinkpot of a carriage to this very day.

    But it is futile to discuss this with someone who is not ready to question his own fundamental assumptions - that is a touch nut to crack, but, it is very liberating to step back and consider that you have been skating on thin ice with your own assumptions about how things are.

    No, I am actually not passionate about it, but I get peeved when I see intelligent people who COULD be of a great service to the public, hem themselves in with a closed mind.

  5. wow, much appreciated response
    you're a great writer

    yeah, it's difficult to break free of the lies
    ala, to give a rather trite analogy of father xmas exists... because... because he's everywhere, right, in department stores, and department stores don't lie, right, and tommy even said so, so ipso facto, santa is real, right


  6. Thanks for the complement - as for your apt analogy, a long time ago I got fed up with the perverted defilement of our race's traditional yuletide festivities, and quit participating. I buy gifts for my loved ones all throughout the year, but, they all know not to expect anything from me between Thanksgiving and the New year.

    If you happen to read that online book:

    I'd sure appreciate you making a further comment here as to your impression. So far, I can't get a single one of anybody in my little circle over here to even take a look at it. The very word, "Hitler", has been imprinted into their minds as something akin to Satan, or the devil, and they wind up depriving themselves of a wonderful read. I think this is absolutely one of the best books I have ever read, and, I am surprised it was never published. I emailed the author about that, and he wrote me back saying several publishers wanted to publish it (as a hardcover book) and allowed as he had written a masterpiece, but, after a favorable initial interview, they would all go silent, until, finally, he got the word via back channels that his book failed to paint ole' Adolph in a bad light, so, it was never going to see the light of day, outside his own website. I hope you read it and respond.


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