November 15, 2014

John B. Wells Interviews John Lear 10/13/14

The wild and wacky world of John Lear.  Son of William Lear (founder of Lear Jet), John Lear has lead a fascinating life to say the least. His interest in UFO's and conspiracy date back 30 years.  Lear had a short collaboration with William Cooper back in the 1990's when they released the 'diver shot Kennedy' video, before having an epic falling-out between themselves.  Lear was also involved in the Dulce revelations as well as speaking about underground military bases located around the country.

While certainly an interesting interview, there's  no way of telling  how much of it is true.  Put on your waders before queueing this one up. Crack open a beer and enjoy Lear's unique perspective of this world and beyond.   

Download:  JB Wells Interviews John Lear 10/13/14


  1. These sorts of interviews are entertaining, to be sure.

    But his April Fool's 2012 Coast to Coast AM appearance with John B. Wells was no joke, as he wasn't kidding when he claimed 2 billion entities live on the Moon, that Venus has a breathable atmosphere and that Bigfoot is from Mars, as he has made those same statements in a serious way before and after.

  2. Yes, you are correct - and lol.
    Venus having a breathable atmosphere was first peddled by several of the UFO contactees from the 1950's, most notably George Adamski. The Bigfoot from Mars bit was pure lulz, but who knows, anything is possible...

  3. Yes, the Bigfoot claim was doubly funny, because it presupposed that Bigfoot is real. But come, on? Who didn't know that he's from Mars? It's obvious...

  4. The RV guy Ed Dames claimed Bigfoot is some kind of interdimensional creature from a cold planet and what we see is just an avatar. Who the f-ck knows haha. What I do now is that there is a mafia-cult collective working to rob us blind and screw us over.


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