November 18, 2014

Spingola and Friends 11/17/2014

Deanna talks about disinformation and misinformation in the alternative media and other issues. Do you have a fiction addiction, listen and find out.           Show-page
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?



  1. Regarding the safety of vaccines, there was that school administrator that Alex Jones had interviewed several years back (Jones is disinfo, but just citing the source), and the administrator had admitted to not vaccinating his kids for Hepatitis-B, despite demanding that parents vaccinate their kids for it in order for them to return to school. I think he may have also said he had an exemption for his daughter for the HPV vaccine, as well.

    Point being that he wasn't concerned about all vaccines, but about particular ones, and the same goes for me. I have no medical expertise whatsoever, but I just look at the numbers of measles and polio cases before and after the vaccines, for instance, and at the huge spike in autism after the late 70s, when several vaccines were already being given. I think the data shows that the problem mostly occurred later, like when a second MMR shot was recommended, and many other shots were added to the schedule, then overwhelming the immune system of more people.

    I don't think they're all bad, such as the current polio vaccine (the original one was contaminated with SV-40) and the diptheria vaccine. They all contain adjuvants, which are aluminum-based compounds here in Canada, according to the government website, and you could do without them, for sure, but it's about the risk-reward benefit, and some things are tolerable in small amounts, up to a point.

    The main point is that it should be a matter of conscience, for adults and for parents, and for those states that only allow a medical and religious exemption, but not based on conscience, just tell them it's based on your religious convictions, and under the First Amendment and similar provisions under the State constitutions, they have no business in questioning your religious beliefs.

  2. It has indeed been odd, at least initially, to see Alex Jones give a platform to those saying crisis actors were used at Sandy Hook, as he initially did not even discuss that, just as he had later never discussed actors at the Boston Marathon when his fellow GCN radio host and "friend" (not reciprocated by Jones), Dr. Stan Monteith had outed Jeff Bauman as an actor based on his 35 years as an orthopedic surgeon, and Jones was silent on that.

    I think there is strong evidence there were actors used at Sandy Hook, though I am not conclusively sure as in the case of Boston. While Michael Collins Piper and Keith Johnson tried to raise doubt about Robbie Parker's reaction, saying everyone reacts differently, I found that to be a case of special pleading, as obviously most parents would not walk out of a building smiling, and suddenly put on a sad face and start crying after one of your kids has been brutally killed once you realize the cameras are on.

    Very unfortunately, Joel Skousen, whom I haven't seen any evidence for of being a disinfo agent, created unnecessary cover and excuse for Parker's reaction, saying he is a good Mormon. The fact is, the statements of opinion leaders like Skousen and Michael Collins Piper have a real effect on people going against their first impressions and their own independent judgment.

    Regarding Jones' not only sudden reversal in not talking about crisis actors at Sandy Hook, but promotion of that idea, it seemed odd until I thought more about it, based on my long study of him and his operation.

    As Piper had pointed out, Cass Sunstein was indeed concerned about conspiracy theories surrounding Israel. So by having outspoken pro-Israeli Wolfgang Halbig at the forefront of his discussions on the matter, Jones is accomplishing his goal as a known Jewish Zionist disinfo agent.

    Then, he can go and discredit the idea by doing a stupid and deliberate thing of posting an article by someone else writing for his operation, claiming that the FBI said no one was killed at Sandy Hook, when it was just a matter of particular statistics collected in a certain way not showing any deaths reported to them.

    And, he also does a great job of fooling anyone who will reject the crisis actor theory just because he's talking about it, until you get past the initial puzzlement that I mentioned.


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