February 06, 2015

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

Jim How's Original passport photo was rejected for some strange reason!
Influential Anarchist Charles Bufe provided a useful list of reasons why anyone with a functioning intellect should abandon the fake comfort-Blanket that is "Christianity". I'm sure the usual Abrahamic apologists will froth at the mouth and start attacking this with their usual vigor ;)
But i personally think it's useful to continue to point out the fallacies involved in remaining a follower of Theologies created and perpetuated by Jewish sources.
Maybe the illogicality of professing to be "Jew-Wise",whilst continuing to promote Systems of mind control *Created* by Jews will finally hit those prepared to free themselves from that mental slavery.
Remember: These reasons also apply to both Islam and Judaism too.


  1. "17. Christianity is homophobic."

    All 20 of these so-called reasons are points the jews have argued for years and years.

    Promoting the destruction of Christianity is what JEWS do.

  2. The word of God is ineffable… doesn’t that mean it can’t be effed with? Religion defines God for you. Consider the word define… the prefix de- signifies; separate… opposite… away, down or removed from. And fine means pure, of highest quality… unadulterated. Anything you put a label on you devalue.

    The word for God according to the Latin Etymology and King James Bible dictionaries is DEUS. De-us. Again, we have the prefix de- which means to take away from… and what is us? Religion takes us away from ourselves, and it appears to do so quite deliberately, since the only other word listed under God is Zeus.

    We are not flawed, not born evil and we don't need to repent or be redeemed of something we don't own. I think we all sense there is something here for us... that's instinctual... Instinct YOU ALL. That is the direct connection to our creator we all have. It is the reason why fatal accidents and calamities are the exception and not the rule... and the reason why, in our darkest hour, our prayers do get answered. It is not a god in the god sense we have been given, but it is here for all of creation. The true creator makes laws that can't be broken and all are subject. It doesn't judge, punish or reward... it makes the sun to shine on both the good and the evil... it doesn't get more fair than that.

    What happens here is for us to work out... there is no savior coming to fix it... that is outside of the laws of nature. If there is a Christ, it is within us... not without.
    Be the Christ... don't wait on one.

  3. Thanks ProGoyim. I didn't have to wait long for someone to throw that old chestnut into the fire,did I? ;)
    Especially pleasing that it was someone utilizing a Jew-originated online name who propagated that meme.
    Please show me one successful attempt at "Destroying Christianity" that the Jews carried out in History?

  4. The jews hate Jesus Christ and Christians because they reject Him as messiah. They call Him a bastard child of a whore. Once again foon1e helps a jew agenda.

  5. And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. The usual claim by those who choose to believe in the utterly unprovable.
    I contend sir that it is *you* and your kind that are doing the work of the Jew by defending and propagating this Jew created Societal Control System.
    You "Worship" a Jew God. You are therefore complicit in "Helping a Jew Agenda" yourself. How you can claim to be "Jew-Wise" is beyond my ken.

  6. God is God. The God of all creation. The eternal God that was here before the jew. Not created by the jew, but the creator of all humanity. I don't worship a "Jew God". The jew problem is that they are at war with God and claiming to be God's chosen rulers of this Earth. You are bent on helping them attack God and His Christ, who the jews hate.

  7. The same tired refrain used by those who feel threatened by logic, as opposed to dogma. Merely repeating your mantra over and over doesn't make it real. or truth. or even relevant.
    You are bent on pushing a system of Mind-Control given to you by Jews 2 millenia ago. Everything about Christianity reinforces the "Specialness" of the Jews. Your bible constantly portrays Jews as "Gods Chosen Race". Both Old and New testaments are replete with tales of Jewish "Wisdom" and Morality. Which,with the help of the Roman Emperor Constantine, was forceably exported across the globe as the preeminent "Slave religion" of choice at the time. And used as a political and societal tool ever since;by those who claim that it is *because* of this Jewish God, they have the right to rule over us all.
    I am attacking the roots of what you consistently defend because they are Jewish Roots. The fact you feel provoked enough to even attempt to defend the undefendable speaks volumes about your agenda here.

  8. Yes, jews love Christians SO MUCH they SPIT on us. Must be part of their plan! They are baptizing us in their HOLY SALIVA so that we will mindlessly work towards the "jew agenda". It all makes sense now.

  9. Well ProGoyim. If you must "Believe" in the fables and tales that various Jews wrote down 2000 years ago to provide you with a means of "Guidance" and how to live in the only way acceptable to their own society at the time? Then I guess you *must* continue to turn your "Other Cheek" to receive their salivary gifts. That's what a "Good Christian" would do.

  10. foon1e, if you don't want to be a Christian that's up to you. Don't try to ruin it for other people. You yourself said in another post that trying to convert each other is a waste of time. Ok, take your own advice.

  11. Really ProGoyim? Is it really "Ruining" it for others by pointing out what Most Christians here don't want revealed? That their whole belief system is a sham and a fraud conceived and perpetuated by the Jews?
    We try to inform others about all things that the Jews have done, and are still actively doing to humanity in their tribal quest to become "Top Dog" on the planet.
    #If you wish to continue to "Believe" in the words of Jews written down so long ago, then that's your choice. But,if your faith is so unshakeable, then is should be able to withstand anything i am capable of typing here. So thanks for your advice. But as long as Whoolim thinks it's ok to push *his* beliefs on mami's pages - then i feel entitled to provide an alternative perspective for those less trusting and credulous who visit here regularly.

  12. I'll never understand how so called "Jew-wise" people can cling to Christianity or Islam. Both are historically proven Jewish creations to divide and conquer. Christianity was created by the Jews to bring down the Roman Empire and control the Gentiles.

  13. What of the hundreds of Gods in existence long before the "One God" showed up to claim he was first? What of the hundreds of Gods in existence today? All of them, no exception, are allegorical figures to tell a story. The mere fact it had to be washed in on a wave of bloodshed should be your second clue... people had to worship or die.

    Jesus's story, for instance, is not new, not even novel... it is the story of the sun's journey through the skies. It has been told in myriad forms... the names get changed.

    It's not like any of you here reading this haven't heard that before... what is a bigger question is why it doesn't seem to phase you bringers of truth. Why the heard-headed, lunk-headed insistence this mythology has any basis in reality?

    God doesn't seem to care... he is perfectly content with the murder of innocence. God, if it's not within you, is as effective as a tree stump. Anything you can attribute to God, you can attribute to a tree stump... no different. Except, you can prove a tree stump exists.

    I have to take Foonie's side on this... it is hard to believe truth tellers who, as they would have us believe, have not put their own beliefs to question.

  14. The Jews created Christianity when it served them... and now they will destroy it because that also serves them. Why would it be logical otherwise? Judaism was in existence long before Christianity and Islam and they worship the same insane, narcissistic God... of course religions are Jew created.

    How much more evil does it get than to invent a religion and write a book proclaiming yourself the chosen ones of a God you created? How much more evil than to brainwash the world that you can take pot shots at any other race or religion on the planet except the one that is the cause of all the ills in the world?

    As to why the Jews would destroy Christianity... that's easy. For one, they want to bring in a "One World Religion" for their "One World Government"... look to Project Bluebeam for evidence of that. It is easier to police the world when everyone thinks and believes the same thing.

    For two, and this is more sinister... explain why the 7 Noahide Laws, enacted as US law in 1991, calls for the beheading of anyone professing that Jesus is Lord. Are we looking at a persecution of Christians by God's chosen ones? The worship of God and Jesus appears to be a set up for a holy war and genocide of those who refuse to lick the feet of the Gods on earth.

    All of this information is easily verifiable by resourcing the old testament, the Talmud and US Law. Armageddon it... The 7 Noahide Laws:

  15. "if you don't want to be a Christian that's up to you. Don't try to ruin it for other people. "

    That is just precious. You EVANGELIST Christian's go around pushing your hell, fire and brimstone ruining many peoples lives including those you often convert with your prisoner 'must comply or go to hell' indoctrination, yet someone who is trying to free you from that prison is 'ruining' it for you? For fucks sake, I say thank him!

  16. I don't push Christianity on anyone and neither does Whooli.


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