February 09, 2015

Spingola and Friends 2/9/2015

Mike King talks about his new book, The Bad War, the Truth Never Taught about World War 2 and Operation Dresden.
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?



  1. Mike King is top drawer, the public have been inculcated into a cult. A real truth seeker. Now Deanna, how many truths are there? I say only one. Where two people disagree only one can be right maximum. So regarding Sandy Hook, is Mike King flat out wrong?

  2. I think that the whole crisis actor industry is really Hollywood pre history. Not content with lying about the past, they invent a fake present. The other reason for using crisis actors is to present Jews as victims without harming any. I was quick to suggest Gabrielle Giffords shooting was fake, before being banned over at the David Icke forum.

  3. M. King is a putinist and therefore a fraud.
    Just like John Friend, M. C. Piper & others.

  4. Yes Rodin. She dropped the Sandy Hook topic quick-smart. Had she engaged him, Mike would have obliterated her shallow arguments. Just for starters, no bodies, no death certificates, easily identifiable crisis actors, denied by the FBI and by elements inside the "Whore" House. One big Jewish (now innumerable) conspiracy.

  5. I had Mike King on the program to talk about his book about World War II which is his interest. Like many people, Mike obviously knows the usual talking points which were devised very soon after December 14, 2012. One of those talking points is that there are no death records for the children who did appear, despite claims to the contrary in the SSDI: http://www.spingola.com/SandyHook.html

    People have claimed that there are no death certificates. However, death certificates, despite the ludicrous claims, are NOT public records and never have been. People who claim otherwise are incredibly deceitful and the people who believe them are either very gullible or very ignorant. All of the states have restrictions on who may obtain death records as demonstrated by just a few examples:
    New Hampshire: http://sos.nh.gov/Access.aspx
    New York: http://www.health.ny.gov/vital_records/death.htm
    Florida: http://www.floridahealth.gov/certificates/certificates/death/_documents/DH_727_09-08.pdf
    Illinois: http://www.idph.state.il.us/vitalrecords/deaths/Pages/default.htm
    California: http://www.cdph.ca.gov/pubsforms/forms/CtrldForms/VS112.pdf
    Oregon: http://public.health.oregon.gov/BirthDeathCertificates/GetVitalRecords/Documents/deathor.pdf
    Nevada: http://health.nv.gov/VS.htm

  6. On September 24, 2014, on the Alex Jones website, a writer claimed, “Recently released FBI crime statistics curiously appear to show that no murders occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.” The CSP assumed full responsibility for the investigation and reported its statistics to the FBI. The Newtown Police Department did not report the murder statistics because it did not conduct the investigation. The individual who wrote the story failed to understand the reporting system and looked at the wrong FBI statistics, which are in table no. 11 and not in table no. 8. The article included a link to an FBI site, which uses the voluntary Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR). Table no. 8 gives various statistics for each city/town. For Connecticut, the total number of murders investigated by local authorities within each city/town was 102.
    The CSP published a 429-page book, Crime in Connecticut, January–December 2012, apparently a yearly endeavor. The total number of murders for the state according to this book is 143, with a note stating that the number included the Sandy Hook victims. On page 245 of this CSP book, under the heading “Offense and Arrest Data,” the number of murders in Newtown is zero and refers to the footnote that states, “Does NOT include 27 victims of Newtown mass shooting (see State Police Misc.).” This is consistent with the FBI tables, which also distinguish law enforcement jurisdictions and the reporting of homicides. The point is that people select and often manipulate data to support a particular agenda.

    Connecticut State Police, Annual Report of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Crimes Analysis Unit, Crime Index Components for Connecticut, pp. 11, 25. http://www.google.com/url?url=http://www.dpsdata.ct.gov/dps/ucr/data/ 2012/Crime% 2520In%2520Connecticut%2520COMPLETE%25202012.pdf&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&sa=U&ei=t4RnVLvTF4KhyAT3iYHoCw&ved=0CB8QFjAC&usg=AFQjCNHusNS0lXCMIggfXa0jdukOiYhC5w


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