February 06, 2015

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.02.06

The REAL location of Solomon's temple

All Nationalist Network
American Nationalist Association



  1. In the first half hour, the interesting topic of the authenticity of the Old Testament Book of Esther came up, and how it is completely non-spiritual and very ethnocentrically focused on the Jews, as opposed to other OT books which make Yahweh out to be a universal God, like in the Book of Daniel.

    Rev. Ted Pike publicly expressed his doubts about that book, which is to be commended, since almost no Christian with a following will do so, for fear of where it may lead, including the peeling off of supporters.

    It was also interesting to see Brother Nathanael Kapner reason with him, arguing that it is authentic. As Charlie has pointed out, it's funny to see a Christian being critical of Jews but then upholding all the traditional dogma (Catholic or Protestant) about the Bible (specifically the OT).

    As I have said before, Kapner's reasoning with Pike makes me think he's legit, despite some things making him look like controlled opposition, like his appearance.

  2. The issue of the sincerity of the founder of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Ellen White, also came up in the first half hour, and how early church elders privately questioned her credibility, such as her documented plagiarism, but then they made the laughably political claim that they would make the issue public when the time was right.

    Charlie pointed out that the time would never be right, and it certainly hasn't come for them yet.

    I remember Charlie pointing out on a show on another network that the doctrine of the Trinity was originally not part of SDA teachings, and that's admitted among those in the know, but the church hierarchy and professors at his college went after him when he wrote a paper documenting how the Trinity is a man-made unbiblical doctrine, and how they set out to crush him.

    It's like with the Mormons, where polygamy was clearly taught and practiced by the founder and early Church Elders, but they jettisoned that teaching for political expediency purposes of statehood for Utah and wider acceptance as Christians when most Christians viewed them as Muslims are currently viewed in America today.

  3. The announcement of the suicide of Mark Glenn is rather hasty. No sooner did I hear this, from another format, I listened to this then contacted a close mutual friend of Mark's, Mark Dankof.

    Dankof informed me that, as of several hours ago when he was last talking to Mark Glenn, Mark and his family were all just fine and dandy. No suicide.....

    Sorry all you haters, but that is just not the case, Mark Glenn is doing just fine.

  4. This is Pastor Mark Dankof in San Antonio. Mark Glenn is alive and well. The perpetrator or perpetrators of this suicide attempt rumor are malicious, despicable people. This libelous trash needs to be withdrawn now with a public apology. I understand the perpetrator is based in Canada, and publishes under a pseudonym. The last person hiding in this fashion and directing libelous material in the direction of Mark Glenn and several other people in our movement proved to be Rabbi Aryeh Tuchman, the then director of the Research and Civil Rights Division of ADL headquarters in New York. Suggestive? More food for thought: The people who helped us trace Tuchman are available for further pro bono assistance prior to litigation against the malefactors. Verstehen Sie?

  5. If you listen to the broadcast again, and closely... Charles was using a metaphor about MG basically doing a backtrack on the Sandy Hook fraud with his most recent article...

    The fact that crisis actors were indeed used at Sandy Hook shows absolute 100% of it being a fraud....

    Charles would never say that anyone has "committed suicide" other than in the context of asserting that someone has committed "career suicide"..... It is a figure of speech, and for anyone to come to the twisted conclusion that it means that someone has died in real life is reaching.. And reaching for either something that is not there, or as an excuse....

  6. I suppose now the MG group will try to use this and twist it into making the false accusation that CG is now saying that MG "committed suicide" (!) Give us all a break and get a life!!!!

  7. For people to come in and start reaching by making false accusations about CG is to me horrendous...

    If these people cannot live with the fact that Sandy Hook was indeed a fraud, and now even MG has been caught up in the lie of trying assert it as being real, then they are the ones with the problem....

    Metaphors are used all the time... If I was to say that "someone shot themselves in the foot"... It does not mean that someone has actually shot themselves in the foot.... I and others are shocked that this group suddenly takes metaphors out of context and portrays them as being real!

  8. I also sent several corrections to Charlie... The "hanging himself" is again a metaphor, and Charlie will correct himself on a show coming up...

    The "hanging himself" is in terms again of the Sandy Hook revelation made in MG's article about Rita Katz.... CG made the statement without reading all the details of that article that MG basically "hung himself" on the Sandy Hook fraud....

    It is a metaphor... and sadly again, the MG group is going hog wild without understanding Charlie's error in not putting out the full details...

  9. I was speaking with Pastor Dankof and he asked me to add the following comments to his original message. Here is what he said:

    You tell "Brian" and Guiliani to disclaim this thing now and apologize, before they get in over their heads. For their own legal good. I'm not kidding.

    You can quote from my warning if you wish. I have retained an attorney for a Lutheran Church project I've been entrusted with. I can always get Glenn a Texas Austin lawyer through my brother. http://www.montcourt.org/judges.php?name=dankof

  10. It was not a metaphor. Giuliani said "Mark Glenn hung himself". Right after talking about Whitney Houston's daughters death. No mention of Sandy Hook at all.

    By the way, just what cult of non Catholic Christianity was Giuliani a member of? Was he a Seventh Day Adventist? If he was, it would explain a lot of his issues with the Bible etc.

    Of course Mark Glenn views the Old Testament through the eyes of a heretic as well.

  11. I will be on Charlie's show on Monday for the information and to help to make that correction...

    Again, Charlie did not read all the details, and he like everyone else is prone to error from time to time..

    Obviously MG is not dead, but he has "hung himself" over accusing I and others for the last two years of backing the fact that Sandy Hook was a fraud, and constantly laughing at us for standing behind that fact that it was indeed a fraud... And now he has "shot himself in the foot" for stating it in the Rita Katz story.....

    Again, they are metaphors and for anyone to take them "out of context" is beyond ridiculous...

  12. Brian, the wording Charles uses is very explicit. All I asked for is clarification, not a big toodoo.

    And this had NOTHING to do with Sandy Hook, just a comment Charles made based on an email from you.

    No more, no less. All I asked for is clarification, not a huge dramatic response from you. I simply wondered where this was coming from... no more, no less.

    Here is the exact text of Charles' announcement. Tell me how you can read anything else into this.

    "And then I got an email from Brian, he calls in frequently. I have yet to get the details on this, could someone call or send me an email, but it turns out that yesterday Mark Glenn wound up hanging himself. Very strange. I wasn't the biggest fan of the man but you gotta wonder."

    There is NO mention of Sandy Hook around this announcement.

    Petty infighting is a waste of time and Charles should have kept his mouth shut.

    Do not turn this into a turf battle. It is simply bad taste and wrong information given in a very misleading fashion.

  13. I have never ever said that MG has "hung himself" and again, it was in the context of the following email...


    MG has finally hung himself over this one... He released an article at TUT about Rita Katz where he enclosed an entire section that talks about the crisis actors used at Sandy Hook...

    You and I both know that if they used crisis actors, then the whole thing was indeed a fraud....

    I would like to know what you think....

    So if you look at the wording there, it is a metaphor... For Charlie to misrepresent it in his show was an error on his part, and again, I will be stating and clearing the air very soon...

  14. You are wrong, NTS. That was not a metaphor. I still have an open mind on Sandy Hook, although I believe it to be some type of hoax or cover up.

    Yes, Mark Glenn made a complete ass out of himself over the issue. No doubt about it. If you have to compromise in one area of truth for a so-called "greater good" you are already defeated.

    As far as Charlie goes, he is prone to near total error in his bashing of Christianity. He does a better job than any Jew ever could.

  15. For the MG group to now try to use this shows how much they are reaching for excuses to cover their tracks...

    A simple correction will be made on Monday, and I do want everyone to actually look at the Rita Katz article and come to your own conclusions...

    Again, to use crisis actors absolutely means that the entire scenario is a fraud... It takes time to get the crisis actors in place which means an operation in motion... Common sense...

  16. Again, the error is not on my part... The error lies in Charlie's wording, and he is prone to mistakes and that shows human error.... A mistake that will be rectified, and I personally will go on air to help Charlie fix the error....

  17. But again, for the TUT group to now use this is to me atrocious... Charlie did not read the full details obviously and made the error in judgment for misstating it on air...

    As the original author of the email message, I am personally going to go on air and help Charlie fix this slight misjudgment on Charlie's part... People have always been reading and stating things out of context for years, and it shows human error.....

    I have no need to apologize for my email message... It was only when it was misrepresented by Charles that the error has taken place...And being one that always searches and tries to convey the truth, I find it my duty to assist Charlie in fixing this error....

  18. Brian.

    Now I am getting pissed at you.

    I cover NO tracks.

    All I did was seek clarification on a rumour that a friend was dead.

    I went to a mutual friend and asked him. Then I posted the response

    I don't give a flying fig about Sandy Hook. I am covering no tracks. You are the one who goes there. You are the one looking for whatever you can. All I wanted was to know if my friend was alive or dead according to an ill founded sounding rumour. NO GODDAM agenda to cover tracks.

    You are blowing an honest response up into somethng else entirely ~ a very very, dare I insult you, I hate to say this ~ diversionary tactic so popular with our common enemy.

    You have let this SH stuff overtake you so much, warp you with so much hatred that your reactions are... damn I hate to say it.... honestly... but downright Talmudic in hysteria and egocentricity.

  19. Lets look at this entire fiasco this way...

    Charlie shot himself in the foot on that misjudgment....

    There, now I suppose that what I just said in that one sentence can now be taken out of context by anyone, and the claim can be made that somehow I am stating Charles really did take a gun out and shot himself in the foot....(!!)

    If we all get onto the political correctness fit and draw back from using metaphors.... Then I do wonder where our society goes from here....

    Again, I will be helping with the fix to this mess on Monday....

  20. I have never listened to this guy before. Guess I will on Monday. This should be interesting.

    Don't sound too spiteful, NTS. Just explain in 10 words or less that Charles seemed to have mis-interpreted your words. That really is all that is necessary. All the rest ~ going into the Sandy Hook stuff ~ would be just a waste of time.

    The issue is not SH; the issue is "misinterpretation of poetic licence."

  21. BTW... I did not know that I am suddenly "talmudic"...

    The last time I checked, I was not even Jewish!!!!

    I do not know whether to laugh or to cry at such a statement....

    10 words or less... Charlie screwed up and I will set the record straight......

  22. WOW this is the dentition of pity infighting.

  23. ^^^ WOW! Dis his realy badd Engliss. LOL

  24. I left a message on NTS blog - hope he publishes but just in case

    That article he refers to was "most likely" NOT written by Mark Glenn

    TUT has multiple editors and that article was posted (and as there is no hyperlink which shows the original source)and written by a guy called Konrad.

    Glenn himself says he didnt write it.

    It seems CG was not the only one who made a mistake. In order to set the record straight on Monday - you NTS need to bite the Bullet and admit you may have jumped to the wrong conclusion on the authorship of that article.

    Then you can move on and continue to expose those who need to be exposed and criticised. Please do not let yourself down, admitting one's mistakes will prove positive.

  25. Ilya Ehjrenberg: the same thought occurred to me, that another, probably Konrad, might be the writer.
    Mark Glenn always archives his own articles, whereas the Rita Katz article isn't archived.


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