June 20, 2015

Spingola Speaks 2015.06.20

R. Duane Willing, author of MONEY: The 12th and FINAL RELIGION, Blog

    News Page                         Deanna's site
Official chat room             Spingola Speaks.net

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  1. When are you going to have that pillar of integrity Keith Johnson on again?

  2. Why the ad hominem against a previous guest that is totally unrelated to my guest on 6/22?

  3. Watch yourself Larry. This is trollish behavior.

  4. Very fundamental subject. I recently learned the reasons why all the German peace offers were rejected and why WWII didn't end in 1939. It is in chapter 7 in the short book THE NAMELESS WAR by Captain Achibald Ramsay, detained Member of Parliament:

    "The Jews, of course, had everything to lose by a peace which left the German gold-free money system and Jew-free Government intact, and nothing to gain."

    Bill Still, producer of Money Master and a jutzi friend, has an interesting and credible take on the alleged assassination of JFK and the Feds here (4min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrWgi6JVsd0

    The totally controlled jutzi news networks was complicit (as always in such operations) in the alleged assassination of JFK. Uncle Fetzer, who now has investigated this operation for 50 years without solving it, never talks about this point. By far the most significant video we have on this topic - Preparing the Public Mind for the Kennedy Assassination (4m21s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRQCjqAXkfU


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