July 16, 2015

It's all getting a bit silly! The Mami's Times Frontpage...

Reading the comments section today got me thinking: Is the current kerfuffle over some people's opinions about past events important enough to warrant the sustained attacks on certain net-personalities? Or is it all really just another example of people's frustrations over knowing *Nothing* about "What really happened"? And also realising that, no matter what comes to light now or in the future; we're Never going to know the whole truth about any historical event? That every scenario. Every theory.Every purported "Fact" that comes to light is always filtered through the agendas, personalities and (possibly flawed) perceptions of whomever pushes those facts out into the public light.

Then I thought - "Fuck It - Lifes too short!" and knocked this up...

Click to view at full resolution.


  1. ROFL. It should be a weekly or monthly thing.lol

  2. I wonder if WHOOLI's gonna be pist at not making the front page. LOL

  3. I didn't want to risk another Religious "Flame-War" on top of what's already going on...& he's probably relieved I *didn't* mention him :P

  4. Yes PG. Whooli is lovely. I'm sure he's psyched to see his stalkers being so vocal at Mami's :)

  5. I am beginning to perceive that there are 3 science groups.

    (1) The main church of science is where all of science is correct whose members believe that no wrong is ever done or even can be done, no mistake is ever make, where everyone should trust the CoS system. People dream about them wearing Spoc robes and consulting some mysterious unknown higher power God.
    Church of Science members range from the pretty dumb to Cos priests. The brain washing is so good that few have any idea what anyone in a lab robe really does... but they all think they have our best interests at heart. They are in charge of the environment, report information to those in charge who live on an even high plane of existence. CofS priests are thought to be so heroic that they will lay down their lives to save a fuzzy kitten. Club members think Einstein was a super genius and that some day a slightly smarter Jew will come along and finally finish E's universal theory of everything and man will live happily ever after.

    (2) Then there is this growing group wtih an awareness that the idea of science is great but its application is horribly flawed. Just like every other of man's inventions that makes claims to be for the good of the whole it has turned out to be nothing more than a mechanism for greedy bastards to take all the money and power. Those of us smart to belong to this club think Newton and Tesla were heroes and Einstein was a turd. There are no priests just the members who pursue truth. Group members detest group 1 and feel disgust for the information seen in group 3. Most members don't realize that group 3 is an organized group, but they should.

    (3) Then there is this new group. It includes you guessed it, the mf'ing FE'ers and people who think lizard people have second eye lids. The members of this church science, as usual, are composed of highly skilled zio bull shit artist priests being paid to create a fake world of crap, videos, and talk mp3's devoid of any logic... and the lower slope head members who are only the dumbest of society, practically drooling morons. There are very few of them, but the ones that do exist scare the living be-Jesus out any group 1 members that attempt to stray into group 2 territory.

  6. Love it!

    As they say, life is too important to be taken seriously.


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