July 13, 2015

Spingola and Friends 7/13/2015

Deanna talks again(Part 2) about Michael Collins Piper's False Flags: Template for Terror and The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within.

Show-page           Spingola.com         SpingolaSpeaks.net

Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?



  1. Deanna on the Pete Santilli Show March 31 '14:

    @ 00:50 PS: Still, you can't say with absolute certainty that you know what happened with Sandy Hook, right?

    DS: Well, yes, you CAN say exactly what happened, because, they have come out with all the reports, [...]

    @ 02:20 PS: So, you've said you read the reports, and, I'm not even going by the conspiracy theories. How do we know that we're to trust those reports? Can we?

    DS: I think that, yes, I think you can.

    @ 06:43 PS: Human beings, and human beings make intentional errors sometimes too, so we have to also consider the other side of the coin. Yeah, that isn't the do all end all be all; the sources of information we have to conduct our research, unfortunately I think are kind of tainted as well.

    DS: Ah, I disagree with respect to these. These are just the, the officers that were there; they talk about what they saw.

    MP3 link for this Santilli show, plus more minute-marked transcriptions & commentary at:

    Same for Deanna's infamously disgraceful "interview" with Halbig:

  2. If the above statement are indeed true, it is quite damning, imo. How could Deanna possibly be so naive, given the state of our government at this time.

  3. I listened to this santelli interview ages ago - i believe this is an accurate representation.

  4. I noticed the MP3's former link at gsradio.net for the 3/31/14 Santilli show is now dead.

    But I found the show on Santilli's YT channel, here it is:
    Advance to 2hr 7m for the top of Deanna's 1/2 hour interview.

    Again, find more transcriptions from this show, with commentary and some choice images, at:

  5. Couldn't find the audio

    Comment #1 100%

    Comment #2 100%

    Something seriously wrong here
    Spotted something near the end and need to research it


  6. Thanks for the links, Z. Good to see you Og - cheers.

  7. I was on Pete Santilli's program on March 31, 2014 to talk about the first two books. He had asked for pdf copies of them which I sent to him. I had just decided to discontinue my critique of Sofia Smallstorm's video and instead write a book. I had no idea that Santilli was going to bring up the Sandy Hook issue. That was prior to the majority of my research on the SH issue.

  8. Deanna turns the thread into another commercial for her books, while simultaneously not addressing any of the issues - lol.

  9. Enough with the lowbrow name calling, guys. Stick to the issues at hand in this thread. Thanks.

  10. DS "I had no idea that Santilli was going to bring up the Sandy Hook issue. That was prior to the majority of my research on the SH issue"

    That's a very odd answer referring back to Comment #1

    So this is before you've done most of your research, yet you were 100% certain that the Gov. official story was true.


    @ 00:50 PS: Still, you can't say with absolute certainty that you know what happened with Sandy Hook, right?

    DS: Well, yes, you CAN say exactly what happened, because, they have come out with all the reports, [...]

    @ 02:20 PS: So, you've said you read the reports, and, I'm not even going by the conspiracy theories. How do we know that we're to trust those reports? Can we?

    DS: I think that, yes, I think you can.

    @ 06:43 PS: Human beings, and human beings make intentional errors sometimes too, so we have to also consider the other side of the coin. Yeah, that isn't the do all end all be all; the sources of information we have to conduct our research, unfortunately I think are kind of tainted as well.

    DS: Ah, I disagree with respect to these. These are just the, the officers that were there; they talk about what they saw.

  11. Until Deanna returns to reply for herself; my guess as to her probable response to her Santilli show statements, which I base upon this, her 7/13/15 solo show, is that she would replay yet again the Halbig clip from
    where, exasperated, Halbig bemoans Deanna's apparent complete faith and reliance "...ON A POLICE REPORT!!"; which Deanna would follow up, again, with forced 'mocking' laughter (rolleyes).

    Hey Deanna, can you please ask your past.present.employers.gov.mil snitch friend Keith Johnson when he's going to finally release his epic & comprehensive documentary rebunking "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" ???

    He promised this epic rebunking during your 12/14/14 roundtable show, with guests KJ & Anonymous-Wade, shortly after 00:21:30, ref:

    It's been 7 months now, and we're still waiting for KJ's epic rebunking video, ?!?

  12. Thanks to the guys and gals over at

    When I listened to my 1st DS audio about SH with her shill guests, besides their bullshit, there was a comment that set me off, I thought on the day, it was low and still do.

    "1:07:40 KJ: “First off, Halbig believes the hole (in the SHES window by the main entrance door) is too small,” DS interjects: “Well it would be for him!” haha, Delphi slipped her little “Halbig's a FATSO!!” ad-hom attack in there. Badum-bum."


  13. Gentlemen,
    My program on 7/13 was based on Michael Collins Piper’s very informative and revealing book, False Flags: Template for Terror during which I played a 15-second audio file of Wolfgang Halbig ridiculing me for stating my views on the CSP’s final report. I played that file twice. Scorpio accuses me of turning the thread into a commercial about my books. If my goal was to promote my books, I certainly would have at least provided the titles. One would also think, given the initial subject of the thread, that the participants were reviewing the Pete Santilli radio program of March 31, 2014.

    It is very apparent that, once again, a certain group of people have used the Mami forum to attack me for what they believe are my views on Sandy Hook. Why not stick to the ISSUES covered in my radio program during which I presented information from Piper’s book about the government’s use of Crisis Management Conspirators to manipulate and brainwash an entire “crowd” of people. Piper cited the work of Gustave LeBon who described how easy it was to brainwash a group of people into believing a lot of ridiculous theories instead of using their mental abilities to think for themselves.

    Apparently, using “lowbrow name calling,” in their comments, the majority of the commenters would prefer to direct the attention away from the subject matter of the program of 7/13. Why not stick to the main issues addressed in the program? Let me refresh your collective memories – the program was about the government’s infiltration of the “truth movement” with the objective of destroying the credibility of the said movement in the minds of the general population.

  14. Og: that 'Halbig's a FATSO!' personal attack was small change compared to how, earlier in that same 12/14/14 Shill-A-Thon show, Deanna slandered Halbig's mental health, professional legitimacy, and sowed doubt about his role in the Columbine event; albeit she joojitsu'd this slander by committing it while representing it as being the sentiments of a supposed 'REAL school safety expert, with whom she's been in communication'...

    29:25 DS (re Halbig): “I have talked with people who are really in the school safety, aaah, field; and I have communicated with them; and I think it would be unethical of me to share anybody's name that I communicated with; but one of the statements of one of these 'real experts' said, 'I have to laugh some at the Wolfgang Halbig issues, and quite honestly I have seen a couple of issues with him come across my desk lately, and truly believe he may be losing it', and the email goes on and on, and, and he says, 'Halbig is not the expert that he claims to be; and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Columbine investigation.' Anyway, we do have to go to a 3 minute break, and we'll be right back after a word from our sponsors.”

    See how gifted we are, to have such a prudent ethicist in Deanna, working so tirelessly to persuade skeptics, that the Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative is indeed the correct one?

    We also have her colleague, past.present.employers.gov.mil snitch Keith Johnson, operator of the deceptively named "Newtown Post Examiner" website; refs:

    And we have the always charming Anonymous-Wade, and "grieving SH father whose boy Noah died twice, 'Lenny HONR Pozner'" laboring to have Sandy Hoax Truth youtubes removed via fraudulent copyright claims, ref:

    You see, this sort of "unethical ethics", this nonstop "Flip the Script & Project" inverting of reality which characterizes the Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative cheerleaders, actually makes their otherwise baffling contradictions & hypocrisy easy to decipher. You just need the special Talmud-Speak Decoder Ring. :)

  15. I read the following on Monday: LeBon described what he called “the intolerance, dictatorialness and conservatism of crowds,” and recognizing this factor, the Crisis Management Conspirators played this phenomenon to the hilt. These malicious manipulators knew full well that the moment cautious and detail-oriented, fact-focused researchers questioned the disinformation and nonsense that this would enrage those in “The Crowd” who had been coopted into what had essentially become a Sandy Hook Cult.

    MCP quoted LeBon who said, “Crowds are only cognizant of simple and extreme sentiments; the opinions, ideas, and beliefs suggested to them are accepted or rejected as a whole, and considered as absolute truths or as not less absolute errors. Every one is aware of the intolerance that accompanies religious beliefs, and of the despotic empire they exercise on men's minds. Being in doubt as to what constitutes truth or error, and having, on the other hand, a clear notion of its strength, a crowd is as disposed to give authoritative effect to its inspirations as it is intolerant. An individual may accept contradiction and discussion; a crowd will never do so. At public meetings the slightest contradiction on the part of an orator is immediately received with howls of fury and violent invective, soon followed by blows, and expulsion should the orator stick to his point.”

    MCP wrote, “And just as LeBon had suggested, those honest truth seekers who dared to question the fallacious (and patently ridiculous) stories that had been injected into discussion of Sandy Hook came under the most intense fire from otherwise good people – and the Crisis Management Conspirators absolutely loved it.”

    “As incredible as it may seem to readers who will learn of this for the first time, even those who dared to suggest that perhaps children did actually die at Sandy Hook were called ‘traitors’ by other patriots who had bought into the disinformation being inserted into the minds of other patriots via the Crisis Management Conspirators working to discredit ‘conspiracy theories’ in any form.”

    “Thanks to Orwellian manipulation – very real ‘mind control’ at its best (and worst) – belief in Sandy Hook as having been a massive hoax was essentially being instituted as a virtual litmus test as to ‘who’s a real patriot and who isn’t.’ Those who didn’t believe Sandy Hook was a massive hoax are denounced as having been ‘bribed, blackmailed, or coerced’ or just having simply ‘changed sides.’”

  16. Deanna, this 7/13 show, as well as your part 1 show on 7/9,

    ...were both all about propping up the Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative, while seeking to (fraudulently...) discredit, slander, and ridicule the SH research/skeptics community, with your singling Halbig out in particular. Ditto all of your past SH shows of the past 1.5 year, collected at:

    The sentiments which you stated in your 3/31/14 Santilli show appearance, quoted in my first reply above, underpin your whole pro Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative platform, from which you bash & slander SH skeptics.

    Yet, your Santilli show sentiments DEFY the proper approach of any self respecting revisionist historian.

    How should we reconcile this conspicuous contradiction, Deanna?

  17. Sounds fishy to me

    DS goes on show 12/14/2014 before she has done most of her research
    That she has admitted

    Her book on SH
    Publisher: Trafford Publishing (February 20, 2015)
    I presume editing took some time

    Probably enough time to read the government report

  18. Og: she ref's her 3/31/14 Santilli show appearance as being prior to her doing most of her "SH research."

    But that claim rings hollow, considering that by 3/31/14 she'd already done numerous radio shows rebunking the Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative; several dedicated solely to 'discrediting' Smallstorm's SH documentary; and an infamous one on 3/4/14 debasing her own cred throughout Halbig's appearance. You can peruse:
    beginning with her 1/15/14 "Pro Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative Cheerleader Coming-Out Show" (or wasn't the term like, "KOL" for "Key Opinion Leader", or something; I forgot?!). Or just skim:
    ...all her SH rebunking shows should be there, in between commentary replies.

    Regardless, I don't see the 3/31/14 Santilli show date WRT her "SH research" making any difference whatsoever then vs here today though? The sentiments she stated then, plainly still completely underpin her shtick in her most recent SH shows?!?

    "Zion.Gov's Official Talmudic Sandy Hoax Report: Both Sword And Shield!!" lol

  19. I'm calling bullshit on DS's Sandy Hook book
    Screening Sandy Hook: Causes and Consequences

    Complete nonsense, starts in the Introduction


    "I definitely do not and could not defend Adam Lanza’s unpardonable actions. I view him as another school shooter in a growing list if shooters who share a subtle media-concealed commonality – many of them were currently or had previously taken psychiatric drugs.
    The State will not divulge Lanza’s complete medical records so we do not know his psych drug status. Due to various, seemingly unrelated, and possibly circumstantial evidence, all interconnected within the psychiatric and allopathic health system, he became a monster who first brutally murdered his devoted mother, the person he consistently depended on to love and rescue him from his intense anxieties. He then drove to the Sandy Hook Elementary School and slaughter twenty young vulnerable children and six adults"

    1) Will the real Adam Lanza standup
    2) Currently or previously taken such drugs - Doesn't apply to Lanza does it? Because we don't know
    3) he became a monster - hearsay, artistic license at worst
    4) first brutally murdered his devoted mother - WTF We don't know that, you are making that shit up
    5) depended on to love and rescue him - more bullshit, we don't know this to be true or false
    6) Why do you call Lanza a monster - surely it was the drugs doing it according to your research
    7) He then drove to the Sandy Hook Elementary School - Says who? Maybe he stopped and had a Big Mac on the way

    8) and finally, that was just the Intro to the book, it's not really about SH but about big pharma according to DS and I get the impression that Sandy Hook happened about the right time for her to sell a book with Sandy Hook in the title.

    On a side note
    Poll of the Day - Was Sandy Hook a hoax, guests may vote

  20. The official report came out in November 2013. I began writing my Sandy Hook book in March 2014 after deciding to abandon my critique on Sofia Smallstorm’s video. You may credit her, in a very small way, for my decision to look further into Sandy Hook, based on some of the unsubstantiated claims in her video. I submitted my third book to the publisher January 2014. It was edited and then published on May 27, 2014. I was too busy working on the third book, back and forth with the publisher on editorial matters and conducting daily radio programs, to devote sufficient time before March 2014 to engage in what I consider adequate research for my book on Sandy Hook. Additionally, RBN decreased my air time from a Monday to Friday program to one program on the weekend, I then had more time to do research. I submitted my Sandy Hook book to the publisher on November 18, 2014. It was published on February 3, 2015.

  21. I'm taking the 5th
    Refer you back to my buddy scorpio
    Comment #8

    Deanna turns the thread into another commercial for her books, while simultaneously not addressing any of the issues

  22. Zeetip: I have been writing articles on the internet since January 2005, over ten years. You have cited a few audio files which YOU say indicate some “conspicuous contradiction” on my part. Regarding what you call my “propping up of the Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative” and my alleged “pro Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative platform,” – please provide proof such as audio files from radio programs, text, including any statements from the three books in my trilogy where I have demonstrated any pro-Talmudic or pro-Israeli state allegiance. Those books cover the first successful Marxist revolution in the world and end with WW II. I defy you to prove any affiliation whatsoever to Israeli state interests. I have never asked for donations to further my research.

    During that same 10-year time period, I also defy you to substantiate the many claims of Wolfgang Halbig – please provide audio files or video of his alleged appearances on CBS and NBC programs that he claims to have been on. Provide any testimony that he gave before congress, or his presence at Columbine or any conclusions of his research about Columbine. Provide proof of his claim of being a school safety expert prior to his interview with Dave Gahary on February 11, 2014. You might also explain why he fabricated the five references he used for his latest business venture, The Children’s Safety Institute, whose web site he took down three days after I interviewed him.

  23. The distractions may be illustrated as an attempt to deny the identity of an animal by inspecting a bunch of fleas, most of which have no familiarity to the original animal (representing Deanna's dissertation).

  24. RE: Deanna at 8:05 AM above: another kosher 'Flip the Script & Project' fest..

    In your first 2 paragraphs largely ref'ing LeBon on "CROWDS", you seem to be trying to posture yourself, again, as somehow holding/promoting minority, outside-of-the-consensus (group-think) viewpoints' re Sandy Hoax... attributable to your being a "cautious and detail-oriented, fact-focused researcher..."

    Yet, the PRIMARY SOURCES for what you tout as FACTS, are in nearly all cases, zion.gov's Official Sandy Hoax Report, with the gaps filled in with mainstream joozmedia "sources" like NY Times and such.

    Therefore, you promote exactly the same Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative which the overwhelming majority of the US/world, AKA your "CROWD", have been led to believe, thanks to their marinating in the global joozmedia propaganda koolaid.

    So Deanna, what part of your SH viewpoints (referring only to your complete faith in the veracity of zion.media.gov's narrative of events that day, as you told Santilli; not your general anti-Big-Pharma views which we share) set you apart, and make you minority, outside-of-the-consensus (group-think) 'CROWD', again? Coz I'm just not seeing it... all I see is you trying to fraudulently project those negative 'CROWD' characteristics onto the SH research/skeptic community. :(

    Your last 3 paragraphs in your @8:05AM reply, mostly quoting MCP's False Flags book, infer that you're the VICTIM™ of irrational persecution, resulting from your pretend 'minority, outside-of-the-consensus (group-think) CROWD' Sandy Hoax viewpoints. You reverse-project the persecution which the SH research/skeptic community truly must endure when presenting our SH viewpoints to your 'CROWD'; onto yourself... with implied 'appeal to pity' for good measure. Yawn.

  25. Yes, Deanna, let's talk about the substance of the topic of the show, about government infiltration of the alternative media, as I have been doing on this forum regarding SH since 2013.

    MCP went around casting aspersions about those whom you refer to as "Key Opinion Leaders" (you're referring to Dr. Fetzer, Sofia Smallstorm and Wolfgang Halbig, to mention the most prominent), when he invoked Cass Sunstein's memo about cognitive infiltration, which I argue he did for less than scholarly purposes (mostly because he regards the notion of crisis actors as insane and wanted to resonate with the Jew-wise crowd in appealing to some of the more paranoid elements who think that anyone could be an agent).

    He acted as if the government hadn't already succesfully infiltrated organizations in the 1960s through Cointelpro, which goes back to my assertion that he specifically invoked Sunstein because he was already a recent Jewish boogeyman in the ripe minds of those in the alternative media.

    The important point he mentioned about Sunstein's memo is that Sunstein was specifically concerned about conspiracy theories involving Israel. Despite MCP deriding "wheelchair conspiracy theorists" (a blatant ad hominem unbefitting of someone of his past reputation, but understandable in the case of his work and health situation), I later discovered that he did recognize the Israeli element in Boston, but, ironically, regarding SH, he fell into Sunstein's trap, in completely disavowing any Israeli involvement, all while denying any crisis acting that the Zionists made use of with Boston.

    My post isn't to convince you of anything, nor to expect you to confirm any of my points. It's for those who are looking for explanations of what has happened here, and with the very odd and divisive activities that have taken place with the Ugly Truth crew, first spearheaded by Mark Glenn, then MCP, and now Keith Johnson picking up where the others left off in this sordid affair.

  26. RE: Deanna @12:04 PM,

    Let's give you a Mulligan on your Santilli show responses. Take just the 3 SH questions which Santilli asked you, which we see transcribed in my first/opening comment in this thread. How would you answer those same questions today?

    As to Halbig's 'proving' this or that non-SH-related personal detail to your satisfaction Deanna; that's between you and him. Personally I'd hope he ignores the sort of non-SH-related ad hom attempts which your questions reflect; and that he continues to pursue the answers to the objective SH questions which he's raised.

    Judging by the 'GUILTY DEMEANOR' consistently exhibited by the local/state CT gov's regarding all things Sandy Hoax; it seems Halbig's questions might be good ones indeed.




  27. Who said that I thought that the "Key Opinion Leaders" are Dr. Fetzer, Sofia Smallstorm and Wolfgang Halbig. Yes, of course these three individuals have perpetuated the stories. For all I know, we do not even know the names of the people who initially spawned the original stories. I was not at Sandy Hook so I do not know exactly what occurred there. I doubt that any of the commenters in this forum were at Sandy Hook. Most of the people who make claims about what they think I believe DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT I BELIEVE. Whether it happened or did not happen is immaterial at this point. It is what government officials, both federal and state, have implemented since December 14, 2012 that we have to pay attention to, all of us. I cover those issues in my book. I am not a victim and have never claimed to be a victim. I stand on my reputation, and my past and present performance. If people really want to know where I stand, they can read my book. I have offered free eBooks of my book. If you don't want to read my book, I DO NOT CARE. This is not a book commercial despite whatever claims people wish to throw at me. I did not collect funds from anyone to produce my book or to do the research behind it. I am not and have never been part of the consensus crowd. I am not talking about the alternative media, I am talking about life in general, from the time that I was a child - I have always been independent. If the crowd was going left, I went right.

  28. What kind of logic are you trying to use Deanna?

    "I was not at Sandy Hook so I do not know exactly what occurred there."

    You didn't live in Europe during WW2 but that doesn't stop you researching and talking about the war and the holoco$t

    Why don't you stop playing games and come out openly with what you actually believed happened at SH


    So you have a book out, kinda about SH, have some strange guests on bad mouthing those truthers looking into SH and we don't know your position yet? What gives?


  29. The commentators on this thread seem to be suffering from the same affliction(s): that is, the inability to recognize and admit that they have been fooled by people and groups in the alternative media, youtube videos, and by an impostor and liar posing as a former law enforcement officer and school safety expert. Some have become downright delusional, throwing out ad hominem attacks against one of the few voices of truth and sanity in our world – Deanna Spingola. The accusation that Mrs. Spingola is promoting Talmudic narrative is outrageous in the extreme. Few have spoken out against the Talmudic government as often and as pointedly as she has, and anyone who has followed her radio broadcasts, podcasts and read any of her articles and/or books would be hard pressed to find anything remotely promoting the Talmud.
    Deanna's words to Wolfgang Halbig in their first live interview have proven prophetic: She said (paraphrasing) “I am going to do research on this issue and I will come to the truth”. She has come to the truth, and has written a 600+ page book revealing it, and guess what – it's about a lot more than Sandy Hook. Here's a little hint: The Title “Screening Sandy Hook” refers to the mental health screening that is in the future for every American. I say this because it is apparent that not one of the detractors who feel so free to attack Mrs. Spingola has read her book.

    For those of you who still believe that no children died at SHES, here's a little anecdote for you: I have a friend who lives in Hartford, CT. who I know through her 911 truth activism. She told me about a co-worker whose niece died at Sandy Hook. She went to the funeral, and her sister went to many of the funerals of the victims. Was my friend from Hartford in on the hoax? How about her co-worker, the aunt of one of the victims? Who else would have been in on the lie?

    It's ok to admit you were wrong. Changing your position on an issue as new facts become available is actually the honorable thing to do, and is a mark of character. Apologizing to someone for brutally and wrongly attacking is also the right thing to do and I urge you to do so.

  30. More nonsense
    "The Title “Screening Sandy Hook” refers to the mental health screening that is in the future for every American"

    Indeed not really about Sandy Hook at all, no facts, nothing, made up to sell a book

    "The commentators on this thread seem to be suffering from the same affliction"
    Which ones? I'd vote for you for starters.

  31. Deanna, contrary to what you might think, most people commenting are not being led around by the so called 'big names' in the alternative media. You are not the only person alive who does independent research. There are (at least) four people on this thread who have published their own internet podcasts as well. Just watch the raw news footage of SH for god's sake. If you can't see that something was seriously fishy about the whole event, then I honestly don't know what to tell you. There are literally hours of it floating around on the internet.

    Was the Bostoon Bhoming real as well? lol. The two events are tied together because they used the same techniques to pull off the magic show to which we were all subjected: Crisis actors, hyper-emotionalsim and appeal to authority were the order of the day.

    You claimed I falsely accused you of pumping your books and then went on and on about your books in the very same post. This site will not be used as an advertising platform for anyone's products, so I respectfully ask you to stop it. Everyone here contributes their information FOR FREE.

    Also, please stop invoking MCP's name in a vain attempt to bolster and add legitimacy to your viewpoints. The man is dead now and is no longer here to articulate his views, which possibly could have changed over time as new evidence was uncovered, if he were still alive. I am not saying they would have, but we will never know. I have nothing more to say on this matter.

  32. Here is the famous book
    minus obviously the entire book
    as Google want CHF 8.08 to download the rest of this

    Don't look for FACTS ON SH anywhere
    This is very dishonest IMVHO

  33. I remember a guy called Slavo
    I fought with him online for 4 days straight
    Night and day, lost sleep over it, years ago

    He said the jews ran everything and did 911
    and I fought and I fought
    until I didn't

    So Nikos Moms (be zen og)

  34. So some people are very fond of characterizing Wolfgang Halbig as a attention seeking buffoon who is only interested in promoting himself, and oh yes, even calling him a liar.
    Here is a 2 hr. video of the man in action, giving a presentation on school safety to a room full of NY State troopers.
    The training video he presents starts at about 10 minutes.
    Please watch at lest the first 1/2 hr. I think you will find yourself watching the entire thing.
    Make special note how his audience responds to him.


  35. RE: Nicos Mom @ 3:40 PM

    "...and by an impostor and liar posing as a former law enforcement officer and school safety expert."

    WAIT WAIT! Don't tell me! Lemme guess: you were advised of these vacuous ad hom slanders by "...people who are really in the school safety, aaah, field; and [you] have communicated with them; and [you] think it would be UNETHICAL of [you] to share anybody's name that [you] communicated with; but one of the statements of one of these 'real experts' said [so]. Anyway, we do have to go to a 3 minute break, and we'll be right back after a word from our sponsors.”
    Right?? Ref @ 29:25:

    "For those of you who still believe that no children died at SHES, here's a little anecdote for you: I have a friend who lives in Hartford, CT. who I know through her 911 truth activism. She told me about a co-worker whose niece died at Sandy Hook. She went to the funeral, and her sister went to many of the funerals of the victims.

    Order of reliability of evidence types when examining a crime:

    1. Forensic - physical smoking gun
    2. Circumstantial - life insurance policies, CCTV of who was where, when; qui bono?
    3. 'Eye-Witness' - easiest of all to fabricate by self-interested parties. Ellie Weasel.
    89. Accounts by anonymous internet trolls with an already demonstrated penchant for smearing their designated opponents with vacuous ad hom slanders not even related to the questions at hand. Guilty demeanor, actually evidence in favor of their designated opponents.

    "Apologizing to someone for brutally and wrongly attacking is also the right thing to do and I urge you to do so."

    And return our tax shekels while you're at it! It's the right thing to do!

  36. RE: Scorpio @ 4:29 PM:

    "Was the Bostoon Bhoming real as well? lol. The two events are tied together because they used the same techniques to pull off the magic show to which we were all subjected: Crisis actors, hyper-emotionalsim and appeal to authority were the order of the day. "

    First & last I heard from Deanna on SH vs Boston, was in her 1/15/14 solo show where she debuted as a Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative Key Opinion Leader (KOL). She recited for ~1.5 hour, a pre-written script where, shortly after 12:20, she recited:

    "...Now, with regards to Sandy Hook, and the Boston bombing. Those are two entirely different events. The Boston bombing, with the guy in the wheelchair, and the fake blood, and all the other things that were associated with that event, which I believe was held, was orchestrated, in order to draw attention from Sandy Hook. There were obviously a lot of questionable things in that event, in the Boston Marathon event, and I do believe that it was a distraction from Sandy Hook, to get us focused on the next event, you know, let's move on, let's forget about Sandy Hook, let's move on to Boston. Don't focus on Sandy Hook people, let's go on to Boston." Refs:

    ^ A baffling explanation/contradiction, I know. But the thing was, in the 9 months between the Boston Hoaxathon, and Deanna's 1/15/14 show; she'd had on several guests (off hand, incl Dave McGowan & Dr. K. of nodisinfo.com) who deconstructed Boston, calling it out as the laughable hoax it was (ala Sandy Hoax). Deanna was in strong, outward agreement re Boston. So she couldn't reasonably back-pedal re Boston; her views were already too much "on the record".

    But she'd never done a SH show, nor was she on record as outwardly having an opinion on SH: real or hoax. Where it came up in say, the McGowan or Dr. K shows, it was a quick aside; only the guest expressed skepticism while Deanna didn't outwardly respond; and they'd return to their main topic. So, her "record was clean" WRT Sandy Hoax; and she was ripe for the Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative Key Opinion Leader (KOL) picking.

    That's why she's constantly schooling us on Delphi, & KOLs, & LeBon/CROWDS etc... that's intended to throw up a smokescreen & blind us from recognizing that SHE'S DELPHI'ING US, SHE'S A KOL, WE'RE HER 'CROWD' TO BE MANIPULATED.

    Very Talmudic, "Flip the Script & Project" deception/manipulation joojitsu. But, I believe she didn't write the script which she recited in her 1/15/14 SH KOL debut show; some other person or ABC entity did.

  37. I still have lots of questions on Sandy Hook

    1) What's the story with Ryan Lanza
    2) Same for Peter Lanza
    3) Where was Deanna SPINgola on the day of the event
    4) Latest from medical chief Calver
    5) Where is Robbie Parker now
    6) It's all about the Port-A-Potties

    There are so many more unanswered questions, yet we have people amongst us, trying to SPIN the official government version on us, don't ask any questions

    Deanna's book is about big pharma and not really about SH, I suggest she rename the book to something else. If we find out that Lanza wasn't on drugs, her book is useless in the context of SH.

    "I definitely do not and could not defend Adam Lanza’s unpardonable actions. I view him as another school shooter in a growing list if shooters who share a subtle media-concealed commonality – many of them were currently or had previously taken psychiatric drugs."

    Deanna should come out openly and tell us what happened at SH. Pointless bringing on the snitches as guests to bad mouth the truth movements. Tell us Deanna what you think happened, it's simple, don't drag this on for another 9 months until your SH 2 book comes out.


  38. Actually the more I think about this, the more dishonest I think Deanna Spingola has been over the 18 months in her coverage of what happened at SH.

    a) DS accepts government version of events at SH (or not, who knows)
    b) Knowingly or not pushes out disinformation
    c) Has guests on her show about SH that are government snitches
    d) Waited like a fox to get Wolfgang on to attack him about a company, research Poisenden,
    e) Deliberately tried to stop Wolfgang at every turn
    f) Her associates (Wade, KJ +Hopr) making a mockery of youtube research
    g) Using a dead man for support on this issue, I find this shocking

    Had enough of this, if DS wants to play stupid, so be it


  39. Og, she told us what she "believes" happened, as recited in the script of her 1/15/14 SH KOL debut show. It's transcribed in the opening post here, see @12:20:

    She's never wavered from that "view", only grown more vicious in propping it up and trashing its non-Talmudic heretics. :( "Haven't you read the SH report?! All the answers are there!!" lol

    From her 12/14/14 show, described and/or transcribed at: http://tinyurl.com/kd7guwg (MP3 at top)

    51:20 DS embarks on answering a question she claims to have been asked several times, re: would she allow her dead child to remain in a pool of blood for 16 hours... long sobby answer short: DS claims she'd prefer to identify her dead child from a photograph. Lots of appeal-to-emotion hyperbole here about the [partying] 'suffering' which the Sandy Hoax [actors] 'parents' are enduring, and will for the rest of their lives...

    55:00 DS: “And I cannot believe personally, that the [HoloHoax Revisionists like MYSELF] 'hoaxers' are so callous, that they're not considering, 'hey you know what, this did happen, and what the heck are we doing? Re-victimizing, every time that we bring something up, some kind of [HoloHoax] 'hoaxer' argument, we are re-victimizing these [poor persecuted JOOOZ, suffocating under the weight of their swindled “reparations”] people, and their dear, precious children! [SHAME ON ME!!]“


    ^ Where you see [square brackets] above; those were inserted by the transcriber for shits & giggles. Deanna didn't really say those things. :)

  40. Hold on there ZeeTip bro
    then why does she keep using


    As to "DS claims she'd prefer to identify her dead child from a photograph"
    When I original heard that part of the audio, sounded really weird, bizarre answer and then I checked in here on MS and there was a person called Colin asking the same question.

    I've experienced a very raw emotion in January after I lost a good friend and mentor suddenly and the 16 hour wait seems very strange yet again as an answer. Showing me a photo on a pad or seeing him lay in his coffin, not the same thing. These are times of raw emotions, not logic in general.


  41. "They keep deleting my comments, I wonder why?"

    Simples "Colin". Every Comment you have attempted to put on mami's has been nothing But ad hominin attacks and name calling. You have shown no sign of being able to refrain from this behaviour,despite being given many oportunities to do so. Therefore we admins will continue to spambox any appearance by your fake-schoolboyish net persona until signs of you ever "Growing Up" and debating sensibly like the rest of this threads contributors happen. Then we will review the situation again.

    You know? Sites have "Admins" for a very good reason. Shame people like yourself never respect or understand that.

  42. Surely Deanna we can agree on some kinda middle ground,
    nothing is ever simply black or white.

    What has your research told you about Ryan and Peter Lanza?


  43. Ognir: I have written six books using my real name: Deanna Spingola. I have written articles since January 2005 using my real name. I have conducted a radio program on RBN using my real name. I have had an online presence since 1994 under my real name. My history is online where one may read it. I have given presentations around the country on my quilting techniques. I have created a line of quilt patterns under my name. My photo is on several web sites. People know that I live in the Chicago suburbs. So, tell us, Ognir – what is your real name, where do you live, show us a photo instead of an avatar, and please give us your history and affiliations. You are quite willing to bash and trash me and question my integrity, my affiliations and imply that I am some kind of an agent. Who the heck are you?

  44. Ah victim mode, if my name was Mickey Mouse what difference would it make here, as I am not the one pushing the official version.

    I'm sure a little research will give you all my details.

    Try to stay on topic, we are questioning your version of SH events and why you continue to push the official version.

    Lots of questions above for you, any time you are ready


  45. No, not the victim mode but what clever way of avoiding my comments. I have never seen myself as a victim. You have made some rather slanderous implications about me while hiding behind the name Ognir. Read my book wherein I have addressed the issues that I think are important. I have offered a free download of it. I am under no obligation to answer your questions or anyone else's. If you want to know what I think about a particular SH issue, then download my book. I do not push the official version. That is your interpretation, NOT MINE.

  46. Let me remind you that according to the official version Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 kids +6/7 others at SHES

    I've posted your Intro above and you say the same, so what am I missing?


  47. [img]http://theinfounderground.com/archives/2015/July/pure%20garbage%20DS.PNG[/img]

  48. Ognir, I cannot perceive what you are missing as I am not a mind reader. I am not a victim; I am defending myself against cyber-bullies. The fact that some people in this forum bash anyone who attempts to defend me demonstrates the objectives of the majority of the commenters each and every time that I conduct a program about Sandy Hook. It is a subtle form of group censorship. It discourages people from posting any positive remarks. Yes, I do believe that children were killed at Sandy Hook as I have stated a number of times in many radio interviews. Whether children were or were not killed at Sandy Hook does not alter what government officials, both state and local, are doing as a result of Sandy Hook – what I cover in my book - the CONSEQUENCES. Those who think that it was a hoax avoid reading my book, free to anyone who requests an eBook download, as those individuals can no longer invoke plausible deniability.

  49. Deanna let me make it clear

    We want the DETAILS of The Event!
    You are dealing with the CONSEQUENCES of AN event


  50. Deanna, you're plainly now trying to joojitsu the dialog into an ad-hom against Ognir's personal details; same as your Halbig shtick.

    " I do not push the official version. That is your interpretation, NOT MINE. "

    ^ Beginning at 12:20, Deanna read aloud:

    "I believe that on December 14 2012, twenty year old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children, and 6 adult staff members, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut, which was founded in 1705, which had a population in 2012 of 28,042 people. Before driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother Nancy, and as first responders arrived, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Friends and family attended the many funerals that were held. There were people that were killed. There were funerals."

    Despite your routine proclamations Deanna, that you don't support zion.gov's Sandy Hoax story, and that any claim that you do support it is A LIE (your 7/9 show near the beginning); each time you're publicly asked which part(s) you don't support, including above in this thread by me @ 1:22 PM, by Ognir (sort of) @ 8:14 AM, and repeatedly by me ('PatColo'-- lost that joogle acct PW about a year ago) in the past:

    ....you don't answer. :(

  51. So Deanna was working on a book (Big Pharma)
    SH happens
    Book is adapted to FIT THE OFFICIAL STORY
    To prove how bad big pharma is

    Follow me so far?

    Then what I don't understand why DS repeatedly went after the truthers looking into this issue, of course if Lanza wasn't drugged up to his ears ....

    Repeatedly had some dodgy guests on attacking the movement, calling us hoaxers and the rest.

    I stated above that I believe that Deanna hasn't been honest in her coverage of SH and honest with us here.

  52. Deanna - This is your last warning - Stop pumping your books and other products you might be selling. This is not RBN and it is not an advertising platform for anyone's products. Stay on the topic, which is your somewhat veiled viewpoints on SH. Simply telling people to read your book is not an adequate response. Demanding that posters reveal their true identity is off limits as well. Some people have families, jobs and businesses that could easily be targeted. Not everyone is a retired woman living in the suburbs of Chicago or whatever your story is.

  53. I agree Scorpio. Simply telling people to read her book is not and never has been an adequate response----even though she offers free download.

  54. Og, Deanna says above that in Mar '14 she decided to embark on writing her SH (really anti-big-pharma) book. If Deanna's giving her book away as free PDF as she says, then I don't mind her referring to it in this dialog. Though her pedaling an SH book for sale to those not in this intimate little gathering, does tend to impeach her cred wrt her constantly seeking to denigrate & sow "ulterior motive$" doubts about SH truthers like Sofia & Wolfgang...

    I gather her book, taking for granted the veracity of zion.gov's SH story as its foundational assumption, is mostly anti big pharma; with a token chapter or two speaking in detached, faux scholarly-sounding terms about the psychological maladies afflicting SH truthers, while not touching or seeking to re-bunk any of the SH anomalies which we're all aware of. Similar to MCP's "False Flags", and/or Jonathan Kay's "Among the Truthers."

    Kevin Barrett did a great deconstruction of Kay's book, by the way! It's the joowey "Flip The Script & Project" gambit from cover to cover, same as the Pro Talmudic Sandy Hoax Story KOL crowds' whole shtick. Barrett even had the kosher little worm Kay on as guest on his show (few replies down).


  55. The truth movement, if we can call it that now, has systematically shot itself in the head with all these hoaxes. People are now claiming that not only was SD a hoax but so is every event that has come after it along with past events such as JFK wasn't killed, nobody died on 9-11. The latest blow to this journey for the truth is the flat earthers. I'm almost speechless on the last one.

    If we were not a tin foil hat wearing group before as claimed by the MSM, we most certainly are now. And then there's Dallas Goldbug look alike claims.

  56. @1776 - I'm not sure what 'SD' is. Please clarify. Nobody here (to my knowledge) takes Dallas Goldbug seriously. I've never heard anyone talk about the JFK shooting being a hoax.

    911 was a hoax no matter what your view on it is, regardless of how many people died, that is, unless you believe the official story and all of the official documents issued by numerous 'authorities'.

    Simply throwing around every theory that you personally do not subscribe to, is not a proof against SH being a hoax or the information that has been presented on this thread. If you have some good arguments against such information, now is the time to present them.

  57. Why doesn't Deanna make a FOIA or whatever it's called
    demand that Lanza's toxicological records be release and made public

    Let me be the 1st to offer $100 for such action


  58. Scorpio, I did not understand that I was not supposed to mention my books, particularly my last one, even though I was offering a free download. I was simply trying to provide people with the answers to their questions. Does that also apply to my web sites? Am I not allowed to mention them in the forum? I guess I need to get up to speed about forum policies. Of course I do not want to expose the identity of people if it would jeopardize them in any way. I was just attempting to defend myself.

  59. I did not realize that you were offering free downloads for your book, so I retract that last statement with my apologies but please in the future, try and avoid making the thread look like a commercial for you products.

  60. I don't have any products except four books. The state of Connecticut will not release Lanza's medical records because, as Connecticut assistant attorney general Patrick B. Kwanashie said, in referring to the release of vital information, “It is harmful, because then you can cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.” AbleChild, with attorney Jonathan Emord, has filed FOI requests and they held a hearing and that is what Kwanashie told them.

  61. Ognir - your statement that Deanna was writing a book about big pharma and then SH came along is a big lie. She didn't start researching and writing about Sandy Hook until Sofia told her that she couldn't be a guest on Deanna's radio program because Deanna didn't know enough about the subject (Sandy Hook). That's when Deanna decided to delve deeper into the subject, and started writing her book sometime after that. She has said this on at least one occasion on her radio program.
    Regarding Zetip's comment "...her constantly seeking to denigrate & sow "ulterior motive$" doubts about SH truthers like Sofia & Wolfgang..."
    I have listened to Deanna Spingola's programs since her first broadcast and she never denigrates anyone - it's not in her nature. But of course you wouldn't understand that as personal attacks seems to be your forte. She prefers to let liars and frauds, such as Wolfgang Halbig discredit themselves with their own words and deeds.
    Ognir: Why should Deanna file a FOIA request about Lanza? She has done in-depth research on Adam Lanza, more than anyone else, and it's all in her book. He was a vaccine-damaged, malnourished, brain-damaged (from psych drugs) gun enthusiast who snapped one day and killed 26 people. Since you don't believe Deanna and you think you can second-guess her and what's in her book, why don't you file the FOIA request and publish the results in your own book? I won't hold my breath for that one, LOL.

  62. Nikos - so I am assuming you believe the official 911 documents to be truthful as well because Deanna's premise seems to be that official documents can be trusted.If, on the other hand, you think they might of lied to us on 911, why is it so outrageous to think that the official SH documents/story might have been a forgery as well?

    Deanna - Your position is that SH was an organic event, the official story is indeed truthful and that it was not a hoax in any way shape or form and that all of the parents were real people including Robbie Parker?? I'm hoping we can find some middle ground here. Also, if Lanza''s medical records are sealed, how do you know for a fact that he was on pharmaceuticals??

  63. Nikos - " She never denigrates anyone" Oh?
    I was viewing th Ugly Truth Chat when fetzer was debating one of those guys - johnson or piper - and someone said that fetzer was pompous - deanna commented "pompass" so if that is not denigration/ad hom what is?

    Of course my observation doent reflect negatively on Deanna but does refute your comment about denigration. I would be surprised if DS doesnt find some people offensive, its natural

  64. Nicos Junk is already discredited above, with Deanna's own (self) hateful words about the callousness of (holo)hoaxers, as but one example.

    Deanna, we all see that you never answer this question no matter how many times people ask; seemingly as some sort of unwritten rule you follow; but I'll ask yet again, just in case:


    "[...] those following this saga know Deanna has repeatedly declared to the effect of, 'I never said I support the government's Sandy Hook Story!'. I distinctly recall her writing this in a Mamis comment, though finding WHICH SHOW would require more time than I have atm.

    So this seeming 'supporting of both sides' beckons the question, on which 'S.Hoax anomalies' issues are you in support of S.Hoax skeptics? Which specific aspects of zion.gov's official S.Hoax narrative do you disbelieve (ref: 'I never said I support the government's Sandy Hook Story!')? Where do you and the S.Hoax skeptics share common ground?"

  65. Also Deanna, you haven't yet taken advantage of your 'mulligan' opportunity regarding Santilli's Sandy Hoax questions from your 3/31/14 appearance on his show. In your July 14, 2015 at 6:31 PM comment above, you advised us that you "had no idea that Santilli was going to bring up the Sandy Hook issue."

    WRT your disgraceful 3/5/14 Halbig "interview" http://tinyurl.com/odkvvod -- you saw fit as recently as your 7/13/15 show to replay twice, and laugh/mock, Halbig's criticism that you were putting too much faith in a police report.

    Outside of your Halbig "interview" disgrace, your subsequent appearance on Santilli's show was the only other time, in the 2 dozen or so shows you've conducted devoted to Sandy Hoax over the past ~1.5 year since your infamous 1/15/14 Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative Key Opinion Leader Debut Show http://tinyurl.com/mgoau3j -- where you were opposite anyone who actually challenged you on your Sandy Hoax Faith. ALL of your other SH-devoted shows were either done solo where you read a script through the show and took no callers; and/or you had on as guests, your fellow Pro Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative Key Opinion Leaders including MCP, K.Johnstein, and Anonymous-Wade. And again, in these latter shows with sympatico guests, you never took callers, who might risk spoiling the illusion of Pro Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative 'unanimity' which these shows were calculated to create.

    It's of great interest to the Sandy Hoax Truth community that we understand the nature of your otherwise baffling, religious-like "faith" in the integrity/veracity of zion.gov's official Sandy Hoax report... a "faith" which lies in such conspicuous betrayal of the proper mindset of self-respecting revisionist historians worldwide.

    So, at your leisure Deanna, please feel free to re-answer Santilli's 3 questions in this thread's first comment above. :)

  66. Bottom-line people looked to Deanna Spingola for the truth about "What Happened" at SH, that was a big mistake.

    DS hadn't done the research but she had a book in the pipeline bashing big pharma, couple of chapter changes and et Violà !

    Seems Wade and Johnson were the people that schooled Deanna on the details of SH and she ran with them, add in the dead man from time to time ......

    Very dishonest IMVHO


  67. Poll so far

    Very interesting the Not Sure - Still have unanswered questions and the official report doesn't cut it


  68. Question 1: Still, you can't say with absolute certainty that you know what happened with Sandy Hook, right?
    Answer: As I said on July 15, at 2:46: I was not at Sandy Hook so I do not know exactly what occurred there.

    Question 2: So, you've said you read the reports, and, I'm not even going by the conspiracy theories. How do we know that we're to trust those reports? Can we? Answer: Typically, records recorded at the time of the event or during any investigation are usually relatively accurate. However, when government officials, both state and federal, convene a commission to formally declare what did or did not happen, are more than suspect as they usually have a preconceived conclusion – what those officials spew to the public as truth. This was true with the Warren Commission and the 911 Commission and numerous other commissions following such events.

    Question 3: Human beings, and human beings make intentional errors sometimes too, so we have to also consider the other side of the coin. Yeah, that isn't the do all end all be all; the sources of information we have to conduct our research, unfortunately I think are kind of tainted as well.
    Answer: Yes, of course people make mistakes. However, I do not believe that the hundreds of people that were interviewed during the investigation were all in on some kind of a hoax.

  69. Ognir, I did not have a book in the pipeline. I was too busy completing my third book to even consider working on another book. No one schooled me on Sandy Hook. Wade and Johnson focus on Sandy Hook issues that I do not cover in the book that I am not supposed to mention in this forum per Scorpio’s “last warning.”

  70. Zeetip: You referred to my “disgraceful 3/5/14 Halbig interview.” The interview took place on 3/4/14 not 3/5. I have repeatedly admitted that I acted inappropriately in that interview. I was frustrated and was intent on not having Halbig repeat the same claims that he had made on other radio programs. My Halbig interview is the only one that I am aware of that actually challenges his many claims.

  71. Zeetip: I conduct a lot of programs during which I do not take callers. In fact there are programs during which no one calls. I have conducted numerous programs featuring guests that cover the issues that I address in the book. These guests include Dr. Linda Lagemann, Sheila Matthews, Roman Bystrianyk, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Christina England, Christopher Lane, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Kelly Patricia O’Meara, Jeanice Barcelo and others. On Saturday’s RBN program, my two guests will be discussing the consequences of Sandy Hook.

  72. Ilya Ehrenberg: I do not recall ever referring to Dr. Fetzer as “pompass.” I attempted to find your source for this and discovered all kinds of false statements about me including the claim that Dallas Goldbug outed me a long time ago plus a lot of other garbage. I challenged Goldbug on Giuliani's radio program and also invited Goldbug on my program. I do try to avoid name-calling though I am sure that I often fail.

  73. Zeetip: You said, “your fellow Pro Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative Key Opinion Leaders including MCP, K.Johnstein, and Anonymous-Wade.” Isn’t Zeetip also anonymous? Keith surname is Johnson, not Johnstein. We are certainly not KOLs or Pro Talmudic. You are obviously very unfamiliar with the previous work of Keith Johnson, along with my own work, upon which I stand. KOLs usually amass a large following. That is what makes them “key.” One can definitely ascertain that the three of us do not have a big following. You apparently misunderstand the meaning of a Key Opinion Leader.

  74. That should be Keith's surname is Johnson, not Johnstein.

  75. Ognir: At 5:18 am today, you said, “Bottom-line people looked to Deanna Spingola for the truth about "What Happened" at SH, that was a big mistake. DS hadn't done the research but she had a book in the pipeline bashing big pharma, couple of chapter changes and et Violà ! Seems Wade and Johnson were the people that schooled Deanna on the details of SH and she ran with them, add in the dead man from time to time ......Very dishonest IMVHO.” You make false assumptions about me that you cannot prove and then imply that I am dishonest! That is very presumptuous!

  76. Ognir, on 7/16, 2015, you said:
    a) DS accepts government version of events at SH (or not, who knows)
    b) Knowingly or not pushes out disinformation
    c) Has guests on her show about SH that are government snitches
    d) Waited like a fox to get Wolfgang on to attack him about a company, research Poisenden,
    e) Deliberately tried to stop Wolfgang at every turn
    f) Her associates (Wade, KJ +Hopr) making a mockery of youtube research
    g) Using a dead man for support on this issue, I find this shocking

    A: If you are not sure, why guess at what I accept or do not accept.
    B: Provide proof that I have disseminated disinformation
    C: Please provide proof of your allegation.
    D: Wolfgang wanted to be on the program, agreed to be on the program and understood that we had different views. Don’t make him a victim. I asked him some hard questions that no one else had asked. If people are going to use him as a credible source, then he should actually be credible.
    E: How did I deliberately try to stop Halbig at every turn?
    F: I have no idea what you are referring to – are they not allowed to make YouTube videos?
    G: Reciting passages from MCP’s book supports what he believed. Tell me what you find so shocking in two people, friends, having commonality.

  77. Nice try Deanna
    "B: Provide proof that I have disseminated disinformation"

    Ok 20 kids were killed by Adam Lanza - Prove it

    You are coming from a fait accompli, 20 kids already dead
    We don't trust that to be 100% kosher, that is the SH hoax
    and why we keep researching it.

    So we have you, 1 dead MCP, Mark Glenn, Wade, Johnston, Hopr network, Lenny telling us nothing to see here

    That in itself puts up red flags

  78. Let me ask you Deanna, do you agree with some of your guests activities getting videos pulled from youtube and getting researchers banned?

    If the government case is so strong, release all the reports, what is there to hide on a dead kid Lanza?


  79. Ognir, Keith does not believe that YouTube should ban videos or researchers. Certain individuals have seized Wade'sweb sites and altered them to make him look inconsistent and even foolish. Which reports are you referring to? The state of Connecticut will not release Adam Lanza's medical records because as I previously answered above - "Connecticut assistant attorney general Patrick B. Kwanashie said, in referring to the release of vital information, “It is harmful, because then you can cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.” AbleChild, with attorney Jonathan Emord, has filed FOI requests and they held a hearing and that is what Kwanashie told them." Send your $100 to Halbig. I am not collecting any money to find the truth. My second guest on Saturday is the co-founder of AbleChild.

  80. Best of luck with the AbleChild interview

    As for Wolfgang, he's not one of us, 911, FED, holohoax etc
    unless he has been getting up to speed on the real issues
    I seem to doubt that all the same.

    I would have preferred if one of our own had done what he has done so far but saying that, he hasn't run off with all the money, he has got them up on the record, latest I heard the local top cop after being on the record, has quite or retired.

    I believe that this is the one thing he really believes in and is prepared to fight for it.

    Deanna basically I have more chance of finding out about the portable toilets running with Wolfgang :lol:

  81. I have had representative from AbleChild on my program at least six times. It is a very good group. Would you like to address the other issues in your A-G list?

  82. Ognir: If Halbig is "not one of us," your group that is, why did you bring him up:
    d) Waited like a fox to get Wolfgang on to attack him about a company, research Poisenden,
    e) Deliberately tried to stop Wolfgang at every turn

  83. simple as I'd offered to donate $100 your way previously

    When you had him, you were in attack mode, due to some research by that guy in Sydney and you were so happy he closed down a site 4 days later ..........

    As I stated previously, you were waiting for him

  84. DS "Would you like to address the other issues in your A-G list? "

    Shoot, fire away, all this good for me

    plus I have lots of questions as well to be answered

    1) What's the story with Ryan Lanza
    2) Same for Peter Lanza
    3) Where was Deanna SPINgola on the day of the event
    4) Latest from medical chief Calver
    5) Where is Robbie Parker now
    6) It's all about the Port-A-Potties


  85. Friday night, going for a quick pint, so let me answer in advance

    a) DS accepts government version of events at SH
    Read the intro in her book
    Adam Lanza killed 20 kids

    b) Knowingly or not pushes out disinformation
    Revert back to point 1

    c) Has guests on her show about SH that are government snitches
    Shit we back to this, I already pointed you to several shows you made, in their own words

    d) Waited like a fox to get Wolfgang on to attack him about a company, research Poisenden,

    e) Deliberately tried to stop Wolfgang at every turn
    You need to relisten to some of your audios about coverage of FATSO
    Where is Pat with a link to gold-silver running threat on this issue

    f) Her associates (Wade, KJ +Hopr) making a mockery of youtube research
    What? Wade was proud of it, maybe it's God's work for him
    And you were laughing along with them

    g) Using a dead man for support on this issue
    When you were asked some direct questions earlier in the thread, you reposted MCP's words


  86. Ok and I'm back
    But Deanna I've got more questions

    Your government version is still up for debate

    - Finger-print reports on the guns used at SH, where are they?
    - What guns were used (remember the Calver video just after)?
    - How many reports have been kept secret Deanna?

    Of course, you are not interested in new evidence, are you?

    SH is still ongoing as is 911, HH, 7/7, Paris, ............
    except Deanna Spingola +guests

  87. Deanna who is this person?

  88. In the ongoing SH investigation
    We have a photo and would like to ask Deanna Spingola about it

  89. Halbig shut down his site because he had made a lot of false statements on that site. A guy in Sydney – if you mean Poseidon, I did credit him with finding the information about Halbig’s references being dead. Citing people from whom one gets some information from is the ethical thing to do. It is presumptuous of you to accuse me of being in attack mode. Ryan Lanza was Adam’s older brother. Peter Lanza was his father. End of story. My name is Spingola not SPINgola. I was at home doing a radio program. Are you insinuating that I was in Newtown? My guests were Cindy and Craig Corrie, the parents of Rachel Corrie. We discussed how the jews had murdered their daughter on March 16, 2003, specifically how an Israeli-manned Caterpillar D9R bulldozer plowed her over as she was attempting to prevent the demolition of the home of a Palestinian family comprised of a pharmacist, an accountant, their wives, and five young children.

  90. Who is Calver – oh you must mean Carver. There is no latest from Dr. Carver. Robbie Parker and what is left of his family have relocated to another state. No, it is not about porta-potties. That is a huge diversion. Yes, I do believe that 26 people were murdered at the SHES on December 14. 2012. It is not disinformation; it is a different view, an alternative opinion which I think that is still legal in the consensus-driven alternative movement. Just because you accuse someone of being a government snitch does not make it a fact. I have no way of “stopping Halbig at every turn.” That is preposterous as he is very successful in his efforts. I am not in charge of or do I take any responsibility for the actions of other people such as Keith or Wade. We are all independent people. So what if I posted MCP’s words. He said it much better than I did. When MCP was alive, people, perhaps your associates, were ridiculing and accusing him of all kinds of things. That is incredibly distasteful given the fact that he was very ill.

  91. Deanna who is Poseidon?

    Halbig shut down his site because he had made a lot of false statements on that site.

    what? long after SH, FATSO shut down a web site

  92. I have no idea what the Posner family does. I have never spoken to anyone in that family. I have been told that they view me as a holocaust denier. I do not know anything about their business or anything else. How should I know how many reports out of thousands have not been revealed. The finger print issue has already been debunked. As I have reiterated - I do not focus on the same things that others focus on which is answering the numerous claims that people make. That is why I stopped critiquing Smallstorm's video. I see all of these claims as a huge distraction. I am going to be talking about this on Monday's program.

  93. Poseidon is the person that presented information on the five references for his business that Halbig used on his site. They were dead; they had died long before Halbig started his business, The Children's Safety Institute. Yet he was using these dead people, all of whom were in the educational field, as references for his business.

  94. DS "I have no idea what the Posner family does. I have never spoken to anyone in that family. I have been told that they view me as a holocaust denier."

    Who told you that?

  95. All of us, including Deanna, have the
    *right* to choose when we will, and when
    we will NOT, believe a government report.

    Deanna had gotten a good reputation for
    not accepting mainstream versions of
    historical events, and, when she DECIDED
    to embrace the government report, and
    for the flimsiest of reasons ("...it was
    just the officers on the scene writing down
    what the saw..."), that knocked me
    (and many others, I suspect) off the bus
    (the bus of former admirers of Deanna
    as a researcher, podcast host, and truth-seeker).

    That hurt!

    But, in the end, she exercised her right
    to choose to believe a government report,
    and, nobody is going to change that.

    So be it.

    I, along with many former admirers, choose
    to discount anything she has to say about
    anything, after her stubbornness in adhering
    to the pretense that the government report
    stands as solid evidence, worthy of being
    believed on its own.

    By now, even when she has interesting
    guests on, I just can't get worked up enough
    to listen. I suppose if she were to have
    John Kaminski on her show, I'd probably
    listen but he wouldn't let her off the hook
    on Sandy Hook (that poetic phrase was not
    intentional - it just came out).

    We may never know just what happened
    to Deanna - she may not even know herself,
    but, she obviously doesn't see, or won't
    admit, that her willingness to believe
    the government report discredits her as
    a spokesman for those seeking truth
    in today's world of so much deception
    and fakery, especially by government
    public releases.

  96. What I believe about a government report is inconsequential. People should not make this about reports, guns or other such major distractions. I do believe that the CSP recorded the results of their investigation as accurately as possible. Initial reports taken at the time of an event are usually pretty accurate. Government officials circumvent such original records by convening commissions such as the Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission. That is where the deceit begins.

    The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission was staffed by those associated with the drug industry, NAMI and the psychiatric industry, specifically selected to reach a predetermined conclusion. It was headed by a Malloy-appointed stooge. Their conclusions, with hardly a mention of Adam Lanza, was that people, especially children, needed more screening and more psych drugs to prevent another mass shooting. The commission hardly mentioned Adam Lanza. The commission was convened to conceal the fact that big pharma and not guns in the hands of the wrong people was the mitigating factor in the SH shooting as well as most of the mass shooting since the introduction of SSRIs in January 1988.

    Big pharma and big government want to control every human being on the planet and will exploit every mass shooting event in the pursuit of that goal. Government officials have always worked with drug traffickers. Consider the Green Gang in China, the mafia in the US. Currently, they have legalized those same kinds of drugs, only more dangerous and addictive and they wish to prescribe them to all citizens. Consider the drug trafficking from Vietnam and from Afghanistan. Remember Clinton’s role in bringing in drugs to Mena. Remember that George H. W. Bush sat on the board of Eli Lily. Consider who runs the drug industry and the ethnic group that controls the drug industry and has representation on all multinational corporations. Consider the ethnic group who created psychiatry. The FDA, the CIA and other ABC agencies work for the multinational drug companies. Those agencies do not protect the citizens. They intend to control the population with mandatory psych drugs.

  97. Governments want a dumb-down population. Consider the following article: http://riverbankoftruth.com/2014/02/04/ignorance-is-a-choice-by-greg-calise/
    I quote from that article, “These are a few statistics of literacy in America: 50% of U.S. adults are unable to read an 8th grade level book. 33% of U.S. high school graduates will never read a book after high school. 42% of college students will never read another book after they graduate. 80% of U.S. families did not buy a book this year. 70% of adults have not been in a book store in the past 5 years. American high school students today are reading books intended for children with reading levels of a 10 year old.” People get most of their information via the corporate-controlled media and the internet.

    If governments cannot control people through their “public education,” they will augment their profitable efforts with psych drugs. Do people really think that Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire? No, he figured out that the war in Afghanistan was about drugs. Ask yourself – who had the power and motivation to assassinate a popular sports figure. His fans would have listened just as the people would have listened to General George Patton.


  98. Deanna, please consider:

    "What I believe about a government report is inconsequential. People should not make this about reports,..."

    It may be inconsequential TO YOU, but, to your many former followers (and admirers, YES, I WAS ONE), what you *believe* about a government report makes all the difference in the world - it sends you in one direction, or the other.
    After listening to your excellent shows on RBN, I was expecting you to take "into account" these reports, but, not to grant them credence on their own. Your response to Pete Santilli was completely out-of-character to the Deanna we had gotten so used to listening to, with great anticipation and pleasure (believe this, you were one of our heroines).

    "I do believe that the CSP recorded the results of their investigation as accurately as possible. Initial reports taken at the time of an event are usually pretty accurate."

    Bingo! Why, WHY WHY WHY, do you say this? Why not just read their report, take it into consideration, but HOLD OFF believing it until you get independent confirmation that the "event" they are allegedly reporting on was indeed a REAL event you believe happened.

    We have here a fundamental split AT THE VERY BEGINNING. An "event" allegedly happened (a school shooting). If you start out believing that such an event really did happen, then your approach makes sense, and, your assumption about the initial reports is not so out of bounds. But, what the rest of us can't see, is WHY did you approach it with the assumption that a school shooting happened in the first place? All I got was these phoney sounded news reports - did you have access to some other source that made you believe there was an actual mass shooting over there?

    The split between us and you started whenever you came to the conclusion that there really was a mass school shooting and the identified actor was as reported. I would have expected you to only grant that such and "event" had been reported on by the mainstream news, but, that you would, like the rest of we skeptics out here, approach it with an equal suspicion that this "news event" could just as easily be explained as an "exercise" (or some other deception) as well as being real.

    So, if you can re-examine your thought process - when did you tilt to the belief that there really was a massive school shooting, and WHY?

    It seems you had already decided that the "event" was real, even before your read the reports, and, given that assumption, I can see why you would accept them.

    But Pete Santilli wanted to know what lead you to accept the underlying assumption - that a school shooting actually took place. You answered by citing the reports, which, it seems I learn now, was not what lead you to that conclusion - something lead you to that conclusion earlier, and, if you can help us on that score, maybe we can see it also - we are NOT beyond being reasonable. To this day, I ain't seen nothing that is convincing beyond reasonable doubts, that any shooting at all took place over there. And there have been plenty of irregularities that can only be explained by quite a stretch of the imagination (such as the boy who died twice).

    This is getting old by now. But, I hope this post will help you to understand that so many of your former admirers are NOT out of our minds and do NOT hate you - we are disappointed, and not able to figure out just what happened to you that you weren't as skeptical about Sandy Hook as you had been on your many other excellent investigations on other subjects.

  99. I daresay that no one on this comment forum has put in a fraction of the research that Deanna Spingola has on the subject of Sandy Hook. She has made a distinction between the official report of Sandy Hook put out by the CSP which is several hundred pages (and she has read), and the Commission report in which psychiatric drugs are not mentioned, and Adam Lanza's psychiatric medical reports are not included. This is(partly) why Deanna says that she does not believe the official Sandy Hook story, but does believe that the official CSP report is accurate for the most part. She has read the reports and talked to numerous people, including the director of one of the funeral homes where several of the children were memorialized. Were the funeral homes in on your hoax?
    If Deanna can be faulted for anything, it is her over-estimation of the intelligence of the people who are posting on these forums.


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