July 23, 2015

Spingola and Friends 7/20/2015

Deanna dissects and critiques her infamous interview of Wolfgang Halbig conducted on March 4, 2014, View calendar for audio file; See Notes/Links; see the Timeline on the page, Operation Censorship. View the protocols of a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI). On June 25, 2015, Halbig resurrected the debunked "everyone must check-in sign" during an interview with Dave Gahary (AFP)  following his Freedom of Information Commission in Connecticut. Read Dr. Jim Fetzer's article, The Ugly Truth about Michael Collins Piper, Cass Sunstein and Sandy Hook published on May 1, 2015.
Show-page           Spingola.com         SpingolaSpeaks.net
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?



  1. Fuck me, just lost 2 hours of my life listening to this garbage.

    Maybe Deanna Spingola should stop trolling the SH hoaxers and organize a 1 on 1 death match with Wolfgang as she seems to be under the illusion that SH = WH

    Good to hear Johnson at the end confirming his calls to the cops about them coming to Fatso's home and warning him off, in his own words yet again.


  2. Ognir; you claim to have listened; but did you hear, comprehend, investigate?

    My advise to folks checking "comments" before listening: Listen first; read comments later to learn the wiles of trolls, distractors, cult molasses and, on occasion the few, enlightened commentators thoughts and comments. Of course if you don't have the mental discipline to "hear," use the f-word to betray your learning disability to all.

  3. Great two hours of exposing the grand puba Howbig for his love of Israel as our greatest ally, says Obama threw Israel under the bus, his belief in the holohoax, and his daddy was in a nazi camp. But he claims he isn't Jewish, yeah right.

    But hey don't worry all these psyche drugs they're putting kids on are safe. Nothing to see here...just move on and pay attention to Big Pharma's alternative media's sales reps.

    As for the confirmation of the Police visiting Howbig, that is true, but Deanna did cover the why. When you write threatening letters, the cops will come to pay you a visit.

    I guess some only hear what they want to hear in this two hour show.

  4. Halbig said ***IN THIS INTERVIEW*** said that America isn't doing enough for Israel and that he believes in the holocaust and that Hitler killed a bunch of jews. Halbig also says that his father was in a German concentration/work camp.

    Since Halbig loves the jews so much and believes 6 trillion jews were brutally murdered by the evil racist Hitler, don't you think that Halbig would have a hard time admitting that the Sandy Hook massacre was a jewish plot?

    Deanna is too smart for this guy.

  5. Maybe some day Deanna can do 1/100th of the legwork Halbig has to prove Hook was staged. No, she sits in her home and cries about deaths in history 200 years ago.

  6. Halbig will not admit that the Sandy Hook massacre was a jewish plot because according to his own words, in this spingola interview, he loves Israel and the jews, and believes that Hitler executed millions of jews. You really can't take Halbig seriously after that. Deanna is too smart for him.

  7. I downloaded a caravan to midnight episode with Halbig as the guest - at about 1 hr 17 m he states that he believes SH was about mental health issues.


  8. @"Maybe Deanna Spingola should stop trolling the SH hoaxers and organize a 1 on 1 death match with Wolfgang as she seems to be under the illusion that SH = WH"

    Setting up the straw-man argument fallacy and then the discredit-by-association fallacy. So obvious, it's laughable.

    But to WN's and non-WN-andi-Judaics, exposing the holohoax is the ultimate bait for the deepest of hooks. The hook that puts their minds to sleep on every other issue for good.

    Never mind that Piper and Glenn and the rest of them all believe in the "Moon Landing Hoax," never mind that they have never EVER, in their entire careers, exposed ANY media-fakery at all, only OTHER PEOPLE than who we were told by the media committed this or that "false-flag." Never mind that Media Fakery (faked photos and imagery, fake witnesses galore, etc.) was also used on a massive scale on the holohoax, an "event" where only around 300,000 people (and not all those Jews) died from a typhus epidemic, starvation and malnutrition due to ALLIED bombing. Never mind that NONE OF THEM agree with Spingola's own positions on the Moon Landings being ENTIRELY FAKED, No-Planes on 9-11, the Boston Marathon Hoax being ENTIRELY FAKED, etc. It's only "the holohoax" and Halbig's opinion on it that matters and HALBIG = SANDY HOOK. Fetzer (another gatekeeper in my book, since he ignores the easily-proven non-plane-fakery and faked-victims on 9-11, but one with DEEP cover and expert limited-hangout shilling skills) has exposed the holohoax many times, so he's not as easy of a straw-man, instead he has to be character-assassinated as a "cruel man" who attacked and abused a sick and dying man (Piper).

    And, of course, what a gigantic surprise, that Simon Shack and Clues Forum, the originators and masters of Media Fakery Theory, who have exposed the holohoax, the Moon Hoax, the Norway Shootings Hoax, Sandy Hoax and basically dissected every single PsyOp in GREATEST DETAIL from a Media Fakery angle since 2006 are NEVER MENTIONED by any of these clowns. Fetzer mentioned them once by doing a full-on hatchet-job on them on Veteran Shills Today. When Shack and Crew enter the conversation, THEN it's not enough that he has exposed the holohoax, THEN Shack hasn't gone FAR ENOUGH in exposing JEWS (not true, Shack has named Jews like Silverstein, Stephen Rosenbaum, Charles Hirsch, Howard Lutnick, Rick Leventhal, Kenneth Feinberg, Alvin Hallerstein, etc., whenever there are Jews to name and has never denied that Jews control the media, but he is not obsessed with Jews 24 hours a day). Then, the focus shifts to, he doesn't talk about "Jews" enough, therefore he's a "shill."

    Absurd, the lengths that people will got to just to protect their comfortable illusions and the egos they have built up around it.

    Read this book is a MUST to understand the foundations of how all this PSYCHOLOGICAL manipulation and warfare works:


    Note: Ingore the holohoax analogies the author makes, proving that even the smartest of people can still be duped by much inferior but more cunning bastards.

  9. I have attempted to post a message at least five times on this particular program but it has been removed each time. Apparently, I am not allowed to respond.

  10. One more thing I forgot to add:

    Shill-proofing is a life-long ongoing process each person has to do on their own and shill-proofing yourself from others & from yourself (your own expertly manipulated emotions and ego, from all mainstream and most alternative channels both) goes hand-in-hand. Anybody who was more-or-less honest today could end up a shill tomorrow (direct agent or useful ego/idiot, the result being the same: DIS-info) and yes, though I would never bet money on it, even long-time shills may come to realize the error of their ways every once-in-a-while, check their necessary illusions and correct themselves into semi-upstanding denizens of reality and ego-less rationality.


  11. Deanna - Take your pillow fight with Halbig elsewhere.

    Mind you, I couldn't give a rat's ass about him one way or the other. The SH issue is a lot bigger Halbig or yourself. Countless other researchers have independently looked into the matter. Trash him all you want on your show but he's not even here to respond to your allegations.

  12. I know that the SH issue is bigger than Halbig. I did not view my comment as trashing him - but rather just an explanation about the date of the original program.


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