July 03, 2015

Spingola and Friends 7/2/2015

Deanna gives more information in this Part 6 regarding Michael Collins Piper and his remarkable, revealing book about the JFK assassination, Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, first published in January 1994, and the ongoing cover-up.       Show-page                   Spingola.com            SpingolaSpeaks.net
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?



  1. I changed it back. You guys are no fun at all. lol

  2. It's really pathetic how Deanna is trying to glom onto the memory of MCP, looking to restore her damaged reputation.

  3. You should be more objective and not say things like that Scorpio. You're an admin ffs. you should strive to be more like me. ROFL

  4. Damaged reputation? Over Sandy Hook? Who cares. So what if she doesn't agree with you on every detail of Sandy Hook. Scorpio is just upset that Deanna has done tremendous research validating Hitler/Germany's position in WW2.

  5. Upset? nope. Cool as a cucumber here. If you think her reputation hasn't been damaged then you are delusional. As for Hitler, who cares. Ancient history - just like the so called holoco$t. However, if you want to immerse yourself in the details of WWII, then go right ahead.

  6. And now? The case of Dylan Roof is just like the Sandy Hoax. Now these idiots are demanding a long evaluation again and they have prepared the people to shut up and believe MSM etc. The Jews have declared war towards the White race and freedom with their newest hoax and trying to confiscate guns. This everything must be a planned operation. I think Glenn is on the side of the enemy. This insane infighting and demands for the censorship. Deanna has cried against Fetzer & co. in the name of the whole Trith movement. They want to hijack the movement and to make the people to believe in the jewish lies and to be afraid to thonk themselves. They are ridiculing the conspiracy theorists like the jews and theiur trolls. I think that Glenn is JGB/Mossad and piper probably changed onto the side of the enemy or started taking advise from the KGB. Maybe Deanna is only fooled into this. But now I think she understand what was the great Aim of the stringerpullers of Piper and Glenn.

    Oh Yes. I do believe that Frioend and Fetzer are untrustworthy. But the critique was a false one.

  7. In the first book of my trilogy I present the history/background of the first successful Marxist revolution in the world otherwise known as the civil war and its aftermath of corporatocracy, free trade, multiculturalism. I also expose the beginnings of the worldwide jewish network and their orchestrated slaughter within every country either by starvation, deliberate disease or orchestrated warfare. My second book gives the facts about the jews fomenting World War I and their illegal seizure of Palestine as well as the shenanigans behind the federal reserve and the deliberate economic depression. In book three, I present the facts about the continuing communist/jewish infiltration and ruination of the United States. History is not ancient but is prologue to current circumstances. The trilogy is NOT an insignificant contribution and is not a compilation of "experts" that I have merely edited and compiled to make money. My current book about Sandy Hook is actually an expose of what the jew-run medical industry is doing to the children/adults of the country. Most of my detractors have not read my books but assume to know exactly what they contain. My conclusions, stated in my books, are drastically different than the court historian's views, including those in the alternative media, often published by CIA fronts. That is why I have self-published. My detractors also base their slanderous remarks on the opinions or statements of other people who have also not read my books. Obviously, there are thousands of books available so that people may form educated judgments based on actual research. People who do not read have no advantage over those who cannot read. I do not know which of those two categories my critics belong. Then, course, there are dozens of trolls who operate in various forums doing as much damage as they can to sincere truth seekers who happen to have a different opinion than the herd. The late MCP, a good friend, was an independent thinker and writer, formerly employed by a company that made millions of dollars from his work and then threw him under the bus.

  8. LOL Deanna - Nice commercial for your books! You act as though you are channeling Piper from beyond the grave. MCP's problems began when he teamed up with Mark Glenn, who lead him down the path of 'social justice' and embracing Islam as all American. This caused a lot of his WN supporters to jump ship and caused a lot of friction for him at AFP. Don't forget that Glenn was fired from AFP some years ago. MCP's denial of much of the Sandy Hook shenanigans (despite piles of overwhelming evidence to the contrary) didn't help matters either. That's probably the only reason you are trying to glom onto him now. Keep your emotional BS to yourself and your next show where you will weep uncontrollably for all of those dead kids at SH as you have in the past.

    MCP was indeed a great trailblazing author, probably second only to Eustace Mullins, but his troubles were partially self created.... As are yours. You have been a very divisive force recently and it seems to me that you have thrived on the conflict and the attention it has brought you, so don't try and play the victim here. I used to be a fan of your shows, but your behavior over the last several years has shown me otherwise.

    Your 'detractors' have based their opinions on your words. I have no intention of buying any of your books, although I have a large library spanning 20 years of research. You've stated your position on SH numerous times, so reading your book would be redundant, unless you have changed your position. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a CIA agent, or a troll. Some people have actually done their own independent research and come to a different conclusion from your own. You are not an 'expert' whose conclusions are infallible, so I suggest you stop acting like it.

  9. My behavior over the last several years??? You mean since January of 2014 when I stated that I believed that children died at Sandy Hook. I still state that children died at the SHES. However, my book on SH does NOT cover the usual arguments but, as I have reiterated, is an expose on big government, big pharma and what they are doing to the world's population. Quite frankly, I do not care if you buy the book or not. I have NEVER claimed that I am an "expert," or that I am infallible, only that I am a amateur historian. I am not thriving on conflict nor playing the victim. I have never asked for donations and have been relatively silent about things that have recently occurred and, until recently, have rarely promoted my books. I did not say that everyone who disagrees with me is an agent or troll. Yet, people are very quick to call me an agent, a shill and much worse.

  10. Years ago I had a brief email exchange with Mike Piper about the Three World Wars-letter allegedly written by Albert Pike. At the time I found it difficult to believe that no such letter actually existed until Mike prodded me toward proving him wrong. I dug in finding that every source claimed by a variety of authors using this "letter" in their theses led to dead ends. Yet this myth continues because many have based their belief system-theses on this fallacy. Mike's book Final Judgment, which dispels countless myths and is the closest work to being exhaustive regarding JFK, likewise does damage to obstinate "experts."

    Although I would like to commend the collective work of Mami's, I find some contributors minimizing the deceptive means of Talmudic media via over simplified memes. The enemy has an all but unlimited arsenal of divisive tricks.

    Mike was always in hot water for digging up facts. Thank you Deanna for recognizing this and standing on this principle.

  11. Deanna -- Did Mike Piper ever comment on W. Mark Felt 'admitting' that he was "deep throat"?

  12. According to Final Judgment, MCP wrote, "However, there is much stronger evidence that suggests that we should lay the wreath of honor at the tomb of James Angleton. If Angleton wasn't "Deep Throat" per se, he was certainly the CIA handler for "Deep
    Throat"—and thus was ultimately responsible for the destruction of Richard
    M. Nixon. So let's take a look at the evidence..." Deborah Davis has concluded that the "voice" for the source, "Deep Throat," in fact, was James Angleton's deputy, Richard Ober. And this means, of course, that Ober most assuredly was doing Angleton's bidding as part of a campaign to bring down Richard Nixon. The big question, as far as Davis is concerned, is whether "Deep Throat" approached Woodward or whether Woodward's editor, Ben Bradlee, put Woodward in touch with "Deep Throat." In either event, the fine hand of James Angleton was clearly at work. Either Angleton sent Ober to Woodward or Angleton directed his longtime
    Post ally, Bradlee, to have his reporter Woodward seek out Ober. Davis
    points out: "The minor deception in [All the President's Men] is that only
    Woodward knew who Deep Throat was. Bradlee too almost certainly knew
    him and for far longer than Woodward." Kathryn Graham had Deborah Davis' book pulled from the shelves and pulped. However, MCP had a copy.

  13. @WWS

    He addressed it briefly during one of his RBN shows:

    Starts around 33:00

    "The whole story about this guy, Mark Felt having admitted to being 'Deep Throat', I don't believe the story, a lot of other people don't believe the story. The guy already had Alzheimer’s when this liar, Bob Woodward from The Washington Post, who was probably an intelligence asset himself going way back, when he came out with the story.”


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