August 08, 2015

Extermination camps – When the Khazars (aka: Jews) Punked the World – Dr. Robert Faurisson

Zionist Judaism *Needed* the legend they created to Justify Stealing another peoples land after WW2
Editor’s note:  We have not run much holocaust material, as our VT readers are familiar with all aspects of the story. But we have to remind ourselves that we have new readers who may not be. When the early revisionists first began peeling the onion on this story, it was not against the law to “ask questions” about it. But Europe, occupied Canada, and Australia have criminalized what they call “denying the holocaust”. This in itself is a hoax because in Germany the courts had to invent a “truth is no defense” new judicial concept to block those charged from being able to submit archival evidence in support of their challenges.


  1. Sorry for posting something that is not relevant.

    I listened to a bulletin of Sky news a week last Friday. Chris Spivey got a mention.

    Indeed, I will be putting in a complaint against Judge Woollard this weekend. There is nothing stopping you from doing the same. The more people who do, the more chance I have of avoiding prison.

    Likewise there is no reason that you cannot make your MP aware of this injustice. They will of course try and shirk their responsibility by claiming that there is fuck all that they can do since I am not one of their constituents. But that is bollocks. That I am not a constituent of theirs matters not a jot because it is the process that you are complaining about.

    The more people in high places who are made aware of what is going on means that there are less people in high places who can feign ignorance when the shit hits the fan… And hit the fan it will because it is they who have broken the law, not me.

    In fact on Wednesday 12th of August at 2.30 PM, Dr Nick kolestrom who wrote the book ‘Terror on the tube” about the 7/7 government false flag – an event that Judge woollard tried to belittle me about – will be handing in a letter of complaint to the Ministry Of Justice, about the persecution aimed at me & my family by the state .

    Nick wrote the following in regards to his plan of action:

    Dear People,

    I invite you to turn up on Wednesday 2.30 pm August 12th at the Ministry of Justice, (102 Petty France) I propose to hand in a letter to be forwarded to Judge John Woollard, and a copy to the Lord Chancellor.
    We have to oppose this wrong judgement, and be seen to oppose it.

    This is a very evident miscarriage of justice. Mr Spivey has committed no crime. they are trying to ruin his life.

    If you’re not interested, please forgive me for having troubled you.


    Now that is the kind of action that I am talking about.

    I will be there to support Nick, I hope many of you will join us.

    I can also tell you that the respected author John Hamer has written about me although unfortunately I can’t even tell you where you can find that piece as doing so would break my bail conditions… See? They have even made it so as I cannot publicly defend myself against their bullshit conviction.

    I will also be appearing on ‘OPEN YOUR MIND RADIO‘ this Sunday coming at 7PM.

    As for petitions, well I know that a lot of you think that they are a waste of time. However, it appears that the government think differently.

    This is evidenced by the fact that a petition started about me not getting a fair trial was removed when it got to around 1700 signatures – despite evidence that signatures were being removed. Tellingly, Wolfie contacted the petition website asking for an explanation as to why the petition was removed – to date he has had no reply.

    But never fear because there is another petition to be found HERE which currently stands at 2017 signatures.

    However, the real total is much higher because just like the aforementioned petition that has gone walkabouts, this petition is also having signatures removed – and in large numbers to boot.

    I know this for a fact because when I looked at the petition at around 7PM on the 5th of August it stood at 1993 signatures.

    This fact is confirmed by a comment left on my facebook on the 5th of August at around 6.40PM

    Thought I would share this part of Spivey's post which can be found just below the picture of him with his grandson.

    The MP3 might make interesting listening.

  2. People still believe the khazar myth?

  3. Comment was made...

    Larry Cox
    What is missing from this article, of course, is the question that begs to be answered: What was really going on? What was the real purpose of the two "Great Wars?" Could it be as cynical as - say - a study to find out what it takes to engulf an entire planet in war? Or perhaps a crude smokescreen to hide some higher-level crime? I am empressed by these efforts to "get history right." But we will never get it right if we cannot find a way to discover the real private back stories to these grotesque public events.

    Answer is - white genocide and theft of their property as demanded by the Talmud

  4. The Khazar crap again. Ugh. The jews were being jews long before the 8th and 9th century when the alleged conversion took place. Byzantium passed anti-jew laws similar to the Nuremberg Laws 400 years before the alleged Khazar conversion. Also Rome took measures against them several times for pulling their crap 700-800 years before the alleged conversion. The eternal jew is the eternal jew is the eternal jew. You cant salvage the old testament and thats the only reason Christians cling to the Khazar thing. Just let it go and grow up.

  5. CB - The Khazar 'crap' is referring to the Ashkenazi Jews, not the Sephardic jews, so I am missing your point.

  6. I guess I am missing yours as well. So the alleged Khazars aka the Ashkenazi jews aka Eastern European jews are the bad guys and have only been around since the 8th century. Fine. I dont subscribe to the theory but for the sake of the argument, lets say it is fact. What about Sephardic jews then? Are they off the hook? They are just as much scum of the earth as the Eastern European jews. They have done just as much damage to the West as the Ashkenazis have.

    Here is the simple truth. There were jews all over this planet as far back in time as you care to look. There is even talk of a diaspora in the Old Testament. So you see its pointless and frankly dumb to get hung up on geographics. Ever heard of the term "The Wandering Jew"? And lets not pretend that the Khazar theory-just like CI's dual seedline doctrine-wasnt born out of Christian panic. These are only a form of damage control to try to salvage the bible. Long long ago Christians went into a panic when they became jew wise and wondered how they could save their stupid jew religion. So they got creative and the Khazar theory and the dual seedline doctrine are the fruits of that panicked creativity.

  7. @CB - Pretty much agree with most of what you are saying. I wasn't trying to make any excuses for historical Sephardic behavior or imply that they are somehow 'better' the Ashkenazis. You had made reference to jews back in Byzantine empire. The Ashkenazi theory only explains the existence of a group of jews who do indeed look much different than the Sephardic branch of the clan. It should be clear to you by now that I am no apologist for any version of the three Abrahamic religions.

  8. Yeah man I didnt mean to come across as condescending. Ive just had this debate with lots of jew wise Christians over and over and it seemed like that was the direction you were heading. Sometimes its hard to understand what someone is trying to say over the internet. Cheers.

  9. I hear you....and cheers as well.


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