August 09, 2015

How Hitler Defied the International Bankers

Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers "financed Hitler." There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany.
Economist Henry C K Liu writes of Germany's remarkable transformation: "The Nazis came to power in 1933 when the German economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began." (Henry C. K. Liu, "Nazism and the German Economic Miracle," Asia Times (May 24, 2005).
***Read full article here***


  1. "Without the explicit help of Standard Oil, the Nazi air force would never have gotten off the ground in the first place. The planes that made up the Luftwaffe needed tetraethyl lead gasoline in order to fly.
    At the time, only Standard Oil, Du Pont, and General Motors had the ability to produce this vital substance.

    In 1938, Walter C. Teagle, then president of Standard Oil, helped Hermann Schmitz of I.G. Farben to acquire 500 tons of tetraethyl lead from Ethyl, a British Standard subsidiary. A year later, Schmitz returned to London and obtained an additional 15 million dollars worth of tetraethyl lead which was to be turned into aviation gasoline back in Germany.
    After the war began in Europe, the English became angry about U.S. shipments of strategic materials to Nazi Germany. Standard Oil immediately changed the registration of their entire fleet to Panamanian to avoid British search or seizure. These ships continued to carry oil to Tenerife in the Canary Islands, where they refueled and siphoned oil to German tankers for shipment to Hamburg.

    This deception was exposed on March 31, 1941 when the U.S. State Department issued a detailed report on refueling stations in Mexico and Central and South America that were suspected of furnishing oil to Italian and German merchant vessels.
    The report listed Standard Oil of New Jersey and Standard Oil of California among those fueling enemy ships, but there is no record of any action being taken as a result of this discovery. Similar deals between Standard Oil and the Japanese government for the purchase of tetraethyl lead have also been uncovered, but no direct action was ever taken against Standard Oil for its dealings with America’s enemies.
    A brief side note, however, is that on April 17, l945 the Chase National Bank was placed on trial in federal court on charges of having violated the Trading With the Enemy Act by converting German marks into U.S. dollars. Because many countries refused to accept German currency during the war, the Nazis used foreign banks like Chase National to change the currency into money that would be accepted, and thus allowed them to purchase much need materials to prolong the war. The closer one looks, the more ties one finds between American business and Nazi Germany, many of which remained strong well into and beyond the war."

  2. Foon1e; your comment (and the article referenced) are based upon false premise and obfuscation. First, the NSDAP economic system was not designed for war, but for the betterment of the nation (did you read the article?). Their monetary system bypassed Jewish banking, not commodity exchange. When war was imposed upon Germany SIX years into their recovery, yes, fuel was required--and Germany found monetary and technical ways to get that fuel. It's just that simple--war planes had nothing to do with the prosperity of Germany.

    Whooli, a better presentation of this article may be found at

  3. ...and once again, the infamous "Michzel" comes to the rescue of the irredeemable.
    Your comment is pure bluster and misdirection. It's evident from the changes instituted by Hitler and his cronies that once he was "Elected" Chancellor, he immediately put Germany on a War-Footing. All National Industry was retooled towards creating the largest and most offensive Army,Navy (including banned U-Boats) and Air-force the 20th Century had yet seen. Nothing about his leadership was "Defensive":It was all directed at the stated aims of reclaiming everything the Treaty Of Versailles had divested the previous Imperial Germany Of.
    There is no false premise or Obfuscation in that Article. Just verifiable Proof that Germany relied upon outside Help from Jew-Owned and run Oil Companies and Banks far more than you re-propagandists want anyone to find out about. It doesn't fit in with the narrative you've constructed for yourselves.

    ( )

  4. QV - that "article", like a lot of text found out there in the net contains very little that's new to me. I fully comprehend *why* the Jewish Banking Cartels were opposed to Hitlers overt banking changes of the time. yet,you fail to take into account World Jewery's own public declaration of war against Germany in 1933. That one act spurred Hitler's own determination to re-arm Germany as quickly as possible. The "Work" that was created to sustain this "Economic Miracle" was the creation of a Military Germany that surpassed any previous Version of the Teutonic State. The Factories and industries that sprang up in the 4 years between 1933 to 1937 were dedicated to building this war machine.
    When Germany decided to test their technologies by entering the Spanish Civil War, this was to prepare their conscripts and regular forces for the further wars Hitler knew were to come. Nothing like a bit of real-life slaughter and pillaging to train up a greenhorn military in the new equipment and techniques necessary to mount an offensive against their neighbours.
    This is all recorded History;regardless of the apologists who regularly pop by to reinforce your shared delusions about that Austrian Politician (and possible British Tavistock Agent!)
    So - thanks "QV" for your spamboxed *order* for me to read the (pottymouthed) article.
    You can run along now and spew your nonsense somewhere else.

  5. Not true, Foon1e. Friedrich Kurreck gives a yearly account of NSDAP expenditure in


    I would like to add, that under Hitler, the 6 to 7 million unemployed under the “Weimar Republic” were, for the most part, re-employed within two and one half years. Within five years, full employment was reached.

    Hitler’s enemies claim today that full employment was only achieved by rearmament.

    That is absolutely untrue!

    Armaments began to play a big economic role for the first time in 1939, as England and France forced war upon us.

    Here are the figures:

    German Defence Industry Income from 1933 to 1939:

    1933/34 RM 1.9 billion = 4% of the National Income
    1934/35 RM 1.9 billion = 4% of the National Income
    1935/36 RM 4 billion = 7% of the National Income
    1936/37 RM 5.8 billion = 9% of the National Income
    1937/38 RM 8.2 billion = 11% of the National Income
    1938/39 RM 18.4 billion = 22% of the National Income

    The above figures belie the Allied accusations that Germany armed her way out of the Great Depression...

  6. foon1e:
    "... no direct action was ever taken against Standard Oil for its dealings with America’s enemies".

    If you haven't figured it out yet, America's main "enemy" was the British Empire.

    Germany needed to militarize to fight the Bolsheviks. I don't think Germany was fully aware how much the West was in cahoots with the USSR and how deep Jewish influence was in the West. It was an uphill battle for them for sure; but their actions in the situation were admirable and might be seen that way in some de-Judaized future.

  7. England and France "Forced" war?! Lolol. The French were too afraid to venture beyond their "Impregnable" Maginot Line. And the British Army in Europe at the time was laughably equiped and trained. The proof of that was when Germany launched their westward "BlitzKrieg" and tore through the French defences like tissue paper.Not to mention driving the British Forces into the sea at Dunkirk.
    Pushing "Statistics" as "Proof" belies the actual events that took place during those years.Especially as the source you quote was a hostile witness with an axe to grind. His "Speech" is littered with inaccuracies and outright falsehoods as to the timetable of the war and his recollection of the order of events.
    eg: he only recounts his involvement as a fighter pilot intercepting Allied Bombers. But neglects to mention the few years of previous German Bombing of the UK mainland Airfields, Towns and infrastructure which tore the heart out of SE England.
    Therefore, anything this German says is tainted evidence to me.
    Tyy again Michzel...

  8. Blake: Standard Oil was too big to jail - much Like Chase in 1945...and ever since for every other Jewish owned and controlled Corporate structure. We see this pattern repeated today with the whole World central Banking system.
    Germany Pre WW2 was nursing bruised national Pride and Butthurt for it's humiliation (As they perceived it) by The Signatory nations at Versailles.
    If anything is true, it's that Britain's true enemy was the American "FED", and it's insistence of forcing the British Government into Userous "Lend lease" rates to buy much needed materiel,ships and weapons to defend itself from Invasion(And protect it's merchant fleet and territories across the world.)
    You see, Unlike Germany, Britain had never entered the Pre WW2 Arms Race. Therefore, it's Equipment was sub standard. It's tech was outdated, and it's initial willingness to Fight was pretty much forced upon it by events and Jewish machinations.

    Also, Germany was the country that previously signed the non-aggression treaty with Russia. Not the other "Allied" forces. It was Hitler's mistake to make there. Just like it was his mistake to invade Russia at the time he chose to.

    Finally, If Germany was unaware of how deep Jewish Influence was already? Why did Hitler devote so much space in Mein kampf pointing out his views about them? Why bother to bring in Laws and statutes taking away Jewish Rights to citizenship and freedom of Movement? Authorise "kristallnacht" to terrorise and scare out of Germany small Jewish Business owners? No. Hitler and his administration were under no illusions of the dangers of having such a large Numbers of Jews within their national Boundaries, as well as having the plots and schemes of World Jewry to contend with too.

  9. Yes, the German-Soviet pact was a head-scratcher. Why the military buildup if not against the Soviets? I guess the Germans had that conflict put off into the future and just wanted to settle the Danzig question for them.

    At any rate, America's main goal in the war was the defanging of the British Empire. Roosevelt made this known almost every time he met with Churchill to ram the fact into his head. The British Empire was the main "enemy" for the USA. And it worked out pretty well on that score.

  10. Come on Blake! We both know that Hitler had promised Germany he would regain everything They Lost after WW1, and more "Lebensraum" besides to be elected Chancellor.
    The Build-Up Of German Armed forces was to enable Germany to force all that through. And his Non-Aggression Pact With Stalin was to make sure Russia would avoid coming to the aid of any other Country Germany Invaded or annexed on the European mainland during this process. I don't doubt Hitler had plans to deal with the Bolsheviks in time - preferably with the aid Of a Britain he hoped would eventually come over to his side. That obviously was not to be though - despite the British Royal Families obvious German sympathies. (What would you expect from a bunch of Parasites who changed their real names from Sax-Coberg to Windsor when they were installed as the de-facto Royal Family in a bloodless coup?)

    FDR might have played the role of the Anti-British Opponent whenever he publicly met with Churchill. But we all know thanks to hindsight that *Both* men were mere pawns to the Rothschild's puppet-masters. And were just playing their assigned roles.

  11. That sounds about right to me.

    It doesn't look like your source has Esso selling that oil before the war (12/07/41 for us) and so who is to say who the "enemy" was at the time? The British Empire far outranked any others in terms of an "enemy" for the USA. Of course any and all others are the "enemy"; but the British Empire was the one to be overcome the most. A rational ranking of USA enemies would probably be:

    1. British Empire - 70% enemy
    2. French Empire - 10% enemy
    3. Germans - 5% enemy
    4. Dutch - 5% enemy
    5. USSR - 5% enemy
    6. All the rest - 5% enemy

  12. Foon1e, you've managed to pull attention so far away from the original report that I find no reason to follow your lead further. The point of Whooli's timely post was that NSDAP Germany followed an economic plan to escape Judea's banking cabal. Listening to a relevant lecture by Rodney Martin on Youtube (Rodney Martin - The Economic Plan of the NSDAP) Rodney provided an English translation photocopy of the 1932 pamphlet describing this plan in pdf format

  13. BTW, today's enemies would probably rank:

    1. China: 40%
    2. Japan: 30%
    3. Germany: 15%
    4. UK: 10%
    5. All the rest (including Russia and their oil): 5%

  14.'re trying to posit that 1 year before Hitler actually ascended to power, they were able to accurately predict exactly how the next 7 years economic activities would pan out? Without taking into account other world events;economic changes in Stocks and shares;Production rises and falls due to the availability or non availability of essential materials for manufacturing etc? The Oil situation pointed out at the beginning of this discussion actually proves the volatility of such commodities, and their effect on National "Plans".
    Just because something is "Planned":Doesn't mean that's exactly what subsequently happened.
    BTW, conversations weave and flow naturally around here - nothing strange about that;as subjects constantly arise during conversations that always go off on tangents.
    If anybody is "Pulling attention" anywhere, it's you with your repeated attempts to do the Jews bidding by repeatedly mentioning Hitler,Hitler,Hitler: Something we're all (apart from Whooli) actively attempting to reduce the frequency of around here so Jews can't Use it to bash us over the head with. (Which has been their favourite tactic for reputation-smearing for the last 70 years).

  15. Oh & Blake - you missed out Japan from your first list ;) Bit of an oversight there! lol (Yes, i know you remembered them on the latter list. But in light of Pearl Harbour, i thought it worth mentioning.)

  16. I never mentioned Hitler (until now), foon1e. You have that peculiar way of reading things that enables you to see and paint things your way... and the power to delete comments. Perhaps you're missing something.

  17. You jump onto comment sections for Hitler posts - then claim you never mentioned Hitler until now? You are either pulling my plonker,or you really are being provocative ;)
    I only spambox abusive or obvious trolling comments. That's standard Admin duty around here.The only thing i'm missing here is your real motivations for attempting to defend all things NSDAP;in the face of all evidence out there to the contrary?

  18. @Michzel ....And how did the story of your glorious leader end? Answer: Germany was left in ruins, handed over to Jewish bankers and was left in far worse condition than when AH originally took power. Like it or not, it was one of the greatest victories for the banking cartel in all of the 20th century. None of the Hitler fan boys want to address these points. It's like trying to argue religion with Abrahamic believers: you just go round and round in circles with the 'believers' cherry picking facts and figures that fit their historical view. BTW, none of your comments have been deleted on this thread, so don't start whining about it.

  19. Yeah, I guess you're right, an article that I quoted above mentioned Hitler. I'm not going to split hairs with you because you possess and wield your own ruler of judgement. You commented without reading the article and your comments since are spurious and tedious. You mentioned "evidence to the contrary;" what evidence, Nuremberg court historians' evidence?

    "Read the goddam article foonie!" is neither abusive nor are they the words of a troll. The person was only speaking that which was obvious.

  20. Scorpio; what a condescending presumptuous thing to say. I'm interested in real history as are serious revisionists. Your nebulous defamation flies in the face of truth regarding the character of everyone including yourself.

  21. Interesting that you didn't address *anything* scorpio said- apart from react in the typical dismissive head in the sand way most of the people who attempt to defend 70 year old shit always do. Waste of time and energy replying to the likes of yourself.
    As Scorp said, you can't get any sense out of the "Believer" mindset. So why do we bother?

  22. Originally posted in wrong place -

    Thanks Whooli

    I am slowly building up data about the 3rd reich economy. People may remember the A Migchels article stating that Hitler did not do away with interest

    now i originally believed migchels to be wrong after listening to r martin on spingola plus the first debate he had with migchels - the scheduled 2nd one never took place.

    I recently accessed the annual reports for German Banks in the NSDAP era and the accounts showed that income from interest was still being earned. So it looks like German businesses and people still had to borrow money at interest.

    NB - I d o not claim to understand German accounting terms but nthe word Zinsen (interest) is used. Perhaps a native german speaker could access som of these annual reports and clarify.

    However, it would seem that Germany did not issue its money with debt attached.

    August 10, 2015 at 10:47 AM

  23. The Versailles treaty demanded Germany to disarm first and THEN the allies like France and Britain AS WELL. Germany complied! While France and UK did not, but instead kept building up!
    After Hitler made numerous attempts to disarm Europe and the allies ignored it and kept arming, Hitler decided to re-arm to be at least somewhat en par with the hostile neighbors. In 1933, even Czechoslovakia (an ally puppet state) was highly more armed than Germany.
    Hitler also tried to negotiate with Poland over the lost territories. He was the first German president to ratify the new post-WW1 borders. No other German administration did that in Weimar Germany.
    The only problem remaining was the Free state Danzig and the security of German minorities in Poland.
    Hitler also offered France the same in regards to the Alsace Lorraine situtation, where 90% were ethnic Germans. Finalize the border for France to keep it but secure minority status for Germans.
    In Italy, Hitler even went so far to deport South Tyrolian Germans from Italy in exchange for Mussolini's alliance.

    Poland wanted the war and the Western powers used this to declare world war.

  24. During the war interest was offered to the German public as a way of controlling inflation. With German workers having little to spend their wages on, they were encouraged to deposit their incomes in return for bank interest or a return on government bonds. Thus the government received back the majority of money paid out as income. An economic cycle that funded the majority of government spending.

    Had Hitler won the war then inflation would have posed a serious problem; with a victorious German people seeking to spend the vast sum of money they'd stockpiled during their many years of struggle.

    Following their victory, the Allies issued occupation currencies in each respective zone, but sensibly left in place Hitler's controls on the use of German currency. After the war these continued to be effective.

    Then in 1948 the Allies replaced the Reichsmark with the Deutschemark and the rate of conversion on savings was fixed at 10RM = 1DM, but only for 50% of savings held, with the remainder being frozen and kept out of circulation.

  25. @Ilya E

    “And so that you don’t continually misunderstand–usury and interest are not the same thing. Usury is a charge made for the use of money regardless of production and often regardless of even the possibilities of production” — Ezra Pound Reading, vol. 2, Caedmon Records 1962

    “The trick is simple. Whenever the Rothschild and other gents in the gold business have gold to sell, they raise the price. The public is fooled by propagandizing the devaluation of the dollar, or other monetary unit according to the country chosen to be victimized. The argument is that the high price of the monetary unit is injurious to the nation’s commerce.

    But when the nation, that is, the people of that nation own the gold and the financiers own the dollars or other monetary units, the gold standard is restored. This raises the value of the dollar and the citizens of ‘rich’ nations, as well as citizens of other nations, are diddled.” ~ Ezra Pound

    Unless people understand the above 2 quotes, they will never understand the most fundamental thing about how predatory world finance operates, and always argue from faulty base premises even with the best of intentions and the most unassailable logic.


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