September 21, 2015

Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt 9/20/2015

Robert Reyvolt interviews Professor Doom and John Friend to discuss many important issues and topics.

Incendiary Radio Archive            RBN



  1. John is way too nice. He basically makes excuses for the reporter who got him fired. He goes on to portray the article written by the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper as a positive thing in the hopes that people will wake up with critical thinking applied to parsing a few sentences written. What a crock. Cognitive dissonance amongst those who read the SD Union Tribune is massive. Avg readers will derive nothing other than a stark warning against taking a pro stance on white identity politics. Friend should sue both the paper & Escondido but he blew it by being tricked into signing is resignation.

  2. Have to agree with above, John way too nice and if he had want to make a big issue out of, shouldn't have resigned.

    Then again, we don't know all the details of the chat he had with his bosses.


  3. LCR, go read the comments on the U-T article. Virtually all of them are supportive of me.

    I am not making excuses for the reporter at all - I am simply saying that the article was basically a fair representation of what happened and of my political/historical views. Of course they threw in the "anti-Semitic" and "white supremacist" label, but that is to be expected.

    As I explained in the interview, I am seeking legal advice. Unfortunately, given the classification of my employment, there may not be much I can do from a legal standpoint. But then again, I've read countless comments from people like you guys who apparently are legal experts saying that I can sue the City and newspaper. We shall see - I doubt it but who knows. At the very least, I hope to gain further clarification as to what exactly led to my termination.

  4. john friend outed his dumb ass to get sheckles from the goy.....
    work sucks and he can i get a bunch of white national yiddiots to give me free xhecle

  5. John, was not fired. He resigned from his position. He just rolled over and took it. Imagine if John actually fought for his job and won. This would have been a massive victory for our message. People knowing they could say what they wanted and being able to keep their employment would have been a major victory. John went out with out a whimper and now rants and raves. He should not have resigned.

  6. Don't think john was had union representation like they have in the north east. So basically he is fucked. Life goes on

  7. Jews know that working class goy can't afford legal representation.

  8. Friend should have sought legal advice BEFORE he quit. Too late!


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