December 16, 2015

Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders Running For Hillary Clinton Exposed (Redsilverj)


  1. If trump is not patriotic then who is?
    If he's faking this presidency he's been planning on faking it since the 80's
    The NWO/JWO are not masterminds they fuck up and big time... USS LIBERTY, 911, BOSTON BOMBINGS, IRAQ, LIBYA, SYRIA EVERTHING... Trump has been busy making billions... The Jewish Mafia are busy robbing billions big difference...
    Here is a young trump exactly the same person almost 30 years ago...
    He's been faking his whole life or he's the real deal...
    He's been in the spot light his whole life...
    His kids reflect his values...
    RedSilverJ I think your wrong this time...
    Putin and trump can really shake things up...

  2. Nic;
    Putin is as fake as all world leaders. The only reason he is helping Syria is to protect his warm water navel base there. Russia is one of the five top countries in the u.n. Russia there has veto power. Don't be fooled by thinking that putin will come to anyones rescue. Trump is an israeli firster and has admitted loving israel and praises notanyahoo as a great leader. Sometimes people need to close one eye so not to see double.

  3. I agree with you t brad. Staying true to the code of dog eat dog gangsterism Trump has declared that "thousands of muslims celebrated the destruction of the twin towers from roof tops on 9/11". This seems to be a shot across the bow of jewish power because he now sees how they are abandoning him and backing their new favorite crypto Marc Rubio. Trump knows thousands of muslims did not celebrate the destruction on 9/11 although every msm played a short archive video of a dozen palestinians celebrating something that had nothing to do with 9/11 to frame arabs. The reason he did this is because he knows millions of people will google "thousands of Muslims celebrate wtc destruction" and instead they'll come across the five israeli mossad who were on a rooftop holding up lighters celebrating the first plane crashing into the wtc as they filmed it and how they and thousands of other mossad were given safe passage back to israel some of whome actually stated on israeli tv that "our purpose was to document the event" brazenly showing their involvement in the attacks and their contempt for potentially incriminating themselves to the world without fear of retribution. If Trump doesn't get the jewish backing then he can come back and apologize for erroneously claiming it was muslims celebrating and say it was actually israelis thus shaming the jewish powers. He is trying to use blackmail to become president. In response the ADL immediately refuted his claim and said no muslims were celebrating because they are soiling there panties and don't want people googling on the subject and coming across istaeli foreknowledge of 9/11!

  4. 1melahat seems to have it pretty well figured out.

    This is almost exactly what we have been saying over at TUT for the past while regarding Trump and his outbursts. He is far from being a fool, especially after watching that younger Trump in interview with Oprah. (Hard to believe he was actually quite a handsome young man!)

    Rubio has the stamp of Adelson approval at this point although Adelson might wait and watch Cruz for a bit first. He wasted too much cash on Newt last time ... cash that might have helped Mitt to defeat Obama. In his estimation anyhow. He wants to back a clear winner but he has still pulled in some of his billionaire buddies to back Rubio for the meantime.

    1. Thanks but sorry to not give credit where credit is due Noor. This theory was originally promoted by Mark Glenn and I am repeating it.

  5. I was at a computer on 9/11, and when I went to the news sites, including (once they were no longer inundated with so much traffic), I remember all the outpouring of support for the U.S. from every major country/leader except for Saddam Hussein. Trump is being negligently sloppy, or it's intentional disinfo.

    That he came out in 2012, suddenly asking for proof of Obama's eligibility for president, and was not completely blackballed then and from that point onward, including by Fox News, who made "birthers" out to be nutbars, was suspicious in and of itself, but then when Obama's handlers released yet another fake birth certificate, he said, OK, I'm satisfied now, it's all good, that was a major red flag.

    And the whole birth certificate issue was a distraction anyway, since a natural born citizen is someone whose parents are both U.S. citizens, as was clarified in the original Naturalization Act.

    Then, Trump got into a fake PR stunt dispute with Chuck Todd of Meet the Press, and it was then that I concluded that Trump was likely controlled opposition, even before his 2015 presidential run, and subsequent events have only strengthened my views.

    Here is an excellent interview done by Robert Reyvolt with Kyle Hunt, where they really analyze Trump's actions, statements and intentions.

  6. Correction: He came out in 2011, suddenly asking for proof of Obama's eligibility for president.

  7. Jeezum Crow!! "Obama" is not an African-American and his name is not " Obama." He is a JEW because his mother, Stanley, was a Jew and he was raised as a Muslim named Barry Soetoro. He is also a homosexual and he is "married" to a MAN named Michael.

    The President of the United States is a Jewish queer and the First Lady of the United States is a Negro tranny. Think about the power and control needed to bring this about.

    Turn off the Presidential reality show now!

  8. Right on, Erik Paul.
    And Trump is not an "American" candidate for the presidency but an Israeli proxy.
    His daughter Ivanka married a rich Jew and turned Jewish to satisfy the rabbis.

    Trump is part of the Presidential Reality Show.

    We Americans have been living in Jewland since the Civil War, when Judah Benjamin was the South's Secretary of War/Treasury and August Belmont (aka Schoenberg) tried to get Lincoln to accept war loans at twenty percent interest.

    Fight smart...if WW III starts, end it quick by lynching the small elite club of International Central Banksters.


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