June 30, 2017

Ken O'Keefe on ISIS 2017.06.17


  1. FIRSTLY, his name is NOT!!!!!! "Ken o'Keefe", but is Kenneth Roy Nichols.

    Secondly, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, where is the money, Kenneth?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imuAALmVR50&t=2038s

    This guy is NOT!!!, NOT!!!, NOT!!!, the man we all believed him to be, and please do not post any thing more from this fucking flim-flam man.

    Thank you.


  2. I will post what THE HELL I WANT!

    Thank You.


  3. Information is information, whatever the source. It's up to the recipient to decide it's value. Grown-ups don't tolerate censorship.

  4. "Grown-ups" posting shit that ALL OF US ALREADY KNOW, from a man whom I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE WITH EVERY-FIBER-OF-MY-BEING IS A FRAUD/CON-MAN, is something that is not acceptable to me, and is sure-as-Hell should not be acceptable to YOU, if you are intellectually-honest.

    Thanks for understanding my very strong position, and the REASON for it.


  5. Lindsey sounds like someone whose own strongly opinionated podcast blog is long overdue!

    O'Keefe appears to have aged 1-2 decades in the past year; esp following his blowup with Max Igan over the world citizen as Ponzi scheme accusation. And Ken did himself no favors with his subsequent Richie Allen interview... Irrationally antagonistic!

    Kirwan recently remarked on Rense that O'Keefe looks to have "not long on this earth!"

  6. I would post a Lindsey podcast for sure. I'd rather do that than to read all his constant venting. lol

  7. *LOL*

    I actually do like you, Mr. Zapoper, and have no problems with you.


    NB: The rumor that I have seen, and that I absolutely believe, based-upon the physical-deterioration of him, is that he is addicted to meth-amphetamine, which he started using/abusing after he left his wife and children for some bimbo...

  8. NBB: His appearance on "The Ritchie Allen Show", honestly-to-Christ, was a text-book-example of how a person abusing methedrine acts, from what I have seen in the club/discotheque scene. It is not "JUST" the irrationality that was heard, but how aggressive he was, WHEN IT WAS NOT WARRANTED. The ENTIRE interview, Mr. Nichols was OVERTLY-AGGRESSIVE, and really was never "normal", during that entire 1 hour and 22 minute train-wreck-for-his-reputation.

    Listen to it, and you will recognize it, right-away, if you have ever dealt with an addict, in your personal lives: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imuAALmVR50&t=2038s


  9. This is his hot filipina girlfriend, Sophia, in a video by a group called Dugong. It shows her partially nude and is chock-full of freemasonic imagery. The producer of the video definitely is very creative and talented though regardless what you think of the content.


  10. You need to be high on some kind of drug to watch that video let alone like that music.

    1. Indeed. Lol It took skill and creativity to make that video though. Lots of stop motion and pixilation animation.

  11. I think that Mr. Lovett just proved-my-point, about the rumor about Mr. Nichols' health-crisis...

  12. O'Keefe pub'd this 18 min jobee at his channel June 28th; wide ranging but he also goes into the $-impropriety accusations. Also PO'ed that US is requiring a US passport of him to enter the US very soon; when he already carries a valid Irish pp. It appears he's trying to emerge from whatever emotional/health crisis he may or may not have been in these past ~9 months since the Igan/World Citizen blowup... couple recent PressTV appearances, and 2 recent YouTube channel vids after a 9 month absence from both venues.

    Ken O'Keefe on the "Jewish Supremacist Talmudic Satanic Pedo Bankser Cult"


  13. Addicts are known to go-through months-long binges, and then after they are through with "THAT" binge, emerge from whatever-fucking-hole they were in, during their binge, and try to pretend that "everything is normal"...

    Anyway, you people, I HOPE, are intelligent-, aware-, and worldly-enough, to recognize what is happening, and to STAY-THE-FUCK-AWAY FROM TROUBLED- AND BAD-PEOPLE, because that is exactly what this guy is--TROUBLE.


    NB: You people very seriously need to listen to both what Mr. Igan said, and Mr. Nichols' HORRIBLE rebuttal/defense, of the accusations, which, after-all-of-this-time, appear to have borne-out.

    Mr. Igan's accusations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vQYjb-wVEk&t=218s

    Do you want to see how Mr. Nichols REALLY looks?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFk2BjE0F20

    Mr. Nichols unhinged train-wreck-of-a-rebuttal: http://youtu.be/imuAALmVR50

    This is Mr. Richie Allen's final-word on the entire situation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6oxvcFJRnQ

    If there is one thing that all of you people know about me, it is that I WILL NEVER suffer fools, liars, con-artists, nor scallywags, and calling-out people for their mis-deeds, and worse, even when people have done AMAZEBALLS!!!! work, in the past, is the epitome of "intellectual-honesty".

    You all are free to make-up-your-own-minds, but NEVER, EVER fucking say that you never knew the details of a situation/person, once those details have been provided.


  14. I like Ken O'Keefe a lot!!!

    He is passionate, intelligent, articulate, courageous, informative, etc...

    He can get mad any time he feels like it as far as I'm concerned; it doesn't turn me off at all. I listen to the content of what he says no matter how it is expressed. He has cause to be indignant and pissed off. And so do I. If you don't like it, I don't care.

    Daniel Major

  15. "Voltman", I am going to be polite, and simply say to you to listen to what I presented.

    I was fooled by the flim-flam man, too, but once I realized what had been done to me, I immediately vowed to NEVER allow him to fool me, again, and THAT is known as "intellectual-honesty".

    You do not know, apparently, what he did, and the "rumors" surrounding him, after he left his wife and child, ALONE, so you would do yourself-a-world-of-good, and EDUCATE-YOURSELF on the situation, before commenting any further, when you, literally, apparently know nothing about which you write.


  16. Some people will do nothing else with their lives other than post diatribes in comments sections and come off as self-important and condescending. So sad.

  17. You people are such pathetic and pitiful fools, and are THE primary reason that frauds, flakes, fakes, crack-heads, and literal lunatics, have been allowed to completely run-amok and create a completely directionless joke-of-a-movement, so don't EVEN think that you are going to try to insult me, and expect no response.

    You fucking losers had LONG-AGO been given opportunity-after-opportunity to clean-up this "movement", and did fuck-all, to-the-point that we are, truly, more disparate and in-dis-array, than we have EVER been.

    Anything else to say, Jack-ass, because you know me--I will keep-going, relentlessly, because I KNOW-FOR-A-FACT that I am 100% right.


    NB: Where are you, Mr. Nichols? Have you fuck-all to say for yourself, here, for your "adoring" fans, whom are so gullible, and so fucking clueless, that they provide PERFECT fodder, for you "food-for-though", and maybe can offer to send you some of their hard-earned money, for dreams-and-promises?!?!

    Fucking bunch of losers...

    1. You show your foolishness by assuming that I am a adoring fan of O"Keefe without any evidence. I see a lot of similarities between you and that self-absorbed egotist Negentropic. He's back! Lol!

  18. His name is Kenneth Roy Nichols; get-it-straight.



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