September 01, 2017

BANNED AND UNAVAILABLE AS OF TODAY: The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored & In The Name Of Yahweh

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock: "I was informed today by that both of my books: “The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” and, “In The Name Of Yahweh,” have both been withdrawn from sale by the printer.

“In The Name Of Yahweh,” is now officially out of print, as I have no personal stock of this book left.

However I have 40 copies of, “The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” available autographed by myself for $35 each, which includes airmail postage to wherever you are in the world."


  1. The Jewish power structure is now pushing it too far like they always do in history. Sites have been outright banned for the first time. These two books have been banned. And when these Jews overstep their bounds, the old cycle of retribution against them will inevitably take place. I am not calling for any action. Let me make that clear. But certain masses will revolt against these parasitical scum spontaneously at some point soon. This is merely the organic laws of history as put forth by Oswald Spengler. And these actions usually take the form of violent pogroms. We see this in history. Why do these Jews always bring these things upon themselves? If any reaction to their blatant despisal of free speech takes place, they would have only themselves to blame. Would it be tragic? Possibly. But bad actions usually cause ugly REACTIONS. You would think they would have discovered their achilles heel by now. This is the one flaw of their's they never learn from - taking things too far when it comes to lording their control over the goyim. I am for total free speech, but I might add that the removal of Stormfront has not bothered me. Because it cleanses our movement. I am a National Socialist, and the Stormfront crowd were all a bunch of Republican-loving conservatives. I don't have time for conservative nonsense like that, and neither did the Germans. Pro-White Socialism is the way. I have no tolerance for "pro-Whites" who praise predatory Jew capitalism. May Stormfront stay purged FOREVER.

  2. @ ImperiumEuropa666 And therein lies the problem. The same problem you have with Stormfront is exactly the same problem some have with National Socialism. Stormfront is pro white and Don Patrick, Father Francis, have all had their doubts and critiques of Trump and conservatives. Whites are so fractured we will never be united because everybody points the proverbial finger at each other. It's pretty sad when as a people we can't agree on the main issue; survival of the white race. Instead, it's you are a conservative lover, you are a socialist, you like Hitler, you hate Hitler, you are a christian, you are not a christian, and the list goes on and on and on... oh the you are a jew, a fed, or both!

  3. This is their way of stifling dissent. This book fell victim to the so called Amazon "Book Burning" although you can still get the old version on their site. Shutting down sites, Paypal accounts and credit cards is just the beginning. When they implement the cashless society, they will have full control over us "the slaves".

    I don't know how fast these forty books will be sold but I wouldn't mind owning a hard copy of this one. Unfortunately I can only buy one in a few weeks.

    It's hard for me to see this going on in the US of all places. The Constitution is just a piece of old paper to them and apparently the first amendment is totally gone.

  4. You're right 1776B but to be fair, most of these groups are infiltrated by Jews, FBI or both. Some of them were created by them.

  5. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock has gotten his hits in early.


  6. Zap, do you recall the first time you heard about the FEDS infiltrated white nationalist groups or forum in SF's case and from whom? I do and it was 2006 when I realized without a doubt that my suspicions about 911 were confirmed; enter Alex Jones. He used to say that white nationalist on Stormfront was a Fed operation. I believed it for a while but then he was exposed. As we know, he was married to a Jewess (married to another one), his advertisers are Jewish, and GCN Live is a haven for Jews.

    What does the accusations of Fed infiltration made against White nationalists groups accomplish? It stops people from joining and or associating with other whites, which benefits who? Jews. In a nutshell the message says sit down, shut up, don't bother, we lost, and it's no use trying.

    The word on the KKK according to Mike Sledge who wrote (?) or read an essay years back was the second coming was a Jewish operation while the first KKK was formed to protect the south against Jewish carpetbaggers and negroes running amok.The website for this no longer exist. I may have it saved as a word file on my old PC

  7. By the way, ACH first edition of SOS is still for sale on Amazon.

  8. In 2006 I was listening to AJ too. It took me a few years to realize that the White race was under attack and in particular the White male. They need White women to help them destroy white families through feminism and have them make beige babies. The social engineering is over the top nuts and it is now obvious for all to see.

    Everyone is welcome in their brave new world except for the White male.

  9. I agree zap, tell people this and they look at you like you're crazy.

  10. Save 1 or 2 for history/documention.
    They can not win!

  11. Looks like he'll have to change the title to "The Synagogue of Satan--Updated And Expanded"


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