November 19, 2017

America, Israel's Whore

Zionists headquartered in Israel have hijacked the U.S. and treat the country much as a pimp treats his whores. They use and abuse the United States for selfish and greedy purposes. They want a Satanic one world government to usher in the anti-Christ who will rule from the world from Jerusalem. The Zionist control congress and the President through their lobbies such as AIPAC, Anti-Defamation League, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. They use their ownership of the six of the largest media companies to brainwash U.S. citizens with silly entertainments and lies. They are responsible for the massive immigration into the country. They are the leading force behind gun control and the current police state. They own the Federal Reserve and the Bank of International Settlements and control the money supply in much of the world. Satanic usury is one of their favorite means to enslave people. They use inflation and the IRS together with the unconstitutional income tax to syphon off much of the profits from American labor and business. Americans are slaves in their own country and through the Zionist propaganda matrix most of them don't even realize it.

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