November 06, 2017

Caves and The Hell Fire Connection

Rosette Delacroix
Published on Nov 6, 2017

Just when you're ready to write off Rosette Delacroix as a crank she comes up with insight that drags you back in. In her "No Forests" series, Rosette is attempting to deduce from observation and reason that our world used to be a lot like "Pandora" from the movie Avatar. What keeps me checking back with her is a persistent curiosity to see how far she gets and a nagging intuition that she might be correct.


  1. Who keeps pimping this flat earth crap?!?!

    Possibly the out and out most stupid thing I've ever come across!

    If the earth is flat how do you explain time-difference? How do you explain seasons? How do you explain longest day/shortest day (as measure by sunlight hours)?

    Its the worst form of psy-op because to believe it you'd have to have never travelled very far in your life, otherwise you'd notice things like the hours of daylight changes dramatically based on the latitude you're in. Not to mention temperature *cough* proximity to sun *cough*

    Seriously, its one of the most irritating speculations I've ever come across and its pervasive in the "Truth movenment, question EVERYTHING"! Yeah, question everything, by using your f#@king brain!

  2. You are correct Unknown. Flatearthers are RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS and are definitely not part of any truth movement. Every one of them are Christian Creationists save for the Muslims that also follow a version of this insanity. Their entire motivation and basis is centered around making the earth the center of the universe. Their logic goes something like this:

    1) To believe in God you must fist use the self mind-raping word "faith". Forget logic. It is all about YOU personally. If you want to be saved you must twist your perception of reality and accept JC as your savior and force your mind to accept it. You must do this because you don't want to go to hell or whatever crap they shove down your throat now. Throw in some group pressure and viola we have a convert. JC is a your dead pigeon. You are no longer responsible for anything. JC takes the rap for everything you do. What a deal right? I mean after all the sacrifice you made forcing yourself to believe and all.

    2) Now that you are willing to twist your own mind accept that crap you are ready to go after the idea of evolution. The animals were created by God because well we all look like apes. So we want to be special so you must huck evolution out the window. Dinosaurs were put here as farce by God to test option number 1. What jokester God is.

    3) Now that we have twisted science around lets chunk in some conspiracy theory. Flatearthers figured out NASA lied about the Apollo moon landings so lets use that as proof that ALL OF SCIENCE is a lie. Sweet huh? Now keep going... well the earth must be the center of the universe so throw in some harebrained poorly devised sequences of pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo to finish addling your own brain. Feel special enough now? Pesto magico as the hair lipped magician says. You are now a flatearther.

    It doesn't do any good to argue with them and it doesn't do any good to use logic on them since nothing they "believe", and boy is that a loose term, is based on anything to do with reality. They are the cat ladies of the truth movement and you can't fix crazy. The best thing you can do is just ignore them and realize that they are the beautiful proof that we all already know: Most people are insane.

  3. Of the four people I know, who think that the earth is not what we've been told it is. Only one might be religious. The other three definitely are not.

    There goes your whole presentation Mad_Subtitler.


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