January 04, 2018

O' Shit Were All Gonna Die!

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  1. This conceited jackass wants us to trust him when he says only the "bad guys" get targeted by these killer robots....

    How much money does this sycophantic cocksucker get for his presentation!? Probably more than 1000 truthers asking for donations to get by...

    Nobody in the crowd got up to shut this fucker up...what a bunch of disgusting supremacist assholes!!!

    The "people" who applaud this shit deserve to be its victims. These god damn ignoramuses are the same creeps who will believe their lying government and media when they are told that the "bad guys" are Iranians, North Koreans, Russians, etc...anybody except Americans and Jews. They all know for sure there ain't no bad guys in America, especially not in government, the media, the banking system, the FBI, the CIA, the Pentagon, Homeland Senility, etc... They looked everywhere and just couldn't find any bad guys in the saintly USA and holy Israel. They just don't exist there.

  2. Relax! What could possibly go wrong?

  3. Mini Terminators? Hmm, something tells me they'll have lifesize robots as well. This is scary and crazy.


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