September 22, 2018

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2018.09.22

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events
Hour 3 - News And Current Events

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Revolution.Radio Studio A


  1. The Fetch talks about the difficulties in dealing with the SJW nutcases.

    "Henry Ford was fair to blacks; they got a good job and dignity."

    "The South Africans are stealing everything not just farms."

    Don't compromise on what needs to be said. We're not supremacists but do not believe in everybody being equal."

    "You're deeply offended? Ask me if I care?
    I'm offended at YOU and your cowardice!"

    "Stop allowing these clowns to get their way."

    Bruiser pushed One-Eye off the chair. Bruiser's favorite perch is Emily's shoulder. There's no mosque around Fetch's place!! Finally, peace and quiet. I guess Islam is a religion of peace but not quiet...

    The Fetch is real mad at Bibitte Nuttin'Yahoo! & the israyleaze...those sleazy, cowardly, lying scumbags who pounded Syria with missiles 200 times in the last 4 or 5 years. They've been provoking Syria and Lebanon for as long as I can remember...

  2. Oops... The above comment relates to Fetch`s Thursday show, not today`s... It belongs here:


    Here are a few comments from a satellite called Sputnik...

    Maisara Muallil:

    "Thank you Sputnik for publishing this fake video. This staging is very dangerous to humanity because the WESTERN COUNTRIES, US UK FRANCE are waiting for White
    Helmet to publish these staging video so that they have the excuses to bomb and invade Syria like IRAQ LIBYA, AFGHANISTAN, SOMALIA, SUDAN, YEMEN, and stationed their armies, taken all their resources. All these countries invaded based on LIES, LIES, LIES. Supported by their media CURSE BE UPON THEM... Again thank you sputnik,
    more power to you. May God bless you.

    Gordon Duff:
    footage is a year old



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