January 19, 2019

Kyle and the side "kike"

I'm really crying when I think that I can not post your bullshit anymore Kyle. It makes me sad. What brings me back to earth though, is the fact that you two think that you know everything and that all of us are loosers who do not know shit from Shinola. According to the assumption of mini Kyle and extra mini side "kike", we are all morons unless we believe the cult like behavior of the chosen ones. Apparently only mini Kyle and mini "her" know shit from Shinola. We are all morons unless we believe the freaking cult over there. FUCK YOU!


  1. Kyle has proven over and over, that Renegade is not interested in what is "really" going on.

    Kyle and what's her name engage in so much "virtue signalling" as to make the rest of their message - unintelligible!

    When people disagree with Kyle, there is zero conversation!

    Kyle bans people who disagree with him, and what's her name - no discussion - Kyle and Sinead get uncomfortable - rather than engage "critics" - which could get very uncomfortable - it's much easier to ban them.

    Compare Renegade to Truthiness Frequency Radiation, or compare them to prison planet or infowars? No difference - why?

    Because Renegade/TFR/Infocrap all ban people who just won't "get with the narrative"!

    If you want any semblance of Truthiness - don't follow Kyle and whats' her name.

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Zap, the Mexicans had a big gasoline barbeque. I think it'll be interesting to post.

    The Horror...The Horror


  5. For years I listened to many podcasts on RB and completely agreed(and still do)with many of Kyles criticisms of other individuals,sites,channels,etc. However, Kyle and Sinead completely poison their message with their relentless animosity and outright uncooperative tone. These days its just continual hostility and it has taken its toll. Now very few people want anything to do with RB! Since Guliani left they have reduced themselves to a bitter and resentful couple. RB's days are numbered! There is much to be said about how one conducts oneself toward others!

  6. "Since Guliani left they have reduced themselves to a bitter and resentful couple. RB's days are numbered! There is much to be said about how one conducts oneself toward others!"

    He was the only host on that site I ever listened to. The condensending tone of Hunt and co. is just too much.

    Hasn't Mr Zionist controlled opposition plant Richard Spencer linked arms with Renegade? Sorry if I'm off-base on that but I really pay little attention to that corner of the Alt-Media.

  7. 5 years ago I listened to Renegade ALL THE TIME....
    It became very mediocre over the last few years...
    They had a great line-up 5 years ago....The only reason I knew they were still around is because these Mami's email reminders.....
    Kyle has alienated some great people over the years including Robert Reyvolt from RBN and Bill Rhyes from mightisright.net , Bill's site archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20160322090057/http://mightisright.net:80/index.html) and Robert Reyvolt from RBN

  8. This comment has been removed by the author. ;-)

  9. Are you sure they're not baiting you and Dennis Fetcho to get free advertising?

    Their audience numbers must be pretty low at this point.

  10. I went and listened to the 12/1/19 Roundtable. Sinead comes across as a person who is hateful and who enjoys making inflammatory comments (her wishing people dead speaks for itself).

    I remember from the last Sinead-based drama that took place that she displayed a lot of the characteristics of a psychopath. She probably rates above average on a lot of traits even if she is not at the extreme end of the scale.

    Her self-promotion and takeover of Renegade. Getting into fights with seemingly everybody. The hate towards anyone who is not useful to her. Being good at appearing normal when she needs to be.

    Obviously I don't have much data to go on but food for thought... Might explain the direction Renegade Broadcasting went in since Kyle and Sinead come out in the open that they were in a de-facto relationship (I thought they were married, but in the "Roundtable" they discussed this), and Sinead became involved in running the site and having her own show on there.

    A big conflict of interest for Kyle in the case of any disputes involving Sinead.

  11. She is poison - in that broadcast she says zap is getting off on the pedo content that's why he complained about it. She's a nasty lunatic and Kyle tries to keep her in line with her BS but then acts like a giggling child repeating all the slander Sinny pukes out.

    As Fetch says, on his own Kyle is quite thoughtful and can cover a broad range of topics well. He's interviews are well done, he doesn't step on his guests all the time etc and when he called into to shows he made great points.

    But all of that went away and now its just hating on everyone they've ever come across.

  12. Unknown is correct....Sinead is toxic and has probable personality disorders (the psycho tone of voice she uses exposes her...)...Kyle seems to disappear frequently so that is the probable reason there wasn't a murder/suicide at their home....
    She does give some valuable health information on things like vaccines, childbirth and herbs but I check out when she starts hawking their insane veganism....
    Bill Rhyes exposed her years ago after she put a photo on her Facebook page of her hugging a groid male in Brooklyn, NY when she lived there....

  13. Well I for one admire Sinead's energy and intelligence. For one so young who has been abused herself as a child, she is amazing. The hard work they have produced together and separately is priceless. But when are all these childish personal attacks gonna end? No one is perfect but together we are great.

  14. Way way back in the day we real men had a term for guys like Kyle: pussy-whipped. What do expect from a vegan estrogen-dominant soy-boy?

  15. Divide and conquer has pretty much made mamis irrelevant. From a monetary standpoint I would advise zap to post some old art bell programs along with the existing Christian Identity content to capitalize on the boomer shut-ins and retirement home audience.

  16. Hey Steve - you may have a point. Art Bell would play infinitely better than the crap that Renegade has been putting out. Kyle and Cackle sitting around shooting the breeze and taking shots at people is not a show - it is two people patting themselves on the back telling each other how important they are (at the expense of everyone else).

    Kyle needs to get back to the basics, start producing quality content, and tune in to what is going on around him.

    And if he wants to produce Vegan/Yoga/New Age crap, most welcome. But that segment has tons of people doing it and they are far more insightful and professional than Renegade's ad hoc attempts.

    And it does not belong at Mami's - such does not fit in with the editorial curation of this site.

    You want to rip on "boomers", but we dealt with this personality bullshit from militant vegans...in the early 1990's when it was all the rage then, too. Those people were just as whacked as they are today.

  17. Yes, to us talking heads our audiences are like family members.... Yes we do a lot of talking but we will NOT achieve ANYTHING in this multi cultural dog eat dog society.
    We are not even able to create a decent "Sturm Abteilung-SA"...a 'GDL',Gentile Defense League....
    YES, but...very importent: don't forget to DONATE, so we can continue doing a lot of talking in 2019 !!

  18. They have always thrived on creating controversy especially when there is no reason for there to be any. Over the years their own cult-like behavior has proved to be their own downfall. Don't get them what they want. They're not worth it.

  19. sinny's cult of cybele is at it again

    oded yinon rule from jerusalem via tech

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqw_zoLvYbA ‘Israel & China | How Did This All Start?’

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGrcUevlTsE ‘Israel’s Close Relationship With China’ ,

    israels-dangerous-dalliance-with-china-11547411591 its called spectre………………

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEgpWGQeSBY ‘ Part 1 | The Tel Aviv Moscow New York Axis | Israeli Russian Spying’ ,

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXKGH74Yvic Part 2 | The Tel Aviv Moscow New York Axis | Israeli Russian Spying


    Link to saved “Securing Our Interests” Site in PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vecs_VR1iTuR4hj-pZSqiNVKlxQRd7wc/view

    “The China Israel Russia Belt & Road Initiative has been planned a long time. To make Israel and Jerusalem the center of the world economy and political and cultural epicenter, replacing the United States.”
    “1. How Russia China & Israel work together for the One Belt One Road Project.
    2. How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, Russia and Iran.”


  20. You know it's funny because on the Renegade Roundtable show on 1/19 at 33:00 mark Kyle says Mike Sledge accused Fetch of being a meth-head. Well Sledge also accused Kyle of being queer! LOL

  21. The problem with Renegade, and Kyle in particular, from day 1, was a propensity to smear and spread lies and/or innuendo towards everyone. To me, it is pulling yourself up by tearing everyone else down, and taking a small bit of everyone's audience with you as you.

    Do that to enough people, and you end up with a decent enough following.

    For the life of me, I can't figure why Sledge would have said such a thing, so we should just presume that this is just Kyle smearing (falsely) through proxy.

    It is cowardly, but that is what Kyle and why I avoided the franchise directly from day 1, and why I avoided any real connection for some time.

    Kyle is, in many ways, an idiot. Jews control 94% of mainstream media and there are very few of us who show up every week of every year, for years and years, to raise up counter programming to Jewish programming.

    All that Kyle does is smear and rip on this loose association of personalities, of which Kyle is just one, as if somehow Kyle and his bullshit little presentation is going to be able to take on Jewish media all by himself.

    It is lame.

    You need tens of millions of people to make all this happen plus a shit load of help in the internal workings of government and none of this happens without a ton of awareness.

    That ain't gonna happen if all we have is the Kyle and Cackle Show.

  22. If we talking heads, each one of us has a "decent enough family" of -lets assume - 2000 followers,and each one of these "family members" supports our "show" with 5 shekels a month,that gives us show men enough reason to continue our talking.....talk talk talk........

  23. Is this what's called show business ??

  24. IF - fascinating word. Plutarch, in his treatise "On the Letter E at Delphi" stated that the word IF and the Letter E are linked together, and that the Letter E is the FIF(th) letter of the Alphabet.

    FIF(th) simply shows FI (if in reverse) and IF, with the I used for both FI and IF.

    SO while we are on the idea of IF.

    IF we had the power of the press and used that to finance our shows that ran counter to Jews, we would be in the same advantageous position as Jews today, who use their power of the press to print money to finance their shows which run counter to our interests.

  25. re "show business"
    I hear some jews giggling in the background...THEY know everything about "show business"

  26. re "show business"
    also,we show men have to be careful, otherwise those jews are taking us out of business
    oy veyy

  27. Also....
    Your generosity is very much appreciated and NEEDED! We show men put soo much love into our "work", our shows.....

  28. hi 'The Fetch' ....."Plutarch, in his treatise "On the Letter E at Delphi" stated that the word IF..."
    wow...., Mr. Plutarch spoke English,Oxford English ?????? amazing....

  29. Indeed, Mr. Miller. Our people's total ignorance of the foundation on which their societies astounds is, indeed, amazing.

    Imagine how few of our people can even grasp the esoteric notion of The Letter E, IF, FIF(th), and FiVe and how it all was transmuted from the Greeks to the English. Yet the knowledge is right in front of their faces with just a little peering necessary to understand the key.

  30. re...Plutarch,who lived around 45 AD
    My question to 'TheFetch' : did Mr Plutarch speak English, Oxford English ?
    His answer :"Indeed, Mr. Miller....indeed......amazing."
    Anybody here who knows what 'The Fetch' is smoking ??

  31. WTF are you missing? Do you even have a grasp for the idea of transposition and translations? On the contrary, WTF are you smoking to be so dense?

    Moron. Translate something from the GREEK - craft the message in the numbers. As I said earlier, people have ZERO knowledge of the classics upon which Western civilization is founded.

    It is insane that you sit there smug as an idiot and FAIL to grasp that things get translated.

    The Letter E in Greek is considered to be what in English is the ENGLISH CONJUNCTION IF. It is the FIFth letter. The conjunction from the Greek was hard coded into the WORD and NUMBER of the English language, yet its phonetic FV is located at 6.

    It is hard coded into the language.

    Whatever it is you are smoking must be some pretty good shit to be able to be confused about things so obvious.

  32. re: 'TheFetch' and his story about an 'English speaking Mr.Plutarch' who lived around 45 A.D.
    btw: are the letters 'WTF' hard coded into the English language ?
    NUMBER Bull shit, spread by a non European jabbering jabberwooky / nitwit....
    And don't forget to support me, my 'work', please, because I'm one of those hardworking "showmen" who shows up every week of every year, for years and years, to raise up counter programming to Jewish programming.....
    ok, we "The multi cultural American People", we IDIOTS, are allowing jews to have that power ...but anyway, just DONATE !!
    and have a great 2019

  33. "The English speaking Plutarch?"

    Seriously, you are an idiot. And yeah. Donate. Support intelligent media for the politically aware. It is becoming a rare commodity, apparently.

  34. I think 'Right Perspective Radio' with Davis Lurmann is the answer. (This is not Davis Lurmann)

  35. Sinead O' Kyle have turned on everyone - even supporters and donators to their empire, apparently. If any Renegade listeners/supporters are reading this, please beware: If you donate money they will have your name and/or details and I wouldn't trust those two one little bit. Kyle alone could have done great work, but he's been whipped into poison by a toxic psychopath... and she WILL turn on him when she runs out of people to attack. Their listenership is dwindling fast, and that's largely why Sinead O' Kyle is lashing out; the dying throes.


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