March 21, 2019

New Zealand Falls To The Nwo With Sweeping New Gun Bans!!!

Because of a hoax... they'll use any excuse, they'll manufacture the excuse.  This is global government rearing it's ugly head and coming out full swing.  You are a child and you WILL be governed as such...


  1. You're asking me? I have no idea what that even means... lol


  3. Thanks zap, I made it on the show and gave a shout out to
    I want to apologize for being out of line in the past, you provide an invaluable service.


  4. Lena Jones
    13 hours ago
    "There will be blood on the streets before most US gun owners give up their guns cuz the government says so. Our founding fathers gave us gun rights just in case we need to use them AGAINST a fascist government. We're supposed to use our guns AGAINST the government, not against each other".

    First post on this guy's YT channel "The Enigma Report" I couldn't have said it any better.

    Thanks for posting, Wanda.

    Tell will tell if the men in NZ are men or sheep.

  5. Fascist my arsehole. They are nothing but Bolsheviks.

  6. Although this is a serious subject matter, he missed an opportunity to make a joke while the ambulance was passing. He could have said: "I bet they've been called to a second fake shooting"

  7. 1) Perform event (steamed live as a new gimmick)
    2) Identical narrative on every news media outlet everywhere
    3) Pictures of every politician everywhere saying how shocked they are and how they will 'not let the terrorists win'
    4) Images of a couple of people weeping
    5) Picture of some flowers laid next to a fence
    6) There'll be a shoe in there somewhere
    7) Pictures of someone lighting a candle then bowing to it sorrowfully
    8) Announce new internet censorship
    9) Announce new stricter gun controls

    Have I missed anything?

  8. More than one shoe

    This one is typical of their signature

    and then

  9. "Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945), Italian dictator from 1922 until the end of World War II. Before World War I, Mussolini was a radical Socialist, and during the war he was anti-German. After the war, he founded the Fascist movement, based on a platform of Italian nationalism and anti-Communism. In October 1922 Mussolini and his followers took control of the Italian government, and by 1925, Mussolini became Italy’s dictator, calling himself Il Duce---the Leader.

    Mussolini was not strongly antisemitic. He had close ties to Italian Jews, including several early founders and members of the Fascist movement. He was also strongly affected by two Jewish women: Angelica Balabanoff, from Russia, and Margherita Sarfatti, an Italian. After Mussolini rose to national power, he reassured Italian Jewry of their safety in an interview with the Chief Rabbi of Rome. From 1922 to 1936, Mussolini summed up his policy towards the Jews in his country with the statement: "The Jewish problem does not exist in Italy." However, off the record, Mussolini verbally attacked Jews and Zionism. During Italy's war against Ethiopia in 1935-1936, Mussolini ranted against "international Jewry." Finally, when Germany and Italy started getting friendly in 1936, Mussolini began rethinking his Jewish policy. At first, he tried to deal with the Jews by forcing them into becoming Fascists; in 1938 he decided to issue racial laws in an attempt to remove Jews from public life in Italy. However, he refused to implement the brutal anti-Jewish measures used by the Germans, and even allowed Jews a safe haven in areas of Europe controlled by Italy.

    Until 1943, Hitler allowed Mussolini to shape Italy's racial policy without any interference. However, in September 1943 Mussolini's Fascist Grand Council decided to make peace with the Allies. They overthrew and imprisoned Mussolini. At that point, Hitler jumped in.

    The Germans rescued Mussolini, and made him the head of a puppet government in the parts of Italy occupied by Germany. At the end of the war, Mussolini tried to escape the country, but was caught and killed by Italian Partisans".

  10. Maxwell Smart: I appreciate your timely correction!

    "Fascist my arsehole. They are nothing but Bolsheviks".

    Well spotted, I think you might be correct. It might have been Mussolini who first gave "fascist" its currency.

    "A fascist is a follower of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government — and no tolerance for opposing opinions. Fascist traces to the Italian word fascio, meaning "group, bundle." Under fascist rule, the emphasis is on the group — the nation — with few individual rights".

    Mussolini was a fascist and probably Jew-wise. The political class in the USofA are Bolsheviks

    The Jewish problem does not exist in Italy." However, off the record, Mussolini verbally attacked Jews and Zionism. During Italy's war against Ethiopia in 1935-1936, Mussolini ranted against "international Jewry." Finally, when Germany and Italy started getting friendly in 1936, Mussolini began rethinking his Jewish policy. At first, he tried to deal with the Jews by forcing them into becoming Fascists; in 1938 he decided to issue racial laws in an attempt to remove Jews from public life in Italy. However, he refused to implement the brutal anti-Jewish measures used by the Germans, and even allowed Jews a safe haven in areas of Europe controlled by Italy.


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