June 23, 2019

Free Bird (Them Hicks Down South...

...are making a mess of our Laurel canyon program. They's gettin too smart for their own good.

 We need to teach them a lesson via our "plane crash program". 


  1. Looks like,"as usual" Ronny Van Zant is a member of the tribe.Zant is a jewish name which means,sand.
    "We will lead all movements against us",take care!oh he is the guy moaning the song!

  2. I've been reading the comments and I thought y'all were gay boys. Now I know better than to search for you on the internet. LOL

  3. Ronnie was too much of a Southern Goy to be a jew. Zandt/Zand/Zant/Sands is not always a jewish surname. It usually isn't. Look up famous Sands and you'll find some jews, some blacks, and mostly not jews. It's perfectly safe to like Skynyrd.

  4. Tell me that little Miami Steve Van Zandt ain't Joo Joo eyeballs love his underground garage radio show

  5. Câline De Jews

    Callin' the jew blues
    Câline De Jews
    Faut que j'te jouzzzzze

    Callin' the jew blues
    Câline De Jews
    Faut que j'te jouzzzzze

    Ma bombe a sacré l’camp
    J’ai rien qu' toé
    Pour fesser d'dans

    L'autre soir l'autre soir
    J'ai battu des jooozze
    L'autre soir l'autre soir
    Y'ont fait sauter ma fuuzze

    Anyway, sa gang a sacré l'camp
    Pis y faisais dur en sacrament!

    Callin' the jew blues
    Câline De Jews
    Faut que j'te jouzzzzze

    Sweet Home O'Kanabec

    Câline De Blues - Offenbach - Live - 1985

  6. LMAO. I never thought about replacing the word Blues by the word Jews. Hilarious. I bet Gerry Boulet ain't rolling in his grave over that one. LOL

  7. I just googled the "Steve Van Zandt" mentioned and his birth name was Steve Lento. His mother married a Van Zandt when he was 7.

    So whether he is Jewish or not has nothing to do with the name "Van Zandt".

    Ronnie Van Zant does not look Jewish to me in any way at all. I look him up and see he was born in Jacksonville, FL - not a very Jewish place as far as I know.

    It's peculiar that it looks like Ronnie Van Zant and his 2 brothers are using their mother's last name. It looks like their father was a Lacy Austin.

    I see little reason to think these Van Zants are Jewish.

  8. It's not always enough to simply look at names naked

    Lynyrd Skynyrd have highly occult numerology, as expected because you don't rise to such a level without being controlled by The Cabal and following a code

    Lynyrd Skynyrd are in the Masonic Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (an Illuminati pyramid)

    Hall of Fame = 187 (english extended)
    Ahmet Ertegun (founder of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame) = 187 (reverse ordinal)
    Esoteric (secret) = 187 (franc baconis)
    Stone Mason = 187 (francis bacon)
    Stone Mason = 666 (english extended)
    Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 187 (full reduction)
    The Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction (Freemasonry) = 187 (full reduction)
    Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (Freemasonry) = 187 (single reduction)
    Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree (Freemasonry) = 187 (keypad)
    Charleston, SC (the Supreme Council's place of founding) = 187 (reverse ordinal)
    Inverted Pentagram = 187 (jewish ordinal)
    Death = 1807 (reverse extended)

    Lynyrd Skynyrd = 137 (reverse ordinal)
    Swamp Music = 137 (english ordinal)
    Carol Chase = 137 (francis bacon)
    Blues rock = 137 (reverse ordinal)
    Studio album = 137 (english ordinal)
    Mark of the Beast = 137 (jewish ordinal)
    Ancient Babylon = 137 (english ordinal)
    Saturn = 137 (reverse franc baconis)
    The Devil = 137 (francis bacon)
    Hail Satan = 137 (francis bacon)
    Church of Satan = 137 (english ordinal)
    Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 137 (jewish reduction)
    Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree (Freemasonry) = 137 (keypad)
    Inspector General Honorary (33rd degree Freemason) = 137 (reverse single reduction)
    Charleston, SC (the Supreme Council's place of founding) = 137 (english ordinal)
    Southern rock = 333 (franc baconis)
    Kabbalah in Hebrew = 137
    137 = 33rd prime
    Masonry = 33 (full reduction)
    Masonic = 33 (keypad)
    Secrecy = 33 (full reduction)
    Order = 33 (full reduction)
    Police = 33 (full reduction)
    Three three (33) = 616 (english extended)
    Allen Collins = 616 (reverse satanic)
    Papyrus 115 gives the number of the beast as 616

    Hard rock = 42 (full reduction)
    Freemason = 42 (full reduction)
    Esoterism (esoteric/secret) = 42 (full reduction)

    Johnny Van Zant = 331 (reverse franc baconis)
    Vocalist = 331 (primes)
    Jesuits (Masonic) = 331 (reverse satanic)
    Mother Supreme Council (Freemasonry) = 331 (francis bacon)
    The Knights Templar (Masonic) = 331 (reverse francis bacon)
    Solomon (King of Israel) = 331 (reverse satanic)
    Jedidiah (Solomon) = 331 (reverse franc baconis)
    Belial (the wicked) = 331 (reverse satanic)
    Three-hundred thirty-one (331) = 999 (satanic)
    Three-hundred thirty-one (331) = 999 (reverse primes)
    Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number
    of a man (666) = 331 (full reduction)

    Sweet Home Alabama = 144 (english ordinal)
    Double Trouble = 144 (jewish ordinal)
    Last of the Street Survivors = 144 (keypad)
    Sweet Home Alabama = 999 (english extended)
    My Backyard (original band name) = 999 (trigonal)
    999 = 666 upside down
    Nine nine nine (999) = 666 (reverse primes)
    John Ryan = 666 (reverse english sumerian)
    Cassie Gaines = 666 (english sumerian)
    Jesuit Order (Masonic) = 144 (english ordinal)
    Babylon = 144 (reverse francis bacon)
    King Solomon (Masonic idol) = 144 (english ordinal)
    The Double-headed Eagle (symbol of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) = 144 (jewish ordinal)
    Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree (Freemasonry) = 144 (reverse full reduction)
    The Order of the Temple of Solomon (The Knights Templar, Masonic) = 144 (full reduction)
    Mark of the Beast = 144 (english ordinal)
    Number of the beast = 1044 (english sumerian)
    (6+6)*(6+6) = 144
    Twelve times twelve ((6+6)*(6+6)) = 1440 (english sumerian)
    Keith Christopher = 1440 (reverse english sumerian)
    Killer = 144 (jewish)
    Time (Time is a killer) = 144 (jewish)
    1440 minutes in a day
    60+60+24 = 144
    School of Rock = 144 (kfw kabbalah)

  9. Muscle Shoals (sound studio) = 777 (english extended)
    Order Out of Chaos = 777 (jewish)
    Illuminist = 777 (english extended)
    Hoodwinking = 777 (english extended)
    Six hundred threescore and six (666) = 777 (reverse franc baconis)
    Seven hundred and seventy-seven (777) = 144 (single reduction)

    Gary Rossington = 667 (reverse satanic)
    667 is the neighbor of the Beast
    Six hundred sixty-seven (667) = 144 (single reduction kv)
    The Alumbrados (The Enlightened/Illuminati) = 667 (reverse satanic)
    Los Alumbrados (The Enlightened/Illuminati) = 667 (reverse primes)
    Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction (Freemasonry) = 667 (reverse francis bacon)

    Free Bird = 211 (english extended)
    Artimus Pyle = 211 (francis bacon)
    Blues rock = 211 (franc baconis)
    Six hundred sixty-six (666) = 211 (reverse ordinal)
    The Timekeeper (Saturn) = 211 (reverse ordinal)
    Mason = 211 (jewish)
    Eleven times three (33) = 211 (francis bacon)
    Black Pope = 211 (jewish)
    Lucifer Morningstar = 211 (jewish)
    Alumbrados (The Enlightened/Illuminati) = 211 (franc baconis)
    Les illuminés de Bavière (The Bavarian Illuminati) = 211 (english ordinal)
    Honorable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons = 211 (reverse full reduction)
    Scottish Rite (Freemasonry) = 211 (reverse francis bacon)
    Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction (Freemasonry) = 211 (jewish reduction)
    211 = 47th prime number
    Studio album = 47 (single reduction)
    Beast = 47 (english ordinal)
    Ancient Babylon = 47 (jewish reduction)
    Number of degrees on the Masonic compass = 47
    Foundation (pillar of Freemasonry) = 47 (full reduction)

    Steve Gaines = 223 (reverse francis bacon)
    Hughie Thomasson = 223 (reverse ordinal)
    Gimme Three Steps = 223 (reverse ordinal)
    Three three (33) = 223 (franc baconis)
    Craft (Freemasonry) = 223 (satanic)
    Lucifer = 223 (primes)
    Masonic = 223 (jewish)
    Order of the Illuminati = 223 (jewish ordinal)
    The Synagogue of Satan = 223 (english ordinal)
    Skull and Crossbones = 223 (english ordinal)
    Judaism = 223 (reverse franc baconis)
    Zionist = 223 (franc baconis)
    Disinfo = 223 (primes)

    Ed King = 322 (reverse satanic)
    Mark Matejka = 322 (primes)
    Sovereign Grand Commander (Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction) = 322 (francis bacon)
    National Security Establishment = 322 (lch kaballah)
    Military Industrial Complex = 322 (english ordinal)
    Skull & Bones Secret Society = 322 (alw kabbalah)
    Zionist = 322 (reverse satanic)
    Judaism = 322 (satanic)
    God of Israel = 322 (jewish)

    Charles Brandt = 787 (reverse primes)
    Freemasonry = 787 (jewish)
    The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta (The Knights Templar, Masonic) = 787 (reverse full reduction ep)
    Inverted Pentagram = 787 (satanic)
    Solomon King of Israel (Masonic idol) = 787 (english extended)
    Seven hundred and eighty-seven (787) = 144 (single reduction)

    Mark Matejka = 156 (francis bacon)
    Randy Bachman = 156 (francis bacon)
    Michael Cartellone = 156 (english ordinal)
    Music industry = 156 (reverse ordinal)
    Album = 156 (primes)
    The Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction = 156 (chaldean)
    Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree = 156 (single reduction)
    The Supreme Council, Northern Jurisdiction = 156 (septenary)
    As Above So Below (Masonic/esoteric maxim) = 156 (english ordinal)
    The number of a man = 156 (english ordinal)
    Thirty-three (33) = 156 (english ordinal)
    Six six six (666) = 156 (english ordinal)
    Triple sixes (666) = 156 (english ordinal)



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