August 08, 2019

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2019.08.07

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Latest political bullshit
The Real Deal Archives

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  1. Fetzer on Trump is garbage. Trump is a 100% Jew controlled pile of shit and Jim covers for his bullshit all the time...

  2. Trump hasn't done what he promised. Fetzer is the best I have found. Who is better than Fetzer?

  3. I think the people you call Jews may not be correctly named such, why not call them the elite, like Alex Jones.they are rich and powerful people. Some may call themselves Jews, some not.

  4. Now I used to read the Bible, which includes the Jewish bible. In that the Jews were given the ten commandments and other rules to follow. Jew was a religion and a race, but you could convert to be a jew, and you still can, I have an aunt who did.

  5. Wikipedia etc say the Khazars converted to be Jews, many people say a per engage of currents Jews are Khazar not new by ancestry. Like my aunt, they are converts.

  6. For thousands of years the father , the male parent determined the race and the religion. Then it changed to the mother. Now (unless you have egg transfer) you know who the mother is. Not so with supposed fathers, who may or may not be the husband, due to eg sex outside marriage. Maybe that is the reason for the change. But either way, there has been a change. So the rule is not retrospective and there remains the fact that the past cannot fit the present rules, and the present does not fulfill the past rules.

  7. So who is a jew? I say someone who at least follows the ten commandments. Now do gangsters do that? No!

  8. These people mate

  9. Bill, mate, what were Trumps headline promises?

    I remember:

    I'm not a politician, I can get things done.

    Drain the swamp.

    Lock her up.

    America first.

    What did he achieve? Nothing. I can't even give him any credit for Syria.

  10. Yes I know, but in certain countries like Australia you cannot use the word jew loosely without the risk of jail. So why call some a jew when they may not be a jew? Also you offend the good Jews. I have known good Jews because they gave me work and treated me well. My wife worked for good Jews, and so did my mother. My auntie is a Jewish convert and she treats us well. You cannot just lump them all as bad. These bad ones may not even be Jews, some people say it is identity fraud on it largest scale.

  11. Donald said he would lock her up, he liked or was coerced. He certainly is not in the loop, on 911 he said it must be bombs because of when they tried to blow it up the north Tower 1993 and he was worried about Larry Silverstein dying. He would not have said those things if he was i"the know".
    I don't like this stuff either. Hillary and Donald are not Jews, neither are rockerfella etc. Why not call them the rich powerful people or something.

  12. Because "rich and powerful" don't give a flying fuck about Israel or the Temple. Trump and his handlers do...

  13. We've had all these scum like Alexander Downer crying about Josh Frydenberg getting referred to the high court because of the holocaust bullshit. 70 plus years latter !!!!!

    Explain that to me mate if it's all just about rich people?

  14. The rich and powerfull run the world.

  15. Rothschild seems to be behind the new Israel. I saw the head Rothschild say that sort of stuff. He is rich and powerful.

  16. Build the wall and stop the midnight airplane flights. FUCK THE JEWS! It ain't Kosher to say that in Canada either Bill.

    Bill. Do you remember a month or two ago when they got caught with their pants down bringing a boat load of "migrants" on the shores of Australia. The Mainstream journalist who reported on that got promptly fired from his job Oy vey!

    Jewish NGOs are great! Are they not?

    Most of the "good Jews" are good if you behave like a good goy it's another story once you go against the grain.

    Did I say FUCK THE JEWS?

  17. I don't get your point? Do want Australia flooded with immigrants we don't want or do you agree with them being flown away.

  18. I wouldn't want live under Muslim law

  19. Stop being so bloody naive, Bill.

    Are you going to tell us next that only bad Jews, or elite Jews, were expelled 109 times (more accurately over 1000, for which evidence exists) over the last 2000 plus years because of their good behavior?

    Out of 15 million Jews (probably more, given how many hide their true identity), how many speak out against Jewish crimes committed against non-Jews? You could count them on one hand.

    As for the myth of Jews against Zionism, Gilad Atzmon, a Jew, has said repeatedly that these Jews, wherever you find them, are ANTI-anti Zionists. In other words, it's a fiction.

    How many of these pedophiles involved in the Epstein scandal happen to be Jews? Upwards of 90%. Is that a cohencidence, Bill?

    Who are you not allowed to criticize, Bill? How many book burnings are you prepared to tolerate, Bill? Which event other than the holohoax can you not criticize for fear of being thrown in a gulag, Bill?

    Who was behind Communism, Bill? Who was responsible for the Holodomor, Bill? Who crucified the Son of God, Bill? Who did 9/11, Bill? Who attacked the USS Liberty, almost sinking it, killing crew, with the intention of blaming it on Egypt, Bill?

    Who is behind gun confiscation, Bill?

    Who is behind white genocide, Bill?

    Who is behind pornography, Bill?

    Who has undermined Christianity, Bill?

    Who has filled the Catholic Church with pedophile after pedophile, Bill?

    Who prints our money and charges interest on a fiction created out of nothing, Bill?

    Who kills Palestinians for fun, Bill?

    Who is behind open borders, Bill?

    Who is flooding Australia, US, Canada, UK, Europe with Third World immigrants, Bill?

    So who controls the world and where are these good Jews who oppose their devilish leaders, since you can't be a leader without followers?

    Wake up, Bill.

    And stop embarrassing Australians.

    1. Some people say it is America who is invading all the countries in the world.

    2. Maybe because America has invaded most countries in the world!

  20. Bill wrote: "I don't get your point? Do want Australia flooded with immigrants we don't want". Yes Bill. This is what I want. This site is dedicated to that. Is it not obvious?. LOL

    The US and Australia have not signed The UN compact on safe bullshit migration. So what they do in the US to bypass it is have "midnight" flights bringing them in.

    In Australia they have "midnight" boats bringing them in and probably have flights too.

    The first paragraph of my last post was about the US. Unknown had failed to mention a big one in his list which is "build the wall".

    Thanks for coming to the rescue Max Smart. LOL


    good tweet there from Henrik Palmgren (red ice guy) showing Beto O'Rorke having a Robby Parker moment, and he's laughing/smiling before he gets into character for the hoax

  22. You say I embarrass Australians, well I do because nearly every Australian I meet, and I meet many, do not want to know anything about 911 being an inside job etc, they want to believe the mainstream media. A few are interested.

  23. Now I have done work for Jews that are interested in the conspiracies. One day, when I hadn't heard much about the conspiracies I did a job for a guy , he said he was part Jewish, he has given jobs for many years after that day, he had an Indian client there, they both told me about the Jews (Thier term, not mine) world.

  24. The other year I did a job for a guy, he said he was Jewish. He came from Israel just after they set it up. He lived there before they set it up. He said before they set it up the Jews and the palesrinians got along well, but things deteriorated after the state was set up. He started telling conspiracies etc.

  25. One day I did a job for a Muslim Lady in a non Muslim suburb being narre Warren. In Melbourne you you get races/ religions in certain suburbs, eg Thomastown Muslim, Richmond Vietnamese, Springvale Vietnamese, Footscray Vietnamese, Box Hill Chinese, Waverley Chinese, etc.). Then I did a job in Caulfield for a Jewish lady. Next I did job for a Buddhist temple. (T
    Lately there is virtually no work). Then I
    a guy rings says can I do a job the next day. I say ok. He is in a Jewish area near Caulfield a jewish area. He says don't get a shock when I see him because he is a rabbi and has unusual clothing etc., Braided hair, robes etc. I said I don't mind. Next day he was there dressed like that, so were his two little boys. His wife was in normal clothes. He told me he was from New York. I said why did you not go to Israel instead of Melbourne Australia? He said he did not believe in Israel and neither did many Jews. He said that if God wanted the Jews to have Israel, he would give to them, they would not have to take it by force. I said I had never heard that before.

  26. One day I was listening to the Australian ABC on a show called pm run be a guy called Mel Colvin who is now dead. He interviewed a new called Irwin black, who had previously been banned from coming to Australia, to noticed lately he seems more agreeing with main stream media type views. He said that Hitler was scared of the American Jews because of their financial power. He said prior to WW2, no countries wanted to take the Jews from Hitler, so Hitler started sending the Jews to Israel before WW2.

  27. Mate I lived in Balaclava and went to kosher shops all time and drank beers with lots of Jews, even some Israelis - actually I bought weed from an Israeli dude.

    It doesn't malign Jews in general to say that Trump is controlled by Jews any more than it maligns Americans in general to say the US is a corrupt neoliberal empire, any more than it maligns Australians in general to say we have bogan fascist government that morons keep voting in!

    Its just reality mate...

    1. I saw Bob Carr on the news after he wrote a book. He was head of NSW government, then foreign Minister for federal under Julia Gillard. (The other week he was on the news for being at bohemian grove.)
      He said that he was not against the Jews, that he had been head of some Jewish-Australian society. That he thought the Jews were treating the Palestinians badly. He also said the Jews put Julia Gillard in power as prime minister of Australia. ( I never knew that stuff). That was on the Australian ABC TV station.

    2. The Jews are the descendents of Abraham who God liked because Abraham had faith in god (according to the ot). Now the ot is full of the Jews not doing what God wanted and God letting other nations conquers the Jews and taking them away from Israel. Finally Romans are said to have pulled down the temple and chased the Jews away. The Romans eventually forced their people to be Christians, to follow a Jew who was supposedly the final sacrifice for the world, no more Jewish sacrifices being possible or required.
      Personally I just think there is a God and Jesus was a sage and everything has been used for dubious agendas ie. Khazars ruler making his people Jews, Roman Emperor Constantine making his people Catholics, and king the eighth of England making his people church of England followers. It has always been about control to some level.

    3. I'd rather have the liberals t(right wing in Australia as opposed to left in USA). The Labor (left wing) were pushing the CO2 in excess lies, and trying to ruin our industry an life style.

  28. I haven't seen it lately, but years ago their would be Israeli tenants in run down houses about to be demolished , and the would have a little weed growing. I must say I met some israels serving at a petrol staion they were obnoxious.

  29. Oh there was another Jewish tenant who was rude and scarry.

  30. I say Trump is half good half bad, usually when asked. But Hilary is evil, so half choice. I don't know if he started out that way, or was coerced, but I have heard he was that way long beforehand. Reality, it is not much in the media. I started out with Michael Moore, now I see he is on the side. I also started on Alex Jones, and some things are ok, but is a shill on many things, bit like Trump , was Alex set up that way or coerced???

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I went to Monash uni. I didn't care or notice much at the time but much of my classes were Jews. They were good people and I liked them. There was one who you his your work from, he wouldn't share. The last I heard he copied someone else's idea for a thesis.
    John Monash , who they named the uni after (and now the local council) was a jew. I read up on him a bit, he was high up in the war but not religious about jew stuff,the later got a little interested. He seems to have been a good citizen.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Yes and who controls America you trolling fucktard?

  35. Same to you. Let us hope the people of the world stop the bad guys, whatever name you give them, personally I just call crooks crooks.


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