September 23, 2019

Alison Chabloz has been sentenced to 8 weeks in custody


  1. Somebody should take care of that judge, have a little 'conversation' with that creep. THAT is the only language these basterds understand!!

  2. It is not about the judge. The system is not broken, it is and was always designd that way. No! Mr Miller. All they understand, as in "stand under" is Lex Mercatoria, Merchant Law. If I do not understand the words, the language, I will never be heard. Read and learn what Mr Graham Hart has put into layman's terms for all to easily comprehend as opposed to understand.

  3. Oh dear! Now we have case law;

    "The conviction set a new precedent in British law, effectively delivering a landmark precedent verdict on incitement on social media and on whether the law considers Holocaust denial to be “grossly offensive” and therefore illegal when used as a means by which to hound Jews."

    Who has this helped and who has this hindered?

    Like sharia and islam is OK in their own neighbourhoods?

    Hello!, who is awake and who is asleep and living a dream or a nightmare of cognitive dissonance?

  4. Keep it all simple. If the cops break down your door and start making statements accusing you of hate speech, anti-semitism, etc etc simply make your point that you reserve all rights. Then ask "did I call you?" And if they keep persisting ask them "are you asking me to testify against myself?" And then you can ask them is this a civil or criminal matter. Simples. No need to get into arguments or controversy.Just stick with those questions. And always remember answer any question with a question. Don't make statements because any statement or claim you make can be used in evidence against you. Simplicity is the key to all this bullshit. This was explained to Alison by some people but instead she lawyered up and now look what's happened.She consented and contracted to the bullshit system.Sigh! I don't blame her she just didn't get it then, I admire her for standing up and doing what she thought was right and hopefully one day she will get it.
    People keep asking what is the truth. My answer is that the "truth" that we are told is all complete shite so start from there and move onwards and upwards. That's the truth! LOL

  5. Keep it all simple. If the cops are retarded just pretend that you are too.

    ...Oh Dear!

  6. @Zap Keeping things simple doesn't mean you are a retard. However, they come across as retarded because those retards can't answer simple questions. You want an example...Graham Hart and he ain't wallowing in a government hotel for doing the exact same thing as Alison did. Simple! LOL

  7. Very well stated, Brizer. The policy officers are coercing you into being THEIR second witness, "to testify against myself". From the scriptures, you know, THE law book. The truth comes from 2 or more witnesses, I paraphrase. Creditors ask questions, Debtors / slaves answer questions. Truth stands as an unrebutted affadavit. I can state in an affadavit that the sky is polkadot and if it is not rebutted, it stands as truth before the court. I say again, The system is not broken, it is and was always designed that way.

  8. @Zap The cops are just doing their job, right?
    How did that work at Nuremberg?
    How does it work today?
    Are they not subject to claims against their personal property for causing harm?

  9. UK Jews ‘Delighted’ That Singer Alison Chabloz Is Going To Jail For Poking Fun At Them -


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