September 17, 2019

Internalized Racism LOL


  1. Ryan Dawson’s trip to Dublin has done fuck all for his hair.

  2. Hagatha? When did you get out?

    Yumbo Yack? Why not just go and learn spanish? You don't own spanish.

    And your whiteness sure does have a lot of red in there ... are you sure it's not the red privilege manifesting itself thru your white part? Or the hair (if that's what ya wanna call it) ... purple privilege fooling everyone to think it's white privilege? And obesity comes from eating a whole big bunch of MEAT!!! Not from eating veggies as you are trying to convince us. You obviously are a heavy, heavy meat eater and I'd be willing to bet you've eaten so much meat that you prolly have a horse's ass!! Anyway, go enjoy your Yumbo Yack.

  3. LMAO....that's NOT Ryan Dawson!!!

    And... all jews aren't bad.

  4. Ryan loves the official story now. Like many others who are making their true colors known.

    Fuck em!!!

    I love SJW morons. They expose themselves to be low IQ brain dead individuals that seem to need psychological help that they will never get. They are empowered by Jews to show their imbecility and it seems to work.

    Young people are eating that shit up like they do watching the latest Hollywood BS show/movie that just came out.

  5. "And obesity comes from eating a whole big bunch of MEAT!!!"

    Total bullshit.

    Eat a steak and green salad, you'll be ok for at least six hours.

    Since my heart attack, I've been eating like what I call extreme veganism (trying to reverse the arterial damage). Let me tell you that I've gain a few pounds. Why? Because everything in that diet turns to sugar/carbs.

    Even if you are careful and eat whole wheat pasta and whole grain rice, you are still stuck with blood sugar rising.

    Most morons who think that soylent green is the answer, really don't like humans and are extremely retarded.

    1. Total bullshit? JFC! Do a search on "does high meat consumption cause weight gain" and tell us whatcha found.

  6. Not sure what ya mean by "soylent green", but if you're getting fat from eating leafy greens and veggies I'd be willing to bet it's the salad dressing causing your problems ... not the "soylent" greens.

  7. Apparently you did not read properly what I wrote about sugar.

  8. BTW. You need to "google" 'soylent green' LOL


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