November 16, 2019

Ever Elusive Mass Grave’ Finally Found At Treblinka Transit Camp In Poland?

Feeling pressure to locate the 6 million Jews who completely disappeared without a trace after allegedly being ‘genocided’ during World War II, investigators of the Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) announced that a new ‘mass grave’ was discovered on the site of the Treblinka I labor camp in central Poland:

1 comment:

  1. I would expect the sudden appearance of shed loads of method acting crisis graves to suddenly turn up from stage left to convince the mutton chomping chimps soon.

    we should also expect the deus ex machina to park a heroic load of "I saved the persecuted orthodox christians" fabulant farts from carbon dated rabii diaries who kept them, diaries and cattle, in the lofts of the local sytheticagogs whilst talmudic CHEKA hit squads terrorised the area blowing shed loads of NewYorkFed printed killing vouchers.

    "shitzlinder's shitpizz and atticfartz. My struggle in the jackanory wars" TM, copyright "whenever it takes the fancy".



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