December 16, 2019

Over 1 million people mobilise against Netflix's gay Jesus film

Netflix's recent Christmas comedy “The First Temptation of Christ" created outrage as Jesus Christ is portrayed as gay. More than 1 million people signed a petition asking the company to remove the film. The film was created by "Porta dos Fundos" (literally "Back Door") A fitting name for these degenerates.


  1. Charlie reckons he was and cites chapter and verse.

    Censorship is great as long as its "our" kind huh...

  2. Well that is the point. There is no censorship in this area but freedom of speech is becoming very restrictive in so many other areas like gay/antisemitism etc. Atheists love these kinds of films too. Atheism is a dead end, in all its secular humanist splendor IMHO.

  3. And how's Theism working out for you?

  4. "Charlie reckons he was and cites chapter and verse."

    You mean crypto-Jew Charles Giuliani. Yeah, I bet that's a theological study and a half. LOL!

    "And how's Theism working out for you?"

    How's Judaism working out for you?

  5. Bit dramatic as a title.I thought i was gonna see rows of guys in fish shaped hats firing crucifix cross bows and throwing holy water grenades whilst launching an attack on the Netflix bunker.Turns out a million Christians felt SO STRONGLY they typed into an online petition.Last tweet shown sums it up...."I feel like cancelling Netflix"....i'm not going to,but i feel like it lol.

  6. Crypto Jew Charlie? Wow. You must be one of the homos calling into his show...

    Youe Christ was a Jew, idiot! I don't worship anything and don't touch jew crap like the bible

  7. I am be no means a shining example of a Christian. However the calculated timing of this is just more antagonistic propaganda against an ever marginalized and shrinking slice of society.
    @Tez is it any different than any other "resistance movement"? Is there any successful "resistance movement" that is not funded by the likes of a George Soros or some other oligarch type? Netflix has become a garbage disposal for the most part. We are headed where we are headed. Hope we will still have a population of men willing to die on their feet. Something tells me we are going to kill each other before we can ever arrive at a consensus of the real problems.

  8. Yes there's an agenda yes its obvious, yes Christians are a target.

    But the Christians just want to enforce their own agenda and we've seen that movie before. Case in point is that hypocrite EM Jones who goes on about censorship at YouTube because he wants to be on YouTube telling everyone that rot started when Catholic censorship in the films was done away with.

    Anyone is welcome to as much religion as they please, but if you really need it to know how think or behave stay well enough away from me.

  9. If YouTube was enforcing some Papal ordained censorship algo EM Jones would be praising it - "my mother drunk or sober".

  10. Yes Max you do sound like a faggy jew.

    You so listen to the "crypto Jew Charlie Guiliani" today - clearly a jew shill lol!

  11. Seriously folks let's stop this infighting. First of all we all need to take a good look in the mirror and see the ugly fecker staring back and deal with that. Then once we acknowledge that we have been total gobshites and have consented and have been hoodwinked by this jew bullshit then we can take out the water hose and wash that all that jew bullshit off....and it's gone! Simple! This christian v pagan, meat eater v vegan, boomer v millenial etc etc etc is really getting tiring. Yawn!

  12. @Tez where can I buy a fish shaped hat, a crucifix cross bow and some holy water grenades. Not to fire at the jews, africans or mooslims but to fire them at our own "white brethren". At least the holy water grenades when they explode will wash off all that jewish bullshit that we have consented to smear all over our faces and then we will all be clean...just like our mammies did when we were young eejits coming in after a day of rolling around in the muck. I think the saying goes "you got to be cruel to be kind". LOL

  13. @ Brize sorry mate,but i bought the last batch.Cheap Chinese crap anyway.I broke 2 xbow limbs in 3 shots this morning and the grenades go off randomly and without priming.
    @ Chainsawmillerman i just made a flippant observation/comment.No dig at you or Christianity particularly intended.I agree no other group is doing anything more.Currently we're screwed as many understand because we can't unite other than in what the source of the problem is.Large groups in all countries need to rise together. Ireland just gets spanked by England if they are the only ones to get free.England gets spanked by France/Germany etc if it breaks free alone and so on.USA would offer most resistance as most accept,but it's no match for the rest of the planet.There's enough division between us all and my only beef with Christianity is it alienates people from the cause when mixed in with it.I don't care about any belief system provided it isn't forced on or impacts on me. I know Kawasaki's are the best,but have friends who naively think it's Suzuki. We agree to differ and agree bikes are fun. Once we apply that to the truth movement or whatever we call ourselves nowadays we win. While we dismiss allies due to their country/belief system or taste in jeans we don't.

  14. I hate censorship and I don't care what group or what agenda is pushing it. Period. And I'm not a fucking hypocrite!

  15. Synagogue of Satan destroyers say things like this... "Youe Christ was a Jew, idiot! I don't worship anything and don't touch jew crap like the bible" Anonymoustein at it again.

  16. KnownUnknown is probably tossing himself off to that Christ-defiling filth right now.

  17. Tez said "i just made a flippant observation/comment.No dig at you or Christianity particularly intended."

    No worries here Tez. It all comes back to "there is nothing new under the sun" There is nothing progressive going on in our current state of affairs. Its more like moral decline masquerading as political correctness. Most can't seem to understand there is an evil group of psychopaths masquerading as our governments appointed by the real power behind them. Political theater is all we have and most of us participate in that ruse just to entertain ourselves and have some sort of discourse with greater population of people we might otherwise have nothing in common with. Conspiracy is a dirty word. "Be positive and stop tilting at windmills" LOL Words from my father.

  18. Alan drops in with some Christian spirit - this is how now youre a liar and a hypocrite Alan, I just figured it out before everyone else.

  19. After i went on your crap show perhaps?

  20. "Crypto Jew Charlie? Wow. You must be one of the homos calling into his show..."

    So Chuck's show is aimed at homos?

    That explains a lot.

  21. Hey, Obie, you're a shill, eh? What do you have against Charles Giuliani?

    It's amazing, how no matter what side a talk show host is, there's always someone that will come and talk dirt about him.

    Are you a "Self-Chosen", or just a stray?

    Guiliani is JUST fine, with me.

  22. I'm not Fetcho you insipid vegan fart.

  23. Is this bloke one of Chuck's regulars?

  24. @Obie That was a good article.

    I liked listening to Charles. After many shows you could really get a good feel for the rage and the heavy chip on his shoulder. He had a perception that always encapsulated that.At the same time you could see a good man there. He was committed to his faith early on and was penalized for his interpretation of the trinity. The church is often not the way to true salvation it seems. Its yet another institution to be infiltrated with scumbagery and hierarchy of deceit. Its always been a struggle, no?

    I have atheists in my extended family and the tend to smugly have it all figured out. A good study of secular humanism reveals even more problems that lead to IMHO false existential conclusions. Anyway here we are, not being able to arrive at simple consensus about something that should not be difficult to decern. Most of our world has been infected by kabbalists and most "woke" people are completely blind to it. Most of what we believe is a lie. So much of atheism hinges on false kabbalistic science IMHO. It really is quite fascinating.


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