January 22, 2020

New Zealand PM comes out swinging !!


  1. Hermaphrodite? The favorite of the black magic cult,elite,that have been running the joint since Cain murdered Able!

  2. This is so dumb. I know people that have known her since she was a kid and she's a fucking Mormon ffs. Or waa until recently....

  3. cockornot, mormason or not, the khaant is a harembitcheunuch and will shoot anyone in the head whom her masters deem uppity. vacuous tart, cockornot.

  4. Well if "you know people" it's settled LOL. I know people who know people that knew people from Sandy hook LOL So that was real too!
    I know how that goes....

  5. https://www.google.com/search?q=jacinda+ardern+teen&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ACYBGNRPq6s0QXH_UYfHWWxced_B-SSkDg:1579678648861&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZyuXF2ZbnAhUU4XMBHcOVA5wQ_AUoAXoECA4QAQ&biw=393&bih=659&dpr=2.75#imgrc=9ALG6oTlp4QQiM

    That's her 23 years ago

  6. I don't know people who know her I've met her, in the late 90s in London where we both DJing

    The real question about Ardern is how this fucking Fabian tart that spent over decade in London shoot up to head the Labour Party and became PM!? That's what's shady and incoming!!! is correct

  7. But I do know who knew her at Primary School - that's how we met.

  8. Honestly KU there is weird shit going on and there has been for a long time. I have been recently looking into some really crazy shit in this area and will post soon, so get ready to get all upset LOL If fact I wonder... you seem to be a man online, but is it possible you are shilling for the trannie community? LOL

  9. That link really means nothing. If she comes from a gender bending satanic baphomet worshiping clan her character could have been created long ago.

  10. What I'm trying to say is i literally met her over 20 years when nobody thought any of this shit - i didn't fuck her so i can't speak to that but i know dudes that did.

    If you don't want believe me that's fine but trusting ONE stoopid fucking video instead is...as i said to begin with... Fucking dumb.

    Try me on twitter mate "A@T"mektronik

  11. So you know guys that fucked her? Interesting LOL ok then I believe you :)

  12. Some f****** assholes may defechor I'm sure she can suck you silly with a few cocktails in you

  13. That's a MAN, baby! ;-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  14. And he showing that intentional !!! That's how white countries are run, when the day come just rip of this sausage from him as he deserve, with dirty working gloves !!!

  15. Look, Folks, there is no question that there was "SOMETHING" "resembling" a penis, in the very same location that genitalia are found on "her", and that is that.


    THE question is this: is "she" mentally-ill, and is wearing a strap-on-dildo, in-order to make "her" feel like a man, is "she" a hermaphrodite, OR...

    is that fucking thing, TRULY, a man?

    This world is beyond fucked-up, at-this-point, and, if (((demons walking-on-two-legs))) can fire a fucking missile into The Pentagram, leaving a LITERAL 16-foot hole in the reinforced wall, photographed before the rest-of-the-wall collapsed, and, STILL, convince common-humanity that it was a fucking jet-air-liner, then, Folks...



  16. Yes anything is possible but show me a dude wearing a dress, or kilt, that has a boner, let alone flaccid, sticking out like that? Seriously. There's something there, i agree, but i doubt it's a rock hard dong - and that's THE ONLY footage we've that in.

    Lindauer got pissed off with Fetzer for pushing the Micheal Obama line and there was a lot more evidence.

  17. And nobody brings up the possibility that this could be be CGI being put out there to make us look dumb as fuck?

  18. Us? who is us? The people are stupid. LOL The corridors of power are chalk full of transgenders and so is hollywood.

  19. For the record, as I have been advised by Fredrick C., as they are both so easily man-ipulated, no audio or video can ever be accepted as admissible evidence and must be rebutted whether favourable to my beliefs or not.
    Prima-facie, perhaps, but not admissible.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. You know what is the best way to discourage the public from believing in conspiracies? That's to saturate the Internet with cockamamie (pun intended) BS like this. Not that anyone in the pro-white movement would be stupid enough to fall for it.

  22. This is a huge cog in the wheel. You guys denying it is not going to change it. The world is being transformed into a satanic cesspool. It actually has been for some time except they are beginning to lift the veil and operate in your face.

  23. More of this idiotic "satanic" bs. What does that mean? Why is transgender satanic but raping kids im church is doing gods work? You really are a christtard

  24. It is what they believe. They don't give a fuck about what some atheist thinks LOL. By the way
    I'm not a church going man but as I said before it certainly wouldnt hurt to build our communities. The Catholic church was infiltrated by the tribe long ago. In summary KU, kiss my ass.

  25. Kiss mine! "it's what they believe" what do i care? Im not ONE OF THEM...

    But tell me one more time how you keep talking about Satan but are actually not a christtard

  26. And you keep using the word atheist as if it means something. I doesn't. Any more than satanic or Christian - these are meaningless terms - watch what people do not what they claim...

  27. The world is under a Satanic agenda if the word sets you off that's your problem.

  28. "it's what they believe" what do i care? Im not ONE OF THEM..."

    Well maybe you can create your own reality and do some good old fashioned navel gazing to get there LOL. This particular issue is one of many and we have to address it. Its not going away.
    The sad fact is that most of the world lives for materialism and so just lives to want in there own little worlds and so stay locked in a cognitive dissonance.

  29. Show me where this "satanic agenda" is anything other than a figment of your imagination? Its Jewish agenda because they benefit first and most, but what does that have to do with Satan? Where are the writings of Satan? Because all I've heard are people claiming to speak on Satans behalf but as far as I know there's no Book of Satan - so the fuck are you talking about! If anything its a jew agenda because it's their book you love so much.

  30. Of course It is. I think most people use the term satanic as a synonym.The white replacement is satanic, the proliferation of porn is satanic, the banking power is satanic, the medical industry is satanic,etc etc, all designed to destroy the white Christian races. Have you ever heard of the Synagogue of Satan FFS!!

  31. Synagogue of Satan is one line from Revelation - as told by John the Jew

    " know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [e]synagogue of Satan."

    Its fucking blasphemy doesn't say anything about white replacement.

  32. Doesn't say anything about medicine or banks or mass immigration - the complaint was against blasphemy. Go listen to Charlie G to help clear your mind because you're seeing things that aren't there.

  33. LOL I have listened to lots of Charlie. He has his problems too. Anyway, I don't give a fuck. LOL Have a nice day!

  34. In secular terms, Christ would stand for everything good and positive. Anti-Christ would be the opposite. Anti-Christ equals satanic.

    Genociding a human race is satanic.

  35. Tell that to the good Christians that genocided many races and peoples...

  36. I see them every weekend at gun shows. I'm realizing they're unreachable. I wouldn't call them good Christians. I have lost hope in Americans. But there is a God, I believe.

  37. I've noticed that people who are filled with anti-Christian vitriole rarely extend such thinking towards Islam.

  38. I can't stand Islam either or especially the original fucking jews!!! Seriously.

  39. It's all Avram Abraham bullcrap for fucks sake

  40. Good to know, KU but western society was shaped by the basic tenants of Christianity, not Judaism or Islam.

  41. KnownUnknown there is a huge rabbit hole to delve into here. Why do you think that Jews sacrifice children ritually? Because they LITERALLY believe that they will get power from demons and from Satan in return. I am speaking LITERALLY.

    Satanists worship a demon called Baphomet. It is a man with breasts. It is a satanic tranny. Here is a picture.


    This is a huge occult rabbit hole. Centuries of Jewish behavior and Talmudic beliefs are satanic. Jews are the children of Satan. Have you ever heard that? Have you ever seen all the weird outfits and symbols and rituals involved in Freemasonry?

    If you dismiss all of this stuff, then you will miss the big picture. You might not believe in demons and Satan but THEY certainly do. Give the topic a little bit of your time:



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