February 08, 2020

United Nations- Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Definitive Document for Human Slavery

The United Nations is the One World Government New World Order. It’s what George H. W. Bush was talking about when he mention the New World Order. The speech was to misdirect as it had already been created. The UN was the One World Government that conspiracy theorists claim the globalists are working towards. The conspiracy was realized by the globalists… In 1945… with the conversion of the League of Nations into the UNITED NATIONS City-State. It was the Nation of Nations.


  1. From the article above:

    The UN was the One World Government that conspiracy theorists claim the globalists are working towards. The conspiracy was realized by the globalists… In 1945… with the conversion of the League of Nations into the UNITED NATIONS City-State. It was the Nation of Nations.

    All Legal Systems for all UN Member Nations seem to run through the UNITED NATIONS.

    The United Nations is a Sovereign City-State just like the Vatican City, operating the Holy See, the City of London Corporation, operating the Crown Corporation, and the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, operating the UNITED STATES INC..

    Furthermore, CERN-LHC is/was the 5th Sovereign City-State.

    In Essence, the United Nations is/was a City-State of Nations. Where the United States has US Citizens, the United Nations has Nation-Citizens. The United Nations was simply a continuation of the League of Nations, yet more overt and powerful. The point was the have a common DEBTOR-CREDITOR entity that could support and/or destroy the well-being of a “nation” and its “persons” by debt obligations and money orders.

    Secretary General Antonio Guterres – Unelected Secret-Keeper, Military General of the World. He holds public office higher than any and all member-nations, including the President of the United States Inc..

    The United Nations Member Nation-Citizens were required to comply with the financial obligations of the Secretary-General. The Secretary General is the unelected Leader of All Nations; and over all nations. It is a position of WAR and the Member Nations were required to unconditionally legally surrender upon admission to the nation of nations. That as what makes an attorneys admission that his “masters [are] the UNITED NATIONS” so astonishing.

    Where the Vatican City controls the spiritual, the City of London controls the debt franchise called “money”, the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation controls the military power and violence, and CERN controls the science… The United Nations controls the LEGAL, the FICTIONAL, The WEAPONIZE NARRATIVES called “court cases”; which are merely constructive trusts on behalf of the Vatican City. The Temple Crown Temple BAR -from the City of London- is the topmost level of Attorneys attorning slavery."

    And who's behind each of these branches of control?

    I wonder wonder wonder wonder Who?


    And NATO was set up to shape-shift into the armed enforcer for the UN Totalitarian Stinking Torture Police State.

    "As for international law, it is nowhere to be seen. The preparations for war by NATZO are a violation of the UN Charter and the fundamental principles of international law contained in it. They are war crimes under the Nuremberg Principles and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, because they are part of the conspiracy to commit, and preparations for, a war of aggression against Russia, and, since the use of nuclear weapons is a certainty if war breaks out, genocide of the entire human population."

    The UN cannot act to prevent this because the corrupt and hypocritical UN and its fake “Security Council” are part of the NATZO axis of evil which is overseen by the RTO. The ICC (International Criminal Conspirators) continues to be a lawfare tool in the hands of the hyper criminal Rothschild Terrorist Organization.

    "International law relies on a shared sense of morality, ethics and humanity to be effective. The total negation of morality by the leadership of the United Snakes and the NATZO countries has led to a breakdown of international law. Thugs, gangsters and pirates recognize no laws, and we live in a world where these are the people that are now in power in the west.

    Here is a slightly edited and abridged and/or transmogrified version of an excellent article by Christopher Black.

    Operation Barbarisma III: Setting The Stage For An Attack on Russia and World War III

  2. To find out the extent of (((their))) control, browse through a list of UN member nations.


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