February 11, 2020

What Is Wrong With White Women?

Jewish social engineering is not mentioned at all


  1. Brilliant analysis and a few basic winning suggestions.

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  6. Mark Glenn is white?
    Who knew....

  7. Glenn is of labanese decent. His world view is very heavily prejudiced by jewish anti-white stereotyping.

  8. And his own sense of inferiority living amongst whites in Utah.

  9. RickB, What the HELL does Mark have to do with this particular video? Your comment to me made absolutely no sense but you sure lit some idiotic diversionary fire to burn off some ancient hatred.

    I do not respond to your idiocy to protect Mark, I just don't think you have any effing logic here. Nothing to do with the topics covered in this video. Bitterness oozes from your pores.

    Take your loathing and shove it in your porthole.

    Maybe get a little help. You sound lonely. Or maybe you have had a drink too many.

  10. If I sound harsh it is simply because I hold no truck with verbal abuse against someone who is in no position to defend themselves against it. It is cheap and divisive.

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  14. Since I don't know who RickB is, never heard of you. Or who you used to be. Gosh I am confronted. I have heard from you. You snipe from behind bushes.
    This Lady Bimbo loves being "taught a lesson" by Boy Bimbos.

    I am still wondering why he thought I needed to be confronted! Bitterness is such a miserable way to look at the world.

    I advise you grow up and move on from your butt-hurt. However, if "confronting' me about nothing but the distant past serves to lighten your load, so be it.

    No skin off my ancient teeth. Cost me nada.


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  16. Hey, Twat!

    To end this idiocy.

    I live and work in my own bubble. I associate with few because I trust so few. My mind has other things to work on that remembering past hurts; if I held on to insults and slurs, I should be a very unhappy woman. After so many years I have had a few tossed my way. Carrying grudges, however, is heavy and unrewarding work. You delight in this idiocy from the unfair advantage of knowing a tad about my associates years ago; does it hurt I don't give a hoot about you and never have?

    I know nothing about Mark, not spoken to him for years. Got no idea what is going on.

    I have also no idea who or what you are. Leave NTS out of this. This was supposed to be about poor little you. You seem to delight in tossing names around. BTW there was no point to your posts, just your own outpourings of bitterness.

    Meanwhile, I shall continue offering people humour to deal with the pain of everyday life and politics. If that makes me a "bimbo" in your estimation, so be it.

    Allow me to weep because you don't visit my humble offerings!

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  18. There is no point to any of this. I still don't understand what this is about. I have no idea what you are talking about because I have always walked a neutral path when people had differences. I ignored that sh*t. Everyone knows this; it has always been my way.

    You play headgames like (((those))) you hate play head games with us goy. All a great waste of time. I would think you have better things to do with your valuable times. The only reason I have played so far is I am bed bound from surgery a few days ago. Otherwise, I would not give a damn. I still don't give a damn, just have a little free time to play.

    But, seriously Rickie, you play like (((these folk))). I am not joking. Not to mention your 'polite demeaning' aka condescension towards my person.

    What is sad is, and I mean this sincerely, had you approached me politely we might be friends. We have more in common than you might acknowledge, over a decade sharing our insights with seekers. Instead you attacked over ancient history over which I had no control or interest. (((These folk))) thrive on such divisive behaviour as you well know. So what does that leave me to think of you? A person who should be an ally?

    This conversation is over. I wish you well.

    ***Slams door shut***

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  20. Extending hand in friendship. Just added your blog to my extensive roll. How is that for a good start? I really don't like having unpleasant relations; we come in here to do our bit to help.

    I am sorry but I will be honest, what I said about when people quarrel, I just step out of the picture. I figure it is their dispute not mine. The fewer folk involved the better.

    I guarantee you, I am no bimbo, just tend to make light of almost everything, not to be frivolous but usually to make a point. If you ever looked at the earlier years of work I did, you might realize.

    Anyhow. That's it. Door was opened! I lied!

  21. Accept the hand of friendship. Honored.

  22. Yeah, I got on Mark Glenn's little website several years ago and we got into a big fight as I was sick of him bashing white people as cause of all suffering for people of Middle-eastern descent. This guy hates whites, and the only thing he has in common with many whites is that he speaks out against the Jew problem. He is NOT your friend and is anti-white so beware. I got banned from his cappy little website in the end, btw. Boo hoo hoo...


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