April 04, 2020

BREAKING: Telecom Workers Destroy Cell Towers To Warn Public Of 5g Dangers


  1. Encouraging to open that vid @ YT:

    ^& notice, channel has 3.5K subs, but vid's viral with 459K views atm.

    here's an odd bit I find occasionally @ YT - notice, NO PUBLISHED DATE! Only clue is in perusing the top few comments, where I find the 'oldest' gives a vague "1 week ago", which in YT-speak actually means between 7-14 days ago...wtf?!

  2. Think how the YouTube censors operate. Its that something that would fall under guidelines for removal?

    Perhaps no one thinks that the nefarious ones plant their own videos to induce some type of action from susceptible zombies.

    Just a thought.

  3. This is great news but will enough of them be taken down before they send goons to guard them? If so, the goons will have to be neutralized. Perhaps tranquilizers, tazers, "non-lethal" crowd control microwave guns, or whatever you can steel from these useless police "men"...

    The police can easily be lured to birthday parties so... Just organize lots of birthday parties on one side of town while you burn a mess of towers on the opposite side of town. Assuming 60 police officers get assigned per party, all you need is 10 parties going on at the same time while the REAL party is happening on the opposite side of town. {{{smiles}}

    If you want to gain access to certain areas where you risk being intercepted, just put on a Telecommunications company uniform or something. For more ideas, check out MOSSAD techniques as illustrated in the book "By Way of Deception" by ex-MOSSAD agent VICTOR OSTROVSKY. I read it 25 years ago so I will have to revisit it.

    Chutzpah can get you in to places other people would not dare go. The basic idea is to create diversions to get as many dumb police fucks off and running to the wrong side of town while the main event is happening. Don't bring your cell phones, credit cards or even money. (I think those bills can be scanned like credit cards, at a distance; probably a small distance but don't take any chances).

    If you want to film the event, make sure you use something that can't be traced back to you. If you get caught, just say you're jewish and they'll drive you back home and wish you good luck.

    Full text of "By Way of Deception"

    From Fred B:
    "Anyone wearing a uniform is going to feel very important and will blindly follow their leaders, no matter how evil the ends really are."

    From this you can see that a good uniform can do the trick sometimes and you can walk around feeling important to boot!

    Find out what companies have access to these cell towers and copy their uniforms as best you can. If you're really serious, get a van and paint the company's logo on the van. Anyway, use your knowledge and imagination. The army and police can't be trusted at this time. Maybe later the police will have an internal war but they have to be made aware that there are EXTREMELY good reasons for bringing down these towers and they'll eventually grow a conscience...maybe, hopefully. {{{smiles}}}

    And that concludes our class for today boys and girls.

    Next week on "Fuck The Police", we'll be looking at building home made microwave bazookas using recycled microwave oven magnetrons.

    Hasta la Pasta and good luck in The War on Terror!

    All Rights Reserved

    Voltman Plutonymus Rex

    FUNK THE POLICE - Deek Jackson

  4. "I am a physician who has been working at the bedside of COVID+ patients in NYC. I believe we are treating the wrong disease and that we must change what we are doing if we want to save as many lives as possible. I welcome any feedback, especially from those bedside: doctors, nurses, x-ray techs, pharmacists, anyone and everyone. Does this sound wrong or right, is something more right? Please let me know. @cameronks

    ΝYC ΙCU DR with nothing to gain shares INCREDIBLE insight...

    Dana Ashlie

  5. Simon says:
    “Russia Today also in on the act”

    Yep. They’ve really done a complete flip-flop.

    At least they had a sense of humor back in 2015. This is pretty funny:

    Finally! What everyone has been waiting for – how RT really works! Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan shows how we ‘operate’.

    RT exposed in leaked video: Watch how evil ‘Kremlin propaganda bullhorn’ REALLY works

    Notice how all the commenters are not buying it one bit.
    I extracted a few comments from the comment section there:

    1 day ago
    A virus, which medically cannot be transmitted, is magically created in a fish market in China and subsequently shuts down the entire globe and causes the largest financial crash in written history. Yep, we believe that.

    Financial world is bankrupt and needs to crash to bring about world crypto currency and roll out the military grade 5G in order to accommodate the New World Order.
    Nah, conspiracy theory.
    RT, the more you run stories like this, the more people are woken up. Keep it up…

    22 hours ago
    Is it me, or RT US has become more paranoid lately? You guys did a show about the health effects of 5G, you aired, and now this piece is acting like it’s a frivolous topic. What happened guys, some financial blackmail from the telecoms? I hope you investigate this, as it might be revelatory.

    1 day ago
    Why is 5G considered a theory? The science is there and the dangers of 5G are known, just the sheeple and the MSM are in denial. Wake up, the truth is exposing them daily…

    More comments will appear here tomorrow:
    UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus theories

  6. This was missing in the above comment:

    ‘This country is finished’: Unfounded UK ‘5G coronavirus’ conspiracy theories mercilessly mocked

    Notice how all the commenters are not buying it one bit.


  7. Mistake again:
    More comments will appear here tomorrow:

    I'm tired.

  8. I wonder what will happen to all politicians and their jewish masters, when people drag them on streets and rip their throats with bare hands. There is no place on Earth for them to hide !!! As Bible say; "There will be death bodies on the streets and nobody will clean them up".
    Burn baby BURN !!!

  9. Look at the F****g Chinese, those people are animals.

  10. Hey Adolf Richtard,

    You watch a 30 second stupid video and conclude that the Chinese are animals?

    Anyway, animals are way superior to mass murdering hypocrites with 1,000 military bases around the world and multi-trillion dollar "defense" budgets who go around bullying everybody and stealing everything they can as their lazy supporters sit in front of their TV's and allow their disgusting and monstrous "leaders" to fill their empty heads with incessant bullshit and take away their right to earn a decent living.

    You have no right to judge the Chinese. As far as I'm concerned, the Chinese can eat Komodo dragons if they want; it's none of my business and that centipede is probably a hundred times more nourishing than McDonald's and Bilderberger King!


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