April 25, 2020

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.04.24

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Dean Henderson  - The Coronavirus Fear Porn Attack On America

Download Hour 2 - Gary Holland  - Las Vegas Mayor's War To Reopen Her City And The Governor Saying NO

Download Hour 3 - Dr. Henry Niman PhD  - Nightly Coronavirus Report

64k CF
Rense's site


  1. fwiw- Dean Henderson's site is down--has been down for a while. I've been looking for his articles b/c he wrote some that sounded crazy (implanted chip as new crypto digital currency) but now seem totally on the mark. Doesn't look like anyone copied and posted his work.

    Why did Michigan introduce a corona virus epidemic bill in June of 2019? (!!!!!!!)

  2. Amanda - I 'm pretty sure I heard Henderson say that he was considering 'going dark' because of some problems he had recently.

  3. That is absolutely right--it was from last month, because I listened-to-it, and remembered, vividly, that he said that.

  4. Okay, thanks! I'm just kicking myself for not copying and posting his articles somewhere--I think he's totally right about what's coming (implanted currency) probably interact with 5G (thought it sounded insane when I first read it, now it's looking like that's what's happening).

  5. Interesting ideas, but I think Dean and Jeff have it blown wayyyy out of the realm of reality. They're saying, basically, that we're doomed because "they" have all the supercomputers and they already know how we'll react to anything that they want to throw at us because of AI (artificial intelligence). They don't need AI or supercomputers ... all they need to do is look at how the people in the "land of the free and home of the brave" reacted to the JFK and RFK assassinations. Martin Luther King gunned down and "the brave" never did anything. Gulf of Tonkin lie, and we still went to war with Ho Chi Minh's North Vietnam even tho Ho was an avid supporter of the U.S after WWII! Then along comes 9-11-2001 and even after it was as plain as the nose on Fetch's face that the U.S. government and the entire Bush, Jr admin was in on it, we still went to Afghanistan and Iraq and murdered tens of thousands of innocent people; the "brave"are very easily fooled, or they just don't give a damn as long as they have their beer and their televisions are operating properly.

    I could go on and on like mentioning Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Ross Ulbricht's double life + 40 years w/o the possibility of parole for being one of the first website creators that used Bitcoin as the medium of exchange instead of Federal Reserve Notes (really peed off the jews ... that's why the jew, Schumer, so viciously attacked The Silk Road and Ross Ulbricht). Still the "land of the free and home of the brave" didn't make a peep. Pretty easy to see that the "brave" aren't going to do anything but start websites like Renegade Broadcasting "the home of ALL TALK radio". Ya don't need artificial intelligence or a supercomputer to figure out America's reaction to anything!!!!

  6. It's too bad the "land of the free and home of the brave" didn't have more men like Ammon Bundy or Robert "Lavoy" Finicum (clearly murdered by an Oregon State cop).

    This depicts more accurately the way life is for the regular people in this country: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/09/us/police-shooting-video-arizona.html (warning: very graphic and heartbreaking). The maniacal cop whose screaming, demon possessed voice was the last thing Danny heard, was eventually awarded a lifetime pension of $2500 p/mo paid for by the taxpayers of Mesa, AZ thanks in part to the City Manager, Christopher Brady (a mormon no less): https://www.mesaaz.gov/city-hall/city-manager-s-office Write to this dirtbag and let him know what you think. And here's the maniacal cop you heard screaming at Danny before murdering him: https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/daniel-shaver-mesa-brailsford-shot-dead-police-facebook-flanigan-11374239

    People like Brailsford are EXACTLY who the degenerates running this country want to sic on we, the people. They want more cops like this piece of garbage: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-jumps-fence-murders-dog-front-family/

    Instead of hiding as Dean and Jeff suggest, maybe we should start DEALING with these THUGS!!!!! And if you ever sit on a jury, keep in mind that the judge is probably corrupt, the prosecuters are probably corrupt and law enforcement (or FBI) is probably most definitely CORRUPT!!!

  7. I highly recommend this latest video from Ice Age Farmer (this needs to be shared everywhere!!) While they have everyone cowering at home of the fake virus, they are doing a total take over and restructuring of the economy. And this info fits with what Lynnette Zang warned about--they are going to digitize everything and have total control of everything, including the food supply.

    Here's the latest from Ice Age Farmer--not good

    AI Takeover of Food Launched - Trumps' Meat XO


    Says they are taking over the food supply and that it will somehow get connected to the chinese style surveillance grid Trump is setting up with Peter Theil --like no food for you, social credit score too low, you didn't social distance. Public roll out of total information control, blockchain food supply chain....rolling out the digital grid, and nobody is even noticing.... NWO is here.


    All of this fits with what Lynnette Zang warned about--digitizing every asset on earth (including food supply)

    Lynette Zang: Bankers’ New SDR Crypto Blockchain Will Enslave Humanity (video)


    The new Chinese-created ACChain crypto currency blockchain will be the SDR-related world currency that will allow the international banking elite to digitize every tangible asset on earth, and they will then exert total control over all of it.

    Lynette Zang explains: “The goal is to capture your wealth, and when the say this is the LAST wealth transfer mechanism they mean it because they want it all. All of it.”

    Intel Software designer Brad peters takes it one step further, saying: “If a global crypto coin controlled by the Bank For International Settlements (BIS) comes to internationalize PROPERTY onto their crypto blockchain, they get their one world government and one world currency all in the same stroke. This IS your 1988 (2018 prediction) Economist magazine cover.” (https://bitcoin.eu/1988-economist-magazine-prediction-come-true/)

    Please share !!!


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