July 06, 2020

Slavery Essentials For a New COVID Reality - Max Igan

Social Distancing and Lockdown is Bogus - Max Igan
WHO Says Asymptomatics Are Not Infectious!
Who Is Pulling the Strings? - Vernon Coleman
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Social Distancing and Lockdown is Bogus
Max Igan - The Crowhouse
Asskick Films
(Deleted by JouTube)
On Bitchute:

WHO Says Asymptomatics Are Not Infectious!

"Disclaimer: for truth seekers only. The uploader accepts no responsibility for any viewer being traumatized or grossly offended by this video. You have been fairly warned. Thank you." 
- Asskick Films. All rights reserved.
Billy the Peacock

Who Is Pulling the Strings?
Vernon Coleman

International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, provides proof that most western countries introduced procedures (such as lockdowns) that didn't work and were politically motivated. He asks a number of questions, gives some answers and provides some startling evidence.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Bring Out Your Dead

Built By Wally The Walleye


  1. Gonna have to get to bitchute for this one. They are pulling Max down a day before he posts these days. Heck I cannot find it there yet. He swears he is going to leave YT but still hangs in.

  2. Found it!

  3. Max said a couple vids ago, yes of course YidTube sucks but he'd hang in til they delete his ch, coz YT is where the normees hang, like the town square... BC is preaching to the choir

    this vid voltman posted IS still @ his YT atm:

    & all, incl vids gassed by YT (7 of his last 10!), are @ his BC

  4. The thing is normies on youtube do not gravitate toward these videos and nor does YT put them in their queue any longer. That is a big part of YT changing their model over the last several years.

  5. Max's You Tube channel got pulled yesterday.


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