September 02, 2020

John Friend Interviews 'Tony' From Chicago


John Friend interviews grass roots sign activist 'Tony from Chicago'. Tony is a well informed, brave individual who sees right through this hoax and is actually doing something about it....and he knows who is behind this nonsense. Tony is taking it to the streets with his 'sign activism' to alert and inform the general public.   John's Website



  1. this guy could use some of the old smoloko memes . Some really well done , classic, illustrations

  2. I Listened to This John-Friend Talk after "Zeebra" Recommended it !!! :-)

    -- This is a GREAT Talk !!! :-) :-) :-)

  3. Fuck Tony from Chicago. I'm from there and their is a pandemic and it's called Niggers from The south side coming into nice white neighborhoods in the north west side and fuckin our white women. Their pussy gets so big us white boys will fall into it up to our chin tryin to nock off a load! I like to taste pussy but not while I'm fucking it!


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