October 07, 2020

The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe Episode #13 2020.10.03

 Guiseppe & Scorpio interview muckraking journalist James Perloff about the Covidhoax, the state of our nation and where we might be going.


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  1. where's James Perloff on this audio?

  2. Scorp, I just downloaded & find it's not the show U described; just some guys I don't know memorializing the late Nighthawk of Rev radio!

    but do consider my comment a few hrs ago in ur recent show's thread:

    "...hey Scorp I just learned of (ur recent guest) Dr. James Tracy's YidTube & BC channels, & fantastic titles there!


    can U post his excellent most recent 9m vid, which he premiered 9/11/20 but only has 394 views atm, coz peeps haven't discovered his existence in the alt space yet!

    "Bolshevik Lives Matter"
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tuWAToQVDs "

  3. coincidentally, James Tracy just put up a new vid this AM; first since the above which was pub'd 9/11/20

    A Tale of Two $100 Million Gifts (4m 45s):

    compares Tim Tebow's $100 MM gift to fight child sex trafficking, vs Michael Jordan's $100 MM towards BLM&Co last June, & which one got saturation joomedia coverage vs Tim's which got ignored

  4. Perloff has been on so many shows I can't keep track of them all. The only one I listen to who hasn't had him on is THC. I hope he sells a shit ton of books! I like Perloff, he admits when he doesn't know something, and if new info comes along he adjusts and modifies his position, rather than try to B.S. his way thru.

  5. Wtf is going on here? Where is duke? Where is Hitchcock? All the good shows have disappeared from this site and been replaced by watered down bullshit

    1. Big clunk in the coffee cup. Many such cases. In 2008 I noticed a change in moderation at usmessageboards.com, images and topics critical to Chiba such as the Tianamen Square massacre disappeared. I did a whois search and lo and behold the site, owned for years by some patriottard with the handle Gunny, was sold to the Chinese without disclosure to the membership. This is no shit, I have a CD with the screenshots. Creating a controversial website can pay off by selling off. I don't buy the bullshit excuses for the changes which have been taking place progressively for months, maybe a year.

  6. Relax froz, things are going badly globally but you must remain calm and rational. We have a duty to try and inform people. We dont even have to inform our entire countries, minorities have always created change throughout history

  7. @froz ... here's a quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?" Don't go for a few ... go for a few hundred or a few thousand ... that'll damn sure get their attention and the scumbags who were hired to do this to you will think three or four times before assaulting anyone else. Low-lifes will do anything for an "easy" buck ... make it SERIOUSLY UNEASY for the scoundrels!!

    Solzhenitsyn suffered thru the jewish bolshevik revolution in Russia where the jews murdered tens of millions of white Russians and Christians. In 1905 (somewhere around there) Lenin and Trotsky started a revolution that failed and the Tsar fucked up by not having them put to death ... he showed kindness to them and banished them to other countrys ... they returned a decade or so later and murdered the Tsar and his entire family. A couple of his daughters survived the gunshots so the jews clubbed and knifed them to death!!! It's in the jews genetic code to hate and murder white people even if they have shown kindness to them. Take a look at the mug of Ruth Bader Ginsburg when the bitch was on the "supreme" court ... do you see love or kindness in those mugshots? And the fuckin' idiots in this country flew their flags at half-mast for the witch!!!

    Here's some more quotes from Solzhenitsyn that you might be interested in: https://www.azquotes.com/author/13869-Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn

  8. Another Real Estate Crash Is Coming
    By Shehryar Qazi
    The COVID-19 crisis, like the subprime mortgage crisis a decade ago, has
    sparked major public interventions to stabilize the financial markets. But
    the Fed isn’t stepping in to bail out the real estate sector — and the big
    losers are set to be ordinary households.

  9. According to Robert David Steele, https://robertdavidsteele.com/ happy days are here again! He is saying that Trump has the goods on Wall Street and that Trump can go over there and tell them to cough up (hold your breath) $100 TRILLION of illgotten money ... laundered money. Steele says that Trump (who he regards as the best President ever) can pay off the national debt, pay every American a living wage, rebuild our infrastructure, forgive all debts held by everyone (including student loans). I mean Robert David Steele's new motto is "Intelligence with Integrity". Really? Yes, really ... catchy slogan, yes?

    I tried to contact Mr. Steele and tell him all about Trump being an accused child rapist and how his first wife, Ivana (an ole fat cow now) (how now fat cow ... lol) went out with Ghislaine Maxwell nearly every day to help find young girls for Jeffrey Epstein (and Trump, by association). When asked about Ghislaine following her recent arrest, Trump said he didn't know her.

    Lies fall from the lips of Trump, Steele, and Benjamin Fulford like acorns in early October. Wanna see what a dirtbag Trump really is? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzDWA9_mUgc Go to about 18:38 -22:02 If you were on a jury listening to this young lady's testimony, would you believe her? Starting at ~19:43 and for a few seconds afterward, you can see Ghislains standing behind Trump and Epstein ... yet Trump said he didn't know her following her recent arrest. 52:36 - 55:03. Maybe Trump knows where all the missing girls are ... ya think?

    This is why Robert David Steele is such a piece of garbage ... and if you try to contact him to let him know about shit he apparently doesn't know, he wants $25 per email. The rat also says that he survives solely on Social Security ... take a look at what a retired CIA really gets https://www.cia.gov/careers/benefits.html

    Robert David Steele is NOT "Intelligence with Integrity". He's a lieing sack of shit who deserves a bayonet up his ass ... he better keep that guard dog around!!!


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