January 20, 2021

The Wisdom Circle with Giuseppe and Scorpio 2021.01.20

Guest: Michael Ivey - Steve from UK calls in
"That's PRESIDENT Groper Joe to you white domestic terrorist!" David Scorpio, Giuseppe Vafanculo, Brutal Honesty Chris Weinert & surprise guests ask: "What happened to the plan, man?!?"

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  1. if i ever see another billboard with "The few , the proud, the...' Im going to puke. The biggest military in the world let it happen in their own backyard. Everyone of ya should take that uniform off right now in embarrassment and shame.

  2. Trust ze plan goy
    Oy vey
    45d chess Trump heights
    You filthy antisemite

  3. Scorpio "Where do you think this will go Mike?" Uhh.. Id dust off the movie "Killing Fields" for starters. Great show as usual guys. If you want a great laugh. Go to the X22 comment section on Bitchute. Its epic oh.. and Unknown. Im not antisemitic. I have no problems with Arabs ,Palestinians, etc. everyone has a right to live their life!

  4. @nthemix16 It's been headed our way for a long time. It only just got real and in your face. Welcome to hell. We are fucked now. Expect food shortages, engineered famines, force injected poisons, gulag reeducation death camps, curfews, and full spectrum surveillance on a level we cannot even yet imagine.

    Those brainwashed idiots in the military will kill on command and the cops? They aren't any different. There is no way to organize against any of it, unless you can think of way.

  5. Cant argue with you at all McFudd. Id say back to the Armenian Genocide. Id say QE in present day got me to thinking something isnt right. I told many back when QE should have ended this seems like a soft coupe when the first thing you do is loot the wealth and steal it. And thats all QE ever was till this day. Its pretty easy to predict since the methods are recycled .. I just laugh at all the dopes that ran up and cast their little vote when there was a such a push to do so. You have Bill Fucking Gates on Teeveee preaching medicine without a license , tell us when we can have lives back and you think you live in a Democracy or Constitutional Re public !!!??

  6. How about the Ghost Dance, maybe this time it will work.

  7. "Any more faith in the Federal government is a waste of time." Scorpio 2021

    I couldn't have said it better.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. Real resistance: http://www.kereport.com/2021/01/20/comparing-gold-and-gdx-to-the-us-equity-markets-you-might-be-surprised-to-see-the-long-term-chart/

  10. Blows me away how some have trust in Zionhedge. I cant go there for a long time BUT , i bet a weeks pay leading up to "new all time highs cause we can make the fraud markets anything we weant" Durdenstein was selling traditional traders that think there is still a market, that nows the time, the fraud markets will do what they are suppose to . Durdenstein is out there just to make sure intelligent young traders who follow the rules get the big gigantic electronic short cattle prod being jammed right up their ass. Thats all he was from the beginning. And anyone that gives me that "ooh short selling isnt American" nonsense... Free, price discovery markets are American, not print all the cash you want and direct the algos to do what you want. Folks. Thats the biggest part of this Coupe that a minority dont understand. Its totally understandable . They look to chop traditional long trusted institutions. Protocols


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