April 01, 2021

The Grabblers Are Coming - Adam Green, Christopher James, Dean Henderson, Harry Vox, JP Sears & WhatsHerFace

The Jewish Plan to Conquer the Gentiles & Rule the World
Adam Green
 * Suggested by Fakk*
The Protocols of Zion
They're Coming For Your Guns
The Nephilim Crown And The Family Bloodlines Who Control The World
Dean Henderson

Kristi Noem Takes On Bill Gates' Latest Environmental Demands

 Common Law & Important Court Updates
Christopher James (A Warrior Calls)
Harry Vox

Dealing with BrainWashed Family Members

JP Sears
Both Sides Now
Joni Mitchell

They're Coming For Your Guns
64.4K subscribers
Never let a good crisis go to waste, and oh boy, is that true in this case. After the media failed in spectacular fashion by identifying the perpetrator of the mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado as a white man, they decided to double down. When it was revealed the perpetrator was in fact a Syrian refugee with ISIS sympathies, the shameless media didn’t issue apologies for their condemnation of an entire race, no sir, they just claimed he was in fact white. Perhaps reality is something the media exists outside of. That narrative of him being a white man didn’t last long though as it was just damage control for their incompetent “reporting”, and when one narrative is no longer relevant they simply move to the next bullet on their narrative checklist… IT'S THE GUNS! After pivoting harder than Ross from Friends, the media is running full steam with the classic “guns are bad” narrative. Expect to see more of this moving forward as the disarmament of the American population is a top priority. Biden has already called for a federal assault weapons ban and is asking courts to uphold the police's ability to seize guns from citizens' homes without a warrant. Remember Biden has only been in office for a few short weeks, things will get a lot worse before they get better.


Dean Henderson is an author, activist, independent researcher, public speaker and has travelled to over 50 countries. Dean has had websites and social media platforms taken down and censored overnight for exposing the truth they don't want you to know. For over 35 years Dean has been exposing the crown and the bloodlines of the most dangerous and powerful families that go back thousands of years with their anti human agenda right up to the present day. Who are they, what are they, and who is really controlling the world? Who are these secret societies, why are they always conspiring against the human race, and what is their end goal? Dean connects the dots.

The Protocols of Zion
“Arm yourself with Knowledge and let truth take care of the rest.…”

Christopher James addresses common law and important Court Updates.
The world must go for TRUTH and the SOLUTION

Harry Vox - Unsafe Space
* Suggested by Albert? *
Here's a gift for Zapoper who is pretty low on cashisch these days, horses said...

Did someone just borrow my carrot?

She is the only honest governor in the USA:
With JP Sears
Dec 3, 2015
Family members are being brainwashed by Landmark Forum, I'm angry, what can I do? This is the question posed by a viewer. I share my thoughts on dealing with family members that seem to be brainwashed by cult like beliefs.
        36 STRING BASS SOLO 
World Record (For Now...)
Slappin' The Bass With Davie 504 & The Bass Maniacs


Big Tree Cathedral

Grabblers & Babblers
The State of The Onion


Sean said...

Damn you’re gay, voltboy!! I’m pretty sure this will never post,!but your promotion of proven false opposition, such as Adam Greenberg and all these non- namers, like this “whatshername” mega jump cutting doushbag, really show what a fag you are! The only one worth any time at all is vox. When did you go so gay? Have you told your mother that you are gay yet?

Sean said...

I won’t say anything, mothers should here it from their sons directly

Voltman said...

Go to hell Miller!


Voltman said...

"The flat earth society" However is fake and definitely BS, you know that right volt?

I didn't care at all.

The flat earth "society" is fake and definitely BS anyway.

Voltman said...

Blogger Chainsawmillerman said...

Well why bring it up if you don't care?

I didn't care whether "The flat earth society" was a real entity: it didn't have to be legitimate for the sake of the joke.

Sean said...

Yes, I am a “supporter” of the “patriarchy” Since fathers and men lost their place at the top of the social order, everything has gone to shit.

Voltman said...

"There are rational arguments you realize that, right? "

No I don't; I don't go looking for them either. I have no need of their arguments. My time is better spent dealing with real science (electrical engineering in particular). I'm quite comfortable zooming around the Sun at high speed and spinning on my axis every 24 hours.

In addition, I gave you lots to chew on but, it was almost all a waste of my time: neither you nor Albert even touched upon 5% of what I brought up.

For example:

I have 2 books that list the positions of the planets, Moon and Sun for every day of the year from January 1st 1900 to December 31st 2050. Such a book is called an Ephemeris and is well known to astrologers. The Heliocentric planetary model WORKS because it corresponds with the observations of astronomers.

Did yo go to this site where you can look at the wind patterns? You can figure out how to vary the altitude from seal level to way up on high. It is a visualization of global weather conditions, forecast by supercomputers, updated every three hours.

Winds at sea level (Sfc):

Winds at 250 hectoPascals (hPa): Pretty high

Winds at 10 hectoPascals (hPa): Way up there

Click on “earth” in the lower left corner and change the “Height” parameter, which is in hectoPascals (hPa). Units of pressure. The higher you go the lower the pressure.

I'm quite satisfied with the heliocentric "gravitational" model upgraded with the new understanding afforded by the emerging "Electric Universe" paradigm as described by David Talbot & Wal Thornhill who expanded on Velikovsky's observations.

Check out this site:

What you see is the occulted Sun with Venus going by behind the Sun from right to left. Tomorrow night at the same time it will be a bit further away from the Sun. Venus is conjuncting the Sun.

Go here and enter: Image C3; Resolution 512; and date: 2021-03-21 - 2021-04-01
and you'll see Venus transiting the Sun.

Do you think all these sites are just generating computer images to make us believe the Earth is a sphere? Really?

Albert said...

Wow! -- VERY Thought-Provoking !!! :-)

Ref: JP's Compassionate Video:

Basically a "Cult" is the "Middleman" who can at ANY-TIME, for ANY "Reason" ...

CUT OFF: Your: "Belonging" / "Acceptance" ... "NEW": "Friends" / "Family" !!!

FAKE-((("MONEY"))) ...

And INTERACTING with: Living-People With This ((("MIDDLEMAN"))) ...

Is the DEADLY "CULT" ... Which the Beautiful-WHITE-Race is PRESENTLY: "Captured"-BY !!!

In MANY Ways ... When / AS we are Soooo UN-HAPPY: by "Belonging" to This DEADLY-Life-Sucking-((("Cult"))) ...

The simple-WAY: To Become: "Cut-OFF": By this ((("Cult"))) ...
-- Is to "Simply" SAY: Things which You, as a "Cult"-"Member": Are "FORBIDDEN" to SAY !!! ;-)

Like Jan-Lamprecht has Observed in South-Africa ...
AS the MOST by-MERIT CAPABLE "Cult"-"Members" are "Purged" ...
(((they))) Rapidly LOSE "Power" !!!

((("Intelligence")))-Organisations ... ("License to KILL") are Promised: "IMMUNITY" / To NEVER Be Directly-PROSECUTED ....

But, with "Members of the ((("Freemasons"))) etc...
"Members" SWEAR to NOT: Divulge its SECRETS ... under Penalty of DEATH!

Just as Homos "Reproduce" by "Doing" Disgusting-"Things" to Innocent-Children ...

((("Cult")))-"Members" are "Inducted" since Very-YOUNG ...
-- And Such "Membership" is: "Glued-Together" BY: FEAR !!!

(Which MAKES: "Deprogramming" ... Almost-IMPOSSIBLE! :-o

🌝 🌚 🌞

Albert said...

Kristi" looks like a (((chameleon))) who really-WANTS to "Vaccinate" Her State! ;-)

Panzerfaust said...

Are you on LSD?

Panzerfaust said...

If the Erf flat why do cyclones rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern? Why do cyclones never cross the equator? What's stopping them on Flat Erf? Why are lunar eclipses never knife edge?

Sean said...

I am not “John Miller”, chainsaw(Miller)man. My how they love to hide things in plain sight!

Anonymous said...

Actually I don't think Adam Green is jewish, I did when he first appeared but not now. And since Texe Marrs died I don't think anyone is doing more than Green on looking into heeb myths and religious deceptions. Although the names Adam and Green are obviously used by jews, Green is also a common English name, and Adam Green claims to be descended mainly from English folk.

Books by Texe Marrs

Anonymous said...

The Jewish Plan to Conquer the Gentiles & Rule the World EXPOSED (Part 2) | KMN Live w/ Adam Green

Anonymous said...

and talking about 'grabblers'
Grabbler Creatures - The Onion

Albert said...

I forgot to put Tranny:

"Kristi" looks like a Tranny-(((chameleon))) who really-WANTS to "Vaccinate" Her State! ;-)

Panzerfaust said...

Many errors.

Panzerfaust said...

Chainsmiller, can you play Hava Nagil on the Jew Harp and Ykulele?