September 22, 2021

The Event - September 22, 2021 - Dr Lee Merritt


About Giuseppe Vafanculo

Host of The Perfect Triangle Fridays 6-8pm Eastern Co-host Operation Scorpio Saturdays 1-4pm Eastern; Co-host The Event Wednesdays 12-2pm Eastern.

Giuseppe, Scorpio, Jim Fetzer with Guest:

Dr Lee Merritt


  1. Very interesting show,
    okay okay ..Rothschild bankers..

    When do WE THE PEOPLE of this planet finally "take care" of this &%$#@# clique of JEW, I repeat, JEW parasites and their down to the bones corrupt lackeys- non-jew traitors - in western governments??

  2. @Unknown

    Ha Ha Haa !!!

    Didn't You HEAR Her?

    --> It is them Ebil-Naatsees who 6-Gorillioned those poor-chosens in Ow-Shwits !!! ;-)

    THEY have been Plotting ... all of this Time to GET "Revenge" ...

    --> By GENOCIDING the Entire-WHITE-Race ...

    STARTING with the Germans! :-o

    ... "Makes SENSE" to me! ;-)

  3. But:
    A far more IMPORTANT Question is, I think:

    WHY do WE THE PEOPLE of this planet NOT "take care" of this &%$#@# clique of JEW, I repeat, JEW parasites AND their down to the bones corrupt lackeys- non-jew traitors - in western governments/societies, ONCE AND FOR ALL??

    Thanks for answers and have a great evening

  4. Scorpio. You are far more intelligent to not know of "camps"..Hey everyone gets a mulligan. You have had a rough past 2 months im sure.

    Here is some help on that Does it shock anyone the head of CDC is a chicken swinger ?

    Where are a group of Navy Seals to do a make Like Joe Pesci and Ray Liota sitting in the car scene ?Oh thats right. Ruf Ruf. Semper Fi ! The Innocent women and children of Syria are much easier right boyz ?

    For anyone that blindly follows Monkey F**k (Werks) what ever he is. He said , paraphrase "They (CDC ) want you there , there is nothing you can do about it " Really Monkey F**k? Well you worked on the F-35 so its understandable how clueless you are. Why this guy has following is beyond comprehension. Seems like a nice guy. They are a PRIVATE entity ! They have no governing, statutory law making , abilities. Anyone thinks they will come out of one of those "green zones" alive is a fool. Yall need to get yourself acquainted with that "cookbook " Zeppie mentioned in "The Event" . Especially Australia. Someone do a Leaflet drop in Victoria on that

    Unknown , Albert .. There is nothing you said that isnt legit. Too busy worrying about texting their friends on their I -crap

    Hey anyone on Fetzer's Texas Tuesday.. What was he doing there 4:22. ? Shitting in his pants and trying to fight off the collateral damage ?

  5. NEW content !!! ... It might Raise-Your-Spirits! .... Mike Sledge can be a bit FUN ... sometimes! ;-)

  6. (Joke)

    Why don't jews Take Ivermectin for Con-vid?

    --> Because it KILLS Parasites! -- Dhuh! ;-)

  7. The First 2-hour show of Mike was pretty-good ... the second 2-hours-part ... well, I DOON'T-recommend it at-all! -- I'm stopping-listening after 25 minutes!

  8. Gonna Try these guys' Latest:

  9. oy vey...
    U.S., Israel Walk Out if United Nations Meeting!

    After a draft resolution was introduced at the United Nations General Assembly that likened Zionism to racism, the U.S. and Israel walked out of the annual meeting, the Associated Press reported.

  10. THIS is what the Germans planed to do in 1941:
    Get those jews OUT OF Germany and ship them to their HOMELAND Birobidjan in East Russia, after having beaten the Communist Bolshevik Soviet Union......

    The jew controlled West had a different idea, they united and "toke care" of Germany.....

  11. ????????
    Zionism is “the Jewish national movement of self-determination in the land of Israel — the historical birthplace and biblical homeland of the Jewish people,” according to the Anti-Defamation League.

    95% of all jews, worldwide, are NOT SEMITES !!
    They are parasitic, warmongering Khazar Ashkenasi 'jews', whose HOMELAND is Birobidjan in Eastern Russia (see Wikipedia)

    GO HOME you &%$#@$ and leave us alone!

  12. Arthur Koestler " The Thirteens Tribe"

    Library of Congress Cataloging DK34K45K39 1976

    "This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism.
    Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry...."

  13. oy vey...
    MILLIONS of 'jews', and their lackeys, worldwide, are reading the comments on Mami's shit....

  14. btw:
    Birobidjan, that yiddish speaking Homeland of the Khazar/Ashkenasi 'jews' in Eastern Russia, the inhabitants of that place don't need to shit behind huts anymore.

    According to people 'who know', that place has been totally modernized after 1950 with German "Holocaust" money................

  15. The United Nations General Assembly likened Zionism to Racism.
    I think they are correct.

    After a draft resolution was introduced at the United Nations General Assembly that likened Zionism to racism, the U.S. and Israel WALKED OUT of the annual meeting, the Associated Press reported.

    " Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.
    Other races are considered as human excrement.
    Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron.
    The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."

    Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesseth, the Israeli Parliament, quoted by
    Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts", New Statesman, June 25, 1982


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