November 24, 2021

The Kyle Rittenhouse Case - Tucker Carlson, JP Sears, VivaFrei & The Art of The Law

Kyle Rittenhouse speaks to Tucker Carlson in first TV interview
Fox News
Social Media Companies Suppressed Claims of Kyle Rittenhouse’s Innocence
 The Washington Free Beacon
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 *Suggested by inthemix16 *
The Kyle Rittenhouse Case - 7 Things You Should Know!
The Art of Law: Are you acting like a Robot?
Observation Deck
Commerce - Law of the Sea
Chiron Last

Jiri VonDrak


Social Media Companies Suppressed Claims of Kyle Rittenhouse’s Innocence

Social media platforms rendered a verdict on Kyle Rittenhouse long before he went to trial, suppressing claims that he was innocent and blocking users from searching for details of the case.

Immediately after the anti-police riots that thrust Rittenhouse into the national spotlight, social media companies began to block users who expressed support for the Illinois teen. Twitter suspended the accounts of users who called Rittenhouse innocent, including the defendant's own lawyer. Facebook said it "designated this shooting as a mass murder and … removed the shooter’s accounts from Facebook and Instagram." The platform also blocked searches for "Kyle Rittenhouse."

Twitter, Facebook deemed defendant guilty immediately after Wisconsin shooting

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*Suggested by inthemix16 *




  1. Republicans are as CLOSE to Disgusting-Stinking-SHIT ... as it comes...

    Dick Cheney .....

    and Now his Daughter ... Vagina Cheney !!!


    Not REALLY a "joke" though, is it !!! :-o

    (I have been Listening to some: SGT Report: Left/Right baloney ... and they were "Salivating" at the "Thought" of (PIECES-of-SHIT--BETRAYERS)-Republicans Taking: the House, Senate in 2022 ....

    Yeah yeah yeah ...

    With "Republican" Drumph ... "we" HAD:

    The Whitehouse (FULL of jews)

    Congress (FULL of jews + jew-puppets)

    Senate (FULL of jews + "senile"-jew-puppets)

    .... and WE GOT: "Warp-Speed"-POISON-DEATH-Injections ...
    (And the MOST "Immigrants", "Black-jobs" ever! etc!)


    Trump Family Transvestigation w compliments

  3. Here are some interesting observations from one of my favorite crackpots.

    There is a good discussion about Kyle Rittenhouse and his lineage within the article linked above. Here is a an opening quote from Miles's update dealing with the disingenuous Kyle and his band of psychos.

    "Same for Kyle Rittenhouse and his accomplices. They decided to draw that one out as well,
    manufacturing a fake trial and having everyone lie on the stand, committing mass perjury. Except that perjury is limited to real trials. In fake trials it doesn't apply"

    Open up the link and read the 12 pages, just for giggles. Miles is a good researcher IMHO.
    I don't always agree with him, but his paranoia resonates with me in these times :)

  4. @Ca-Nada. That was a good post. Worth the time reading. I do believe i did disclose that giving kudos to Vive Frei i could be naive there. If one listened to the podcasts you still will get a lot out of it apart from the trial. Miles does have some valid points to let marinate in your brain.
    There are just so many aspects of the trial to ponder. There were so many great discussions even on MSM. One note. It was good to hear Judge Jeanine Pirro really go to bat for Kyle but in my world she is still a sell out. Shes Lebanese but still works for the same people that Nuked her home country. I never forget that interview she had with Esper after the fact and of course she had no guts at all to even suggest who we all knew really did it.
    Anyway. Yes . Its good to be skeptical there the more i dig. To me its just that Rittenhouse is TOO good. . In all aspects. If his poise,knowledge, and composure is that good at 18 he can do much better than a nurse down the road. Well see but a great angle to spend some time reading

  5. The fact that Fox News made a big deal out of exonerating Rittenhouse is highly suspicious.

  6. Miles Mathis is a total fucktard! Don't get sucked into one of his diarrhea flows unless you don't value your time.

    e.g., He thinks the Lincoln assassination was fake!

  7. Erik do you think these psyops are recent affairs? I would not be surprised if the Lincoln assassination was fake. Why are you getting all upset? Relax, tell us the facts. Sometimes people get excited when they have to change their own historic narrative. Kind of related to that Mark Twain quote about being fooled.

  8. Meet the Fed's New BFF

  9. I missed this story,

    And Then There Was None: Canada Sells its Gold

    Here is another interesting story

    Canada has NO Gold but a Mountain of Debt… Things Will End Badly

    Read this one next! Canada what ever that is, is fucked!

    New, Stephen Poloz-backed company aims to make home ownership more attainable

  10. Gold is despised by governments and banks because it can't be inflated. Inflation is a hidden tax all these scumbags use against the herd. Poloz and Trudeau should be Drawn and Quartered!
    Instead we reelect the fag and Poloz starts a new feudal class of young people. They actually call this home ownership LOL


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