November 19, 2021

Wisconsin Jury Finds Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY on ALL counts - Ben Swann

Not Only Not Guilty, WORTHY!

Not Guilty On All Counts


Newly released footage of Kyle Rittenhouse, showing more of the events that transpired in Kenosha, Wisconsin
It does not look contrived to me. It looks like Rittenhouse is for real. Either that or this is one of their extremely rare convincing psy-ops. What crisis actors would volunteer to be shot to death or have their arm blown to a pulp?
Kyle Rittenhouse risked his life and did what the cowardly cops should have been doing.
He should be given hero coverage according to this video above. He should be given a promotion to Police Chief so he can keep on kicking ass...there sure is a lot of arses out there that need a good stiff kicking, let me tell you!
P.S.: I wrote the above paragraphs BEFORE finding out about the verdict a moment ago. (5:10PM EST.) At least there is SOME uncommon sense left in Wisconsin....

I have no idea what Bullstream Media is twisting the story into. I can't stand watching and listening to these pricks and cunts, especially since 9-11 but even before.



    Mami's HAS this-Show further-DOWN !!!


    dltr said...

    This guy's arious thesis have more holes in them than a spaghetti colander.

    - firstly it's the jews.

    - secondly it's the jews.

    - Thirdly it's the jews (not the Baptists, not Christianity in England).

    And i'm sure if you look at why women were allowed entry into Universities, you again would say.

    - It's the jews!

    One could break it down in a devastating manner, but there are only so many hours in a day and some of them have to be put to good use.

    Albert says:

    I just Listened-to it LAST-Night .....

    And, this Morning ... LOOKING-Around: and SEEING: HOW I am Literally-(((Being)))-"REPLACED" ....... I am feeling VERY-Depressed !!!

    BB9 SAYS that: jews WANT to BE: The "White"-Son of Noah ...
    and, thus TRUE-"Christian"-WHITES ...
    ARE (((their))) ONLY-"Competition" ...
    (ie the-TRUTH ... is the ONLY "Competition" for LIES! ... The TRUTH-Tellers-(WHITE-"Christians"!)
    are the ONLY "Competition" for: (((LIARS))) who WOULD-"BE": the "MASTERS" / "Inheritors" / "Owners" ... of the-ENTIRE-WORLD, INCLUDING its "Livestock" !!!

    I was WOKEN-UP: To a Brown-MONSTER: Leaf-Blowing-OUTSIDE my Bedroom-Window ...
    and, I Lay-AWAKE for an Hour ... Mulling-"Things"-Over! :-o

    LIKE dltr NOTED: the Timothy-Kelly-Author .... "cleverly" LEFT-OUT: jews and how (((they))) out of Terrible-Insatiable-ENVY-and-HATRED ... SEEK to "cleverly" "REPLACE" us ALL !!! :-o

    (There is the "clever" Saying: "It is 'EASIER' to 'ask-forgiveness' ... than to ASK: 'PERMISSION' !!!" :-o )

    WHITES in THEIR wonderful HAPPY-WHITE-NATIONS ... were-NEVER: ASKED ... if THEY "WANTED" to be "REPLACED" ... by Vicious-INVADERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    This morning, in Mulling-"Things"-Over ...

    --> I Also NOTED: That the "clever"-Author ... ALSO 'happened' to OMIT: "WWI" and "WWII" ... the "clever"-FAKE-"War": "KILL the BEST of the 'Goyim'!!!" ("Satanic")-WHITE-"Christian"- SLAUGHTER-Fests !!!

    Yes! (((they))) have been "cleverly" BREEDING HUGE: 2-Billion-Ni88er "Orc"-Invader-"Armies" in Africa, India, and China ..................

    --> But, UNTIL:

    OUR Numbers and Breading-Potential was DESTROYED-(FOREVER) BY: "WWI" and "WWII" ...


    There WAS NO-Good-REASON Why: The GOOD-WISE-WHITE-Male-"Christian"-"Patriarchy" ... would-NOT have continued to: Step-by-Step-MAKE: The Entire-World INTO: A Garden-Paradise !!!
    (Where even Beautiful-Elephants etc could / would be SAFE and Treasured !!!)

    WITHOUT the jews ...

    Our HAPPY WHITE-"Christian" NATIONS would have "Patriarchy"-CHERISHED: OUR wonderful-Soft-Hearted-KIND-Generous Womenfolk: Hands-ON: LOVING Their-OWN: Precious Adorable Beautiful: WHITE Children, and Grand-Children !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  2. Anybody else notice the two reactions by Resident Biden, one content with the verdict (in person) and the other outraged (white house press release)?
    That's how it goes when you've been installed and controlled.

    1. Or maybe the two Bidens failed to coordinate lol


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