December 06, 2022

The Scorpio Show 2022.11.30

Scorpio and Mike Sledge's observations of the alternative media, vaccines and more.

Feel free to email Scorpio at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Back then I remember Bill Cooper outing aj.

  3. Yeah, AJ called into Cooper's show at the very beginning of his 'career.' Cooper ended calling him a liar and said something like "Mr. Alex Jones....if that is even your real name!" - lol

  4. Seeing as how you mentioned the talking head doctors who came out of the woodwork to become "heroes" of the independent media, there was one doctor who really stood out as a creep and phony - that is Dr. Judy Mikowitz. It must really, really be true that her sister was Guiseppe's neighbor. Really.

  5. Where can I find that three-hour Kaminski exposé?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. I noticed SFR is pulling Kaminski's shows. 051 is non existent now. I don't trust Gahary

    2. Which episode? I don't listen to sledge unless i don't know he's a guest like on the last Kary show with whoever that other retard NJP boomer was.

  6. Great show, especially the crypto Saudi mention. It would be nice to elaborate on that one, but everyone’s favorite expatriate would object to any validity of that.

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  8. Zap is back He has risen Hallelujah

  9. John Stadtmiller was suspicious about Stew Peters, how he burst on the scene with mass distribution etc and tried unsuccessfully to establish contact with him for an interview.
    Rense has had a revolving door of these experts. Here recently one instructed listeners to avoid public places including grocery stores and hole up at home because of the airborne spike proteins coming off vaccinated breath. Another said to destroy your hard drives and flash memory, terminate all internet accounts, disconnect from political venues, and go dark.
    Yeah, naw

  10. great points scorp but im still open to if there were holes in the Aaron Russo interview.
    Spoonful i know in the past that,that thought had passed in my tiny brain.
    This is something i learned way back from Mr Scottie Spencer of Smoloko And dont tel me he wasnt whacked or mega psyop . That site was a pioneer imho According to him i think , when Prince got it, he wanted out of the reservation . His lawyers couldnt figure out how to, but Prince, being quite a slick character , read every word ,and figured out if he just changed his name he could get out. Its just what i heard, dont know if it holds

    I see the YE references . Maybe its just me in ive heard so little mention the Owens,what family is hubby , and Mercer is largest investor in Parlor but in my copy of RichieFromBoston's voice,"i digress"

    This one is more light and informational for the few that follow more of the military aspect of the Rus/Ukie conflict. This vid ill post was when i first learned of the conflict in 2014. Its great for a normie to get some viewpoint from way back in 2015. For those of you that had watched you know its this american journalist,Miguel Francis Santiago, that goes around with the Russian militia . Kinda like a Patrick Lancaster . This is where you learn of that famous commander "Givi" Other thing you would notice is i think this other commander is this chic. Shes quite a story. sadly i bet shes been long since gone. Quite a story there. Strange as Miguel risked his life i dont recall seeing him since . He did "Crimea for Dummies" which is really good. Amazing how much more educated , cultured , hotter lol Its just basically if any of you all would like some well done history

    Donetsk: An american glance

    1. Smoloko, there's one I haven't heard about in a while, others in my early education were and Incogman.

      The host on after Perfect Triangle last Saturday mentioned rumors in showbiz stating Kanye is gay and likes white boys, which raises questions about his new pals and what they do etc.

    2. I read somewhere that Kanye and Kim were "transexuals". He does come off effeminate.

  11. Welcome back Zapmeister.

    Without you we would be stuck with Spook Be Radio - which although hilarious, is also "tedious"!

    Keep an eye hear at Mamis, for groundbreaking audio of: "The Bookeeper from Lebanon" confesses to being a government plant. Man is he a good gardener! ;)

    You will be able to hear what Satan (the adversary) sounds like in real time, when he denies that Israel had anything to do with the USS liberty, in fact he tells us that poor Israel was duped.

    Spook Be Radio last night lost their underground correspondent from a nursing home in ??

    Amazing how fast they took the Kaminski Exit down!

    That's almost like admitting you completely #$$#$%$%$ up!

    Great work Mr. Gaghary.

    1. Damn straight. Reading ghahari kiss posner's ass then make a court-sealed agreement with the jews on Sandy hoax is evil, not to mention handing over fetzer's website that ghahari apparently registered in his own name and didn't tell fetzer. Almost as disgusting as boomer Sledge promoting jew NJP

  12. On Stew Peters
    Always had that gut feeling this former rapper is misinformation agent, but now i sure lost all trust.

    John Kaminsky wrote an article why he quit SFR, but is this the real reason?

    Thanks scorpio, very amazing as always!

  13. Panz. You really remember Smoloko ? IMHO that site was the shit. I think Spencer was one of the pioneer of a site that tells so much with mostly meme . And they were waay out there. Really shocking stuff. I learned a ton from that. You can still find the memes on archive. I bet even BB9 would be taken aback with like the pictures of macheted female South African Farmers . Sometimes you need a shock to wake you up. Henry Makow did a decent piece on him way back. Its a good bet hes been wacked . i just always laughed imaging if i made 5k copies of Spencer's meme and i was in a huge metropolitan area and i tripped in a alley on a very windy day .oops especially the one when he showed you what Rahm Emanuel poppy did for a living. I could just hear Ye yelling to Ari with the Gretta "how dare you" if YE were really smart hed be telling you King David Hotel bed time stories

    The Man Behind the "Anti-Semitic" Memes

    Was just here to get a quick post here for those that cant figure out how tucker is just controlled opposition . This gem tonite . about 7:15 "a totalitarian state like Putin's Russia" Really Tuck-the-Kuck" ? So as long as you dont mention that little shit "country" in the med its all good

  14. After listening to Joosepie(no im not railing on you ) and Russ Winter again this weekend ,just give me some slack about the ga gillionth warning on Zionhedge run by a Mr Tyler Durdenstein . Russ and anyone else. With the most respect .Zionhedge imho is the fed ! Ive traded or at least been in markets over 20 years. i know ,your happy for me cause mostly it doesnt mean shit. if it did id be yuckin it up with that ukie hottie in Dubai,who, morned about 5 minutes after her soldier dad got it.
    .ZH used to be when it , ironically started around 07 ,was just a fringe traders blog. It was set up when people thought there were still real markets or you like me thought QE was just a temp band aid like they said. . If you had an inverse etf shorting the direction of TD , you would have made a ton . Think of demographic back then ..mostly white educated, finance people. What a great way to rob whitey . TD sells endless gloom, then an hour later yellen Yellen the counterfeiting fellon would come out with a few cute dovish words or announcement of , well things suck , we just cant shut the spigot off and continue fuck your grandma out of interest. And then next day all time highs.,What a better way to rob whitey of his money. Still a great place because the posters are still the attraction, but not like before. I think im on at least 2nd time getting torched. If you never got to read a "Longsoupline" rant you werent living ! Just be careful there. TD isnt your friend like many think . Just pay attention to most of Durdenstein's post. Youll always notice "According to CNN" or BBC . its just rebranded of the shit you dont want. i hope

    1. Tyler Durden is a pen name. I've found some serious truth nuggets there such as female DNA found on the Boston Marathon backpack or bomb, don't remember which my screenshot is in a kaput HDD

  15. you see this mr russ winter watch. I get the sense you have fallen for that. Sheez i did. You got lots of company. No shame You dont want the ZH electronic cattle prod jammed up your ass! But posters like Gregga777 (i think) still make the msg board worth the time.

  16. @Panzerfaust

    Bruce, that guy who called in to criticize your novel take on Queen's "killer queen", is a testament to the lack of critical thinking here in America..."Its about Marie Ann Twinette, it says it right in the song, now go take your meds". lol

    1. This is why I have a suspicion or hesitation when troofers throw around pray to Jesus or Muhammad in Barrett's case. It tells me this person is emotionally entrapped by foundational myths therefore the same affinity could very well apply to fake conspiracy theories and historical narratives. The Trump Q psyop was a good example of corralling political dissidents into a retarted cul-de-sac. "The white hats in the government are on it praise da lard".LOL
      To be fair even the agnostic such as Fetzer can be duped by emotionally targeted narratives that deflect the mind from considering the worst. The whole Kennedy Camelot thing you know, he goes "oh Jackie loooved Jack"

  17. So you think the Boston bombing was real Panz?

    1. You mean real as in the victims? No, but a pyrotechnic device did go off.

  18. Not taking sides in the truth podcast split atm because both provide listening value but will point out that call-in to the Perfect Triangle when I challenged Gahary on his statement to Spingola in which he said Israel was not intentionally attempting to sink the USS Liberty. I'm no naval warfare expert but shooting torpedoes tells me they wanted it sunk. Gahary did a 20 min "Fetzer filibuster" which included a minor correction on the source of Israel's torpedoes as French not US but otherwise avoided my main point of argument.

    1. Which show was that, i stopped listening to jewseppy too, but if like to hear that lol

  19. Gahary's sympathies and prejudice go with the Israelis and not the USS Liberty survivors. Strange for a guy that interviewed several of the survivors.

    There was a French submarine on the scene of the attack as well as a Russian and American submarine. The French submarine was sunk. An American submariner on the scene told me that.

    He also told me that the Russian submarine put up its periscope at the moment Israeli commandos were going to ladder down from a helicopter to finish of the Liberty survivors and their ship. Gahary said a submarine would never do that as it would give away its position. I said that it was an exceptional situation as Russia had a defense agreement with Egypt and they would've been obliged to respond in kind to the US's nuclear attack on Egypt.

    I have a lot of interesting info about the attack on the USS Liberty as I've talked to several US sailors that were involved with it in one way or another, directly or indirectly. Gahary wouldn't want to talk to me over the radio waves.

    1. I've read the same on the Soviet sub but never heard about a French and US sub observing much less the French sub sinking. Interesting. When a host or author co-producer becomes a handler that makes one wonder about that and what happened to the funds raised for the movie? Was it ever made?

    2. Rick you are the best caller. When you called out Duke on his show - EPIC! Call Blackbird 9 Saturdays 7pm est on republic broadcasting, he is one of a handful of legit guys imo. Scorpio has sadly fallen off with his Sledge worship imo. If Scorpio prefers a cohost arrangement it should be Paul, out 3 you and Paul should do a call in, omg I'd be lmfao at the wreckage you two could do to all the girly-'men' out there. Separate the wheat from the chaff

  20. Panz said, "You mean real as in the victims? No, but a pyrotechnic device did go off."

    There were large fans moving smoke right after the flash bomb went off. I think the backpack is bullshit and planted into the narrative. The Boston bombing was so fake it was laughable. Everything about it was FAF.

    1. Pyrotechnic device as I said

  21. Point is the backpack is bullcrap

  22. It took ME a few days to Get-to Listening ... (I have been "binge-Listening" to "Salamandren's" daily-blog Evolution !!! ;-) )

    --> But, Wow! -- What a Very Worthwhile-LISTEN !!! -- This Latest Scorpio-Show is! :-) :-):-)

    -- The Criticizm "vibe" at the beginning: "Pushed-MY-Buttons" somewhat, especially with the Mike-Snicker-routine .....
    --> But the ENDING stuff: About OUR-Precious-WHITE-Race ... Certainly Found MY: Profound-APPROVAL !!! :-o :-) :-) :-)

    Just Like: Self-DEFENCE is the Primal-"RIGHT"* ...... as: ONCE: WE are DEAD ... we Literally: OWN-NOTHING, and HAVE no Other "Rights"!

    (WITHOUT-which: WE: TRUTHFULLY Have-NO-"Rights" ... whatever the Mind-(((warp)))-Facade!)

    So TOO: IF the Precious-WHITE-Race is ((("Successfully")))-ERASED .........

    NOTHING ELSE will even "Matter" ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    (And Certainly, along with ALL "Western"-Cultural-GREAT-Achievements ... "Christianity", as WE KNOW it ... will ALSO: be a "thing"-of-the-PAST !!! :-o)

    Now, onto: Reading through: All of the ABOVE, Previous-Comments! ;-)

    :-) :-) :-)

  23. I just Read-Through: all of the Above Comments! :-)

    --> ALL very Good, and Interesting! :-)

    :-) :-) :-)

    IF anyone can LINK to the: DELETED: Kaminski etc. Audio Content, I would be very grateful !!! ;-)

    1. Which episode was it? I don't see him having any 3 hour episodes and i don't remember hearing any kind of explosive show re sfr if that's what everyone is talking about

  24. "Panz said "I've found some serious truth nuggets there such as female DNA found on the Boston Marathon backpack or bomb"

    These are the kind of pissed on bread crumbs, that keep a basic psy-op alive for the so called discerning segment of the slave population. I followed it closely back in the day, but if the same thing happened today, I would no longer bother getting into the narratives and minutia supplied by our masters.

    What our so called incompetent masters where able to do with coof was mind blowing. They truly have a deep understanding of group psychology. I think I have finally realized it's on you to realize the illusory nature of this physical realm. There is no mass awakening coming anytime soon. This is a very old weary world and the timeline is very likely not even close to what' has been laid out for the so called educated and uneducated alike. It's almost all pissed on bread crumbs. The day is coming that the people "who know" are part of the last group of hold outs. I'm not saying I know whats going to happen but what I learned about my fellow humans in the last 3 years have really taught me some stuff.

    The noise is getting louder and I'm becoming more and more uninterested. We sure do fear losing our stuff huh? It's interesting that if we didn't fear losing it, we would not, but of course each family in their shit shack will never gamble and make a stand. Individual UPWARD MOBILITY has been hammered into the masses and now we will lose because we can't stand together or lose individually by doing the right thing.

    I had a lot of coworkers tell me they knew it was wrong to get injected, but they said they had no choice. LOL! This was truly fascinating and demoralizing. It made conspiracy real or not become somewhat irrelevant and somewhat uninteresting to me. Will the bio-security state that will likely use the same template as covid but a little hotter work? Or will we finally say enough is enough? We will see... The spiritual folk will tell you that either it is all an illusion or that the gate is narrow and few will pass.

  25. I did not proof read that LOL excuse the errors.

  26. Make sure you get out there and vote when the time comes Panz!

  27. I'm not sure, mostly just rambling. Carry on with your nuggets...

  28. Bla Bla Bla same shit every show a crap crap crap and how about brother from another mother Giuseppe who you betray dr.Scorpion for shithead military intelligent idiot Gaddy. Get lost scorpio doctor.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Strike & Mike 241 good show

    1. Mike 'Enoch' peinovich is a jew and everyone at trs tds ftn njp pushed the #jewjab because they all bought Pfizer stock.

  31. Can't you Americans speak for a minute without asking if "ye know"
    "ye know" "ye know" "ye know" "ye know" "ye know" "ye know"


  32. Whether Ayo is intel or not he makes excellent points that whites dont make such as "white on white"crime. Ayo makes interesting connections with "Birth of a Nation" observations. He talks about Leo Frank AND defended his execution. IF Ayo is sincere he has "allegedly repented for his sins" of working for government) before he "woke up". Who knows? Maybe he is a slick double agent. But I like what he says. Most white guys dont get close to what he says. He doesnt need Gahary. He published his own book. Dave wastes time on irrellevant miniutae.
    On the vaccine - "anyone who takes the vax trusts the jews" Good riddance. "I told you so" but you didnt want to listen.


    2. Ayo is Obama Homeland security that promotes White genocide. He plagiarized all the work of White Men through history and put it in a book that Ghahari and jewseppy push Whites to buy.

      Ayo brags about all the money he's received from Whites in Europe buying his book thanks to ghahari and jewseppy.

      So now ghahari is working on publishing this negroes 2nd book, instead of promoting Whites. It was probably part of ghahari's secret court sealed agreement with the Sandy hoax jews to push this negro bc all of a sudden ayo is all over sfr, I'm pretty sure that's part of the reason kaminski quit, he was being forced to promote ayo, just like Scorpio was.

      And now we're seeing who's doing what for the love of Jews and jew money

  33. Young Turds Jew goes Talmudic on Ye

    1. It looks like the young turds aren't able to control the comment section because it's full of the dissenters! LOL

  34. USA citizens are asked "Where is Ukraine on the map?"

  35. Sledge is such an out of touch Boomer, promoting the jew mike Enoch peinovich who's married to a bnai brith jew while he was doing his comedy routine and being the "chairman" of NJP which is a controlled op honey pot. Anyone that criticizes the jews at NJP TRS gets banned and doxxed.

    There's a whole group and getting bigger exposing NJP, Striker is a Puerto Rican. There's audio also

    Anyone promoting NJP can't be trusted

  36. He's the only guy really calling out the Jews the way they need to be called out. I've listened to him enough. All these guys on radio were in the military. Why should I trust any of them? Nobody not one person is talking about how to interface with the Jew and how to deal with the Jew. Everybody is third party observers of foreign intrigue when people need to learn how to deal with the Jew face to face. Handling Jewish lawyers. Handling Jewish politicians. Handling Jewish doctors. There isn't one radio show host who knows how to deal with the goddamn Jews. Kaminsky talks a great talk about the Jews but he doesn't come up with any solutions. In order to deal with the Jew you have to learn how to deal with a narcissist. I'm the only guy on the internet who's ever come out and called the Jewish collective narcissist. If you don't know how to handle a narcissist you will always be on the defensive. Ayo is the only one saying what needs to be said. At this point in time I have trust the guy. All these white guys on the networks? I don't trust any of them. I've been on the internet 28 long f****** years. Try explaining to any white person within arms reach of you that the Holocaust didn't happen. All your white friends will cancel you out. At least this guy is speaking a hard truth and he's a lot smarter than most white guys I know.

  37. Lol sounds like you need to get out more and find new friends jew. Save your #AntiWhite diatribe for your fellow jews at NJP.

    'If you want to beat the opposition, you must lead the opposition' mass murderer of White, jew Lenin

    Any White Man that tries to set up an org as an alternative to NJP is doxxed and threatened.

    NJP party platform
    1. requires 2% jews, 13% negroes and whatever percentage of every other race to be in all forms of government, media, banking etc

    2. Race mixing is ok
    3. Black court to judge blacks, jew court to judge jews ... Lmfaooo Whites will be the only ones in jail bc Whites are the only race to hold their own accountable.

    NJP is a Honeypot and the guys that know which personally have publicly started so.

    Enoch was also the only guy let go from the Charlottesville trial, bc jew Roberta Kaplan cannot bring another jew to be judged in a goyim court it's against jew law, and kaplan would be punished for doing so. Enjoy prison dumbass

  38. *The guys that know Mike Enoch (cohen) Peinovich personally and were part of TRS have openly stated Enoch is a jew, they stuck around bc they were threatened

  39. The only one who is a Jew is you. Say it to my face n*****. I'll put you on the ground so m************ fast. You call me a Jew again n***** you deserve a bullet in the head. You're the race trader. I don't entertain Jewish mainstream news like all you stupid mother f****** white people. You just keep sucking that mass media Jew cock all day long and you have no f****** solutions. It's people like you you got no f****** balls to stand up to the Jew. Sarge. Sarge my ass. You're an a******. None of you white guys got the balls to stand up to a Jew lawyer or a Jew politician. What white race are you talking about the ones that sold me out? The biggest problem in this country is the white race sucking the Jew cock all the way down to the bone. It's embarrassing to watch. I could give a f*** about jew vaccines I don't go to Jew doctors. I could give a f*** about Ukraine. I could give a f*** about January 6th.

    1. And yet you're the one on here praising jews and ni88ers while denigrating Whites.

  40. Jesus Christ you are stupid. Can't you read? Are you this drunk early in the day? I don't give a fuck about niggers like you do. I just don't worry about them like you stupid fucking Jews do. White people are sellouts to the goddamn jews. Just like you. You are double minded. Fuck off Sarge you're an asshole. David Duke isn't saying shit. He offers no solutions. Same with Rense.


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